Chapter 25

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Aoloa sat in his cell, munching on the fresh rat he'd been provided. They were providing raw meat in the form of vermin as food. For drinks, they got water. Rat is so much better than 'hot dogs', whatever those are. Good thing I'm not a wolf. The isolation would probably drive them nuts. Then again, they'd just shout at each other across the cells.

Between meals, he simply dozed, rousing now and then when there was activity in the hallway, but generally just existing. It was a skill he was good at. There were a few times they'd taken one or the other of them from their cells for further interrogation. After trying to kill me, I feel no loyalty to the UPS. Might as well cooperate. I just hope it pays off soon.

He'd considered using his nanites to get out of the cell, but quickly dismissed the idea. The reality was they'd be detected far too soon, and he was better off not antagonizing them. Especially since they were feeding him well, now.

Finally, both of them were escorted to the interview room again. "The United Pacific States have been sniffing around the area where you entered our territory and got captured." Aoloa nodded slightly. "They are becoming... troublesome."

"If you let us cross into Switzerland, we'll become their problem."

"Or we could hand you over to the UPS. They're the only ones who really seem to want you, you know."

"Unless we can offer you a better idea, of course."

Colonel Jutta Wolf smiled predatorily at them. "Of course."

Aoloa glanced at Hokulani. She looked thoughtful, but he beat her to the punch. "You'd probably appreciate a willing test subject." Hokulani's eyes widened in alarm, but he carried on. "I'll volunteer, if you let her go to Switzerland. From there, she'll be able to get the UPS off your back."

"Wait! No! You don't know what they'll do to you!"

"I'm supposed to be dead. You aren't. Go live." She opened her mouth to speak, then stopped. "That's an order."

Hokulani bowed her head. He was still her top cat. He always had been. Of course, she'd get ideas once she was free. But that wasn't his primary concern.

Colonel Wolf's gaze switched back and forth between them. "One additional condition." They both gave her they full attention. "If she causes us problems intentionally, he becomes a dead test subject."

"Agreed," Aoloa stated.

Hokulani took a while before she nodded slightly. Aoloa was glad the Germans couldn't easily read her expression to know how upset she really was.

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