36 ; trust no b*tch

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36 ∞ trust no b*tch

(yes that was an Orange is the New Black reference – that show is life)

Pushing Matt into the pool earlier that night had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now that he was pointing a gun at her, the angry look still in his eyes, Lily felt that maybe she should have thought through her choices a little more. After they'd found out that Matt was the master, they'd gone to straight to their father to tell him – obviously missing out some details about the situation – and convince him that Matt was the killer. It hadn't been easy but they'd managed to convince him to at least look for evidence, heading to the police station. Lily had been sent to the front desk to wait for Melissa when she found Matt waiting there, gun pointed at her.

Gulping, she spoke, "Matt, fancy seeing you here-"

"-shut up," he cut her off, his jaw clenched, "Just do as I say."

Lily closed her mouth, holding her hands up defensively in hopes to calm him. It didn't work at all as he grabbed her by the wrist, pressing the gun uncomfortably into her neck. The cold metal made her flinch but she did her best not to move as he whispered in her ear, "Did you really think you could push me into the pool and get away with it?" She didn't say anything, only swallowing in response, doing her best not to want to cry. He didn't seem to care that he'd received no reply as he pushed her forwards, guiding them to the Sheriff's office.

Everyone paused as they saw Matt push Lily into the room, his grip on her still as tight as ever. Her father met her eyes, obviously trying to reassure her but the fear in his eyes was too great to hide. Holding his hands up defensively, Stilinski attempted to talk to the boy. "Matt?" he spoke, his voice hesitant, "It's Matt, right? Matt, whatever's going on, I guarantee you there's a solution that doesn't involve a gun."

Matt laughed bitterly, "You know, it's funny you say that because I don't think you're aware of just how right you are."

Her father obviously didn't know how to respond to that and Stiles and Scott seemed frozen so he continued anyway, "I know you don't wanna hurt people-"

"-actually, I wanna hurt a lot of people," Matt cut him off, "You guys aren't on my list but I could be persuaded. And one way, is to try dialling somebody on your cell phone, like McCall is doing." Scott froze, eyes wide as he realised he'd been caught. "That – that could definitely," he pressed the gun tighter to Lily's neck, twisting it slightly, "Get someone hurt." Matt nodded his head to the table, "Everyone." They were hesitant, causing him to shout," Now!" Lily flinched, unable not to with him shouting in her ear and gun pressed to her neck.

"Come on," her father nodded to the boys reassuringly, taking the phone out and putting on the desk. They both followed suit, Stiles sending Lily a worried look while Scott kept his eyes on Matt.

From there, he led them to a cell, forcing the Sheriff to sit on a bench while Stiles handcuffed him. Lily watched stiffly, his arm still gripping tightly to her and convincing her that it would definitely bruise. Matt wasn't pleased with how tightly Stiles put them on as he growled, "Tighter or else you'll be cleaning your sister's remains off the floor."

Lily wanted to tell him not to listen to Matt but before she even could, her father urged Stiles on and the boy tightened the handcuffs considerably. Yet again, they found themselves being led out to somewhere else by Matt, moving rather slowly out of reluctance but still moving because they knew the risks. While walking past a hallway, they noticed a pile of police bodies, Lily freezing in fear. "What, are you gonna kill everyone in here?" Scott frowned, looking back at Matt questioningly.

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