Chapter 50

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I can only describe it as cyber-voodoo. There's no other word for it. Lopaka had consulted with Aoloa and Hokulani, and then reconfigured all their comms units with a bunch of hardware and software upgrades. He'd also added some new programs to the nanites so they could monitor the comms units for corruption and prevent the types of hijacking they'd experienced.

"Explain the new comms protocols again."

Lopaka gave him a level gaze, then said, "I'm not going to explain quantum entanglement or quantum computing again. Just accept that they have infinite range with no lag. As far as communicating with regular devices, I'm still not going to explain quantum computing or networking protocols again. It just works, and thanks to your nanites, it's not traceable with anything I'm aware of at the UPS.

"We can't be stupid, and we definitely can't tell anyone where we are, but they're not going to get us by tracking us. Clear?"

"Were you always such a prick, Lopaka?"

"Yes, Boss. I was," he said with a grin.

"Any idea how we're going to get Kaholo and Mele out?"

"Nothing solid. Let's wait on the new genetic balance to finish before we try for that. We can try getting into Hawaii, but they're going to be a lot tighter with their checks than the Brazilian authorities were with you."

"And if we try to negotiate with them, anything they propose will be a trap." Aoloa thought for a bit. "We need leverage on them." Lopaka grinned. "What?"

"Leverage we have in spades. The trick is how to use it properly to our advantage." Aoloa's whiskers flicked forward in interest. "I've been logging videos of just about everything and uploading them for a while now. They're on servers that are set to require me to log in periodically and reset the timers before they auto-upload them to Youtube."

"Under what account?"

"Hundreds of them. They'll also be released simultaneously on dozens of torrents. The goal is to overwhelm their ability to stop it. That's why they didn't kill me outright, or cut me off the Internet. They couldn't risk it."

"You've known there were problems for a while."

"Hackers don't trust authority, Boss. I always trusted you, but not our handlers."

"So of course, when I started asking questions, they panicked."

"Exactly. I couldn't warn you, but I was able to save you. I'm glad Hokulani ended up with you, though I know it was hard on her."

"We've done okay. She saved my ass a few times, though."

"And you hers?" Aoloa nodded. "Good. Now lets save all of us. I figure you'll teach us how to use our new abilities. I have a hunch those spears we had wouldn't have done much to stop you."

"They would have been annoying, but you're right. Okay, let's get us all trained up."

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