Chapter 22

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::So how do we do this without giving away our location?::

Hokulani gave him a dirty look before she transmitted a sequence of anonymizing routers to a Tor2 connection. With that done, he uploaded a section of video from their last battle, carefully edited to make it unclear who was being attacked by the UPS forces. The message with the video, posted to the watchdog sites was simple. "They are real."

He'd resisted the temptation to use TopCat45 and settled for UPSInsider98. Hokulani had chosen UPSOutsider98 to post her own, related, video. Several scenes were of the same thing from two different points of view.

::This is going to raise the stakes.::

::I know, but we have to call them out. Let them know we're fighting back. We also need to speed up our travel. We know, now, they've been tracking us by satellite. We can't stop that, but we can use that information to hide more effectively,:: he replied.

She nodded and they left the back yard they were huddled next to. Moving as fast as they could, they made a steady push, paralleling the roads this time while staying covered by the thicker trees on the sides of the road.

One evening while resting, Hokulani said, ::You know they know where we're headed, right?::

::Yeah, but that's a really long border to try to keep an eye on. Do you think they have the resources to watch ALL of it and keep us from crossing?::

She went silent, considering his question. We always used to go on surgical missions. Our strength was limited numbers that struck fast and effectively. We didn't try to use overwhelming forces in sustained offenses. I have a feeling they don't have more than a thousand troops like us, total.

Finally, she raised a disturbing question. ::What if they send humans? We're expensive, but they have to have human troops, too. If they put a force of twenty thousand troops along the Austrian-Swiss border, we'd have a tough time getting through. They also might have some form of automated weaponry.::

::You think we should cut south into Italy?::

::I'd like to go through Germany. That'll be the hardest route to take, which means they'll do the worst job of covering it. We'd have to cross twice, going both in and out. If we pull it off, though, we'll be home free. With Germany being so paranoid about outside influences, we might be able to travel inside Germany with minimal issue.::

Aoloa considered it. ::What if they notify Germany about our presence in their country? Satellite imaging, if it catches us...::

::We keep doing what we're doing. I don't think the UPS will want to give Germany too much information, and they probably don't want Germany to actually catch us, as we'd give away a lot about what's been happening.::

He pondered, then slowly smiled. ::I know how we're getting into Germany.::


As they approached the boarder check point, Aoloa both crouched low in the cab of the semi. The trailer on their stolen vehicle had iron pipes strapped to it. They'd chosen it for its value to the second step of their plan. But first, they had to make it through without getting killed.

From her vantage among the cargo, Hokulani transmitted the information Aoloa needed to steer effectively. The guards would only see a driver-less semi barreling towards them. He swerved to the left and stomped on the gas, taking out several cars that had the misfortune to be waiting. He tried to nudge them, but didn't slow as the border guards opened fire on the vehicle.

Shortly after they'd passed, Hokulani cut the the straps securing the pipes, allowing them to run off both sides of the trailer, creating a barricade on the road for any pursuing vehicles. Now he just needed to wait for her to signal that she'd secured herself for the final stage of their plan.

Once they'd turned a couple corners, he drove them off the road into the forest, taking out several trees before coming to a painful halt. Both of them leaped out of the truck and scurried into the German woods, letting the nanites do their work to heal them.

As they ran through the woods, Hokulani said, ::You're insane! You know that, right?::

::I'm desperate. There's a difference. Now let's get to Switzerland.::

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