27 ; funky chicken

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27 ∞ funky chicken

Somehow, Lily was able to keep her voice steady as she said it. In all honesty, she didn't want him to turn her into a werewolf – no offense to Scott and all the other teen wolves (except Erica, offense intended towards her) but that was something she never wanted to be. This was just her way of proving that Derek wasn't giving the bite to people as a gift; he was just using that excuse to justify his actions and make him seem less like the bad guy. Sensing that she wasn't going to get a reply from him anytime soon, she continued, "If it's really the 'gift' you make it out to be, why are you hesitating? Consider this an early birthday present – you can give me the bite and we can spend the rest of our days howling at the moon together and sniffing each other's butts. Imagine how romantic that c-"

"-this isn't a joke, Lily," Derek cut her off, jaw clenched.

"Am I laughing?" she responded, raising an eyebrow. Her face was lacking emotion, the usual spark of amusement in her eyes gone. For the time being, she was dead serious – something she found herself being more often than not lately.

"I can't give you the bite," he shook his head adamantly, mind fully made up. Why was he so against it? It was more than just the hunters and the fact she'd have to learn how to control herself – there was something else to this that he wouldn't admit to her. She wasn't sure whether it was because he didn't trust her or if he was worried that whatever reasons he had would scare her off; both situations wouldn't bode well for her feelings.

"Why not?"

Derek scowled, "I just can't."

"But you can give it to everyone else?" she frowned, crossing her arms.

He shook his head again, jaw clenching on and off, "It's different with them."

"How so?" Lily questioned, "I just want to understand, Derek so I can sort out my feelings. Enlighten me as to why I'm different from all these other people you're turning."

Derek opened his mouth to reply, beginning, "Because I ca-" before stopping himself. "With them, it doesn't matter if-" He paused yet again, shaking his head as if to shake off what he was about to say.

"What?" Lily prompted, "Doesn't matter if what?"

They stared each other down for a long moment, each trying to get the other to back down but both of them were sticking to their corners. "I just can't," he sighed, looking away from her. All this argument had done was confuse Lily more. It made her feel like Derek was keeping even more from her than she'd first expected but it'd also reminded her of how she felt about him. Even then, arguing and doubting him – she felt an undeniable sense of comfort around him, like nothing bad could happen to her with him around. She just wanted to apologise and make out already. All those feelings did were make her resent herself for being so naïve. "You don't even want this Lily," Derek scowled at her, "I know you're just trying to prove a point."

"But even if I wanted it, Derek," Lily scanned his eyes, "You wouldn't give it to me. Would you?"

Derek clenched his jaw, "No, I wouldn't." Lily dropped her gaze from his, shaking her head in disappointment. How could he maintain his insistence that this was a gift when he refused to give it her? He must have realised how it all seemed because he attempted to explain his reasoning again, beginning, "Look, Lily. This isn't what you think... I can't do it because I ca-"

"-Lily!" she heard Stiles call from his room, "Scott's almost done with work so if you're still interested in third wheeling, now is the time to leave!"

Her eyes flickered back to his and she held eye contact, watching as he shut his mouth in annoyance, fists clenching. Sighing, she responded to her brother, "I'm coming! Just give me a second!" Ignoring the frustrated look on Derek's face, she grabbed her bag from the bed, placing it on her shoulder and turning to make her way out of the room. It was Derek's hand on her wrist that stopped her, his skin hot against hers and almost burning her. Twirling to face him, she raised her eyebrows in question, not sure how stable her voice would be if she were to try and speak.

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