Chapter 53

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"Would you knock that off?" a voice shouted from the doorway.

The colony all stopped and looked at a red-faced Colonel Wolf, who was standing in the doorway looking rather agitated. Ten pairs of eyes gazed at her in utter confusion. Finally, Kanuha offered, "Well, if you didn't want us to play video games, why give us a couple systems to play?"

"Not that!"

Pauahi carefully pushed her food tray away. "I thought it was okay to eat it."

"NO! Stop having sex in here!"

Wikolia and Akoni disentangled themselves, but still looked confused. "Were we supposed to be in the hallway?" Wikolia asked.

"Do it in a private room!"

Aoloa finally walked up to her. "Look, this is the room you provided us. Right?" She nodded. "So we're in a private room."

"There are security cameras in here!"

"So? That doesn't mean it's not our room. Nobody else barges in here."

"You're distracting security when you do that! They aren't doing there jobs!"

Pauahi softly offered, "I've never done a human. Do you think we should invite them down?"

Colonel Wolf looked like she was going to have a stroke. "Absolutely not! No sex in this room!"

Aoloa scowled. "Colonel, you have two options: get your security under control, or turn off the cameras. If neither works, I can ask Lopaka to put a video of some deer rutting on the video feed for your security to watch, since they seem to be obsessed with animal sex."

With that, he turned his back on her, grabbed Keaka by the waist, and began expressing his affection for her. It wasn't long after that Wikolia and Akoni resumed where they'd left off, while Pauahi gazed at a camera in the corner of the room thoughtfully.

They heard the door slam shut almost immediately afterwards.


Aoloa, Lopaka, and Johann Klatt sat huddled around Hanale, who was strapped down on an examining table looking nervous. Johann was one of the cybernetics technicians in the German facility who was working with Aoloa as nanite expert and Lopaka as programming expert.

Johann had a number of titanium spikes next to him. "Are you ready? This is probably going to hurt quite a bit."

Hanale whimpered, but nodded slightly anyway. Carefully, Johann began sliding the spikes under Hanale's skin, leaving a pair of lines of holes in each of his upper arms. As each one was inserted, Hanale would cry out softly, but did nothing else. Once that was done, he moved down to Hanale's thighs and repeated the process with longer spikes.

The result was Hanale had six spikes in each arm, and ten in each thigh. They were positioned on either side, out of the way of bunching muscles. Each of his lower legs then had eight black spikes of dense carbon inserted on either side of his calves. Finally, he was released from the table.

"Step one: range of motion test," Lopaka stated.

Hanale moved around the room cautiously. "It feels weird. I can feel them inside. It's not natural."

Lopaka glared at him. "But is there any problems with your ability to move?" Hanale shook his head slightly. "Then get on with the acrobatics. We need a full test of your range of motion."

Hanale went to the gymnastic equipment and began going through a simple routine while Lopaka and Aoloa monitored him. Johann simply gawked as Hanale began flipping through the bars, sometimes using just his claws to catch and pivot.

"Five percent reduction in flexibility with negligible damage incurred," Lopaka observed.

"Rounding spike tips and bending them slightly. They aren't giving way for muscles properly when the bunch sideways," Aoloa replied.

Johann snapped out of it and observed, "We could replace the muscles in his arms. That would take care of a lot of the issues you're seeing."

"No!" they responded in unison, not taking their eyes off the readings.

"But, if you'd just let me..."

"NO!" Aoloa shifted his eyes to the human, a growl in the back of his throat. "We are augmenting, not replacing. You understood this."

Johann gulped and nodded.

"We're down to two percent impairment," Lopaka observed.

"Breaking up the spikes into dot implants." Aoloa ordered the nanites to break each spike into pieces. Once done, he nodded to Lopaka.

"Zero point zero five percent impairment. That's within tolerance and accounted for by the additional weight."

Hanale came to a stop, landing lightly next to them, breathing deeper than normal, but otherwise unaffected by his athletic display.

Aoloa looked at his friend and gave him an evil grin. "This next step might hurt a little." Hanale's grin fell.

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