Chapter 42

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Hokulani sighed before she replied, ::It's either South America, or Africa. I'm still working out which it is. He's being extremely cagey. It looks like they slipped away in the middle of a mission. Thick, tropical jungle after a lengthy plane ride. :: She ran a hand over her head. ::I think it's Africa, but I'm not certain. If we make it to Africa, and have to go to South America instead, so be it.::

He started reviewing the maps. I hate deserts. I fucking hate deserts. The Sahara is a really big desert. As he traced different possible routes, he found himself dealing with two possible scenarios. First, they could go through Spain, somehow cross down into Morocco, and something cross the desert or get on a ship around. Second, they could circle through Greece and Israel down to Egypt, then follow the Nile through the desert until they reached green land again.

::How long will it take to figure out where he really is?::

::I don't know.::

::Africa's not exactly known as a technology hub. We're going to be off the grid a lot. Hang on a sec! If he's in Africa, can you cross reference that with areas he's likely to have Internet access and see if that even makes sense?::

::I can try. I'll do the same for South America.::

He sat back to let her do her thing. This is just not my day.

After a little while, she came back with, ::Nigeria is about it for Africa. Brazil, or a few areas around it, work for South America.::

::Where do you think he really is?::

She looked at him thoughtfully for a bit before she said, ::Brazil.::

::Great. How confident are you?::

::Ninety percent.::

He nodded his head and curled up in thought. Fight our way down to Africa, only to almost certainly THEN have to get over to South America, or just get to South America, with a slim chance we'll have to return? Decisions, decisions. Finally, he looked at Hokulani. ::Do you think Sherpa could help ship a pair of exotic animals to Brazil?::

::I'll find out.::


KingKong34: You're lucky we owe you, you know.

UPSOutsider98: We're aware. Can you do it?

SherpaDerpa: Yeah, but it's not going to be easy. Airport computer systems are extremely hard to get into. We have to spoof the X-ray scanners, documentation, everything.

UPSInsider98: How about I promise not to give you any more piggy back rides? Will that help sweeten the deal?

SherpaDerpa: No! No more of those!

UPSOutsider98: We'll be in close proximity. We can assist with the process.

KingKong34: Yeah, we'll do it. Then we're square, right?

UPSOutsider98: Well, until the next time we bail you out of trouble :)

SherpDerpa: My life is already ruined. I'm sitting in deep cover from now on. We'll get you where you need to go, though.

UPSInsider98: Thanks. Let us know when you're ready to go.

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