Chapter 5

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Aoloa woke the next morning to find Hokulani curled around his feet while Hanale was back to back with him. At first, he couldn't figure out what had woken him, until he realized there was noise in the hall.

Disentangling himself, he cracked the door open to find almost the entire pack sitting outside a closed door to their common room. "What's going on?"

Akamai lifted his head and said, "Ailani's horny again, and Kanoa kicked us all out while he 'deals with it.'"

Aoloa shook his head. "Really? You guys need a room for them to deal with that nonsense. Better yet, why are you all so stuck up on sex? None your other girls seem to have this problem."

Akamai shrugged, clearly uncertain himself.

Aoloa sighed. "Come on in. Just don't go annoying anyone or I'll rip your face of, myself."

As the bulk of the pack came in for a rare opportunity to hang out with the colony when they weren't busy with meetings or Kanoa being a pain, they gazed around in confusion.

Three members of the colony were isolated on various perches. One of the boys was giving another one a massage. Hokulani and Hanale had woken up and were having sex off two one side of the room. Finally, four more were clustered around a video game console.

The pack formed a tight huddle of bodies as they stood near the door, uncertain of how to interact with the colony. A couple of them were glancing up nervously at two of the perched members, who were gazing back at them steadily with no expression on their faces.

Aoloa gazed at them for a moment, himself, before he used several of the cross-bars to join Keaka on her perch. She roused briefly to give him a kiss before settling back in to sleep.

From his vantage, he observed their guests. Without their leaders, they seemed lost. Some even appeared downright miserable. Also, they wore far more clothes than the colony. Why members of the colony ranged from naked to shorts and a T-shirt, all members of the pack had on jeans and T-shirt.

As the pack slowly shuffled towards a corner and the video game system, Pauahi suddenly dropped her controller and snapped, "Back off!" at them. Next thing he knew, Wikolia and dropped her controller as well, and both girls were glaring at the ten pups. Lopaka and Kanuha hadn't dropped their controllers, but both boys had frozen and were obviously listening to what was happening.

One of the boys grew something resembling a spine and replies, "We were invited in."

Wrong thing to say to them, mutt. You're already crowding them when they're being hyper-social.

Pauahi's fingers clenched, her nails sliding forward slightly. "Last warning, pup. Back. Off."

As the mutts looked at each other, uncertainly, Wikolia's hands flexed as well, her nails ready. One of the mutts jostled another forward, and the girls both darted forward, raking their nails across the poor boy's body. His shirt was torn open and bloody scratches appeared even as the girls retreated back to their original position. As the boy cried out in pain and anger, Lopaka and Kanuha turned around, eyes narrowed.

Glancing around, Aoloa saw that Hokulani and Hanale had paused mid-fuck and were watching the conflict as well. Every member of the colony was awake and alert, if not directly observing the conflict.

The mutts, to their credit, were arranging themselves for a fight. Alas, it was one they would lose if they pushed it. "Might I suggest you move away from them before they attack for real, mutts?" he advised.

Backing away, reluctantly, the mutts formed a dog pile next to the door, looking miserable and uncomfortable as the colony studiously ignored them for the rest of the afternoon.

Aoloa found himself pondering the differences between the five groups. The mutts were actually some sort of wolf hybrids. They seemed to have difficulty functioning outside their group, and he'd never understood how they selected their leaders, much less got leaders who functioned when the rest of the pack was so inept.

His colony, by contrast, was crossed with the magnificent felines of the world. It was their private belief they were all descended from tiger and jaguars, though the pack insisted they were just Siamese house cats. Regardless, they were independent and fierce in combat.

The berserkers didn't appreciate being called "the sloth," even though they were crossed with bears. Normally they were very even-tempered, but he'd seen them go on a rampage in battle from time to time. For some reason, the pack seemed to revel in cleaning up the chaos they could cause.

A low growl caught his ears, shifting his attention down to the pack. They were jostling each other again, whether out of boredom or one of their numerous struggles for rank. Unfortunately for them, they had steered into Keaka, who's lithe form was currently tensed and ready to strike.

Are these mutts TRYING to get themselves killed? He watched as four of the mutts turned on her, bracing themselves to strike back at her if she even tried to strike one of them. Aoloa glanced around the room and smiled to himself. This will get interesting.

Sure enough, two of the boys launched themselves at her, getting a kick in the face while Mele dive bombed them from above. Before they realized what was happening, they had two girls throwing them away from their pack and into sleeping members of the colony, who reacted rather... negatively, to being rudely woken up. The four aggressors found themselves fleeing back to the pack with their metaphorical tails tucked between their legs while Keaka and Mele high-fived each other a short distance away.

The rest of the pack was staring at them in bewilderment. "We're solitary. You mutts should know that by now. But we're not that solitary. Clear?" The bloodied combatants nodded silently. "Good."

With peace once again reigning in the colony, his mind drifted to the cast. Crossed with peregrine falcons, they had paired up and mated several years ago. They didn't interact with the others much, but were very effective. They could handle the aerial maneuvering gear necessary to allow tactical strikes deep in enemy territory while flying beneath radar system.

Aoloa had never figured out how the flight gear actually worked. All he knew was it was highly effective when worn by them. He'd seen them perform devastating strikes before his team could properly set up on more than one occasion. Unfortunately, they weren't very good in a stand up fight, do to their small size and light frames.

They stood in sharp contrast with the pod. Somehow, sperm whales had been merged with them. They didn't participate in many missions with the rest, as their size and preference for naval activities made them far more effective on their own. Usually, only coastal missions or those where they helped others in boarding operations involved them.

Kaimana had indicated they sometimes performed their own missions, without anyone else. There were other pods scattered around the island, and they spent a great deal of time resting in the water "talking" with each other. Aoloa thought it was highly unfair that their base was underwater, giving the pods the most effective freedom when not on duty.

Of course, it was all relative. With a little makeup, all but the pod and sloth could visit the surface. There was a private beach they sometimes got to use, where they wouldn't stand out too much as long as civilians stayed away. Add in the fact they were on a small island, and there were actually very few tourists.

A few hours later, Ailani and Kanoa finally picked up the rest of the pack and left the colony alone. He smiled as he heard them getting chastised for causing problems when they were guests, much to his amusement.

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