Chapter 29

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The cafeteria was heavily guarded. "It seems that the good Colonel doesn't want me to have my dinner," he mused aloud as he observed the various cyborgs and soldiers arrayed at the entrances. Frowning slightly, he addressed the guards. "I'm hungry. Let us through."

"We're under orders to prevent that. If you surrender, you'll be taken care of."

Aoloa sighed, then felt a slight distortion in his own perceptions from the comms. "Is that how you're going to play it, Colonel? Going to hack me again?" His vision went dark.

He stood still, listening carefully for movement around him in case he needed to react while blinded. Fortunately, nothing happened, as Jost and Gertrud provided a sufficient deterrent to avoid him being captured. A few moments later, his vision returned.

Aoloa plastered a smile on his fuzzy face, exposing his fangs, and held his arms out wide. Stepping forward, he announced, "Okay, take me into custody. I surrender. Just make sure you feed me well in prison."

Two heavy cyborgs stepped forward and grabbed his arms. They started marching him away from the cafeteria, then abruptly stopped. "Problems, gentlemen?" The two said nothing, then released him and turned around to face their fellow guards in front of the cafeteria. "Guess not."

The human soldiers glanced at each other nervously before lifting their weapons and aiming them at him. Their line of fire was promptly blocked by the, now four, cyborgs that were serving Aoloa. "Halt! Nehmt ihn fest!" one of them shouted. The three heavy cyborgs and Jost steadily advanced on the guards. "Folgen Sie Ihrer Aufträge!"

"Look, I don't think you guys understand. I'm hungry. I want to eat. Last chance." Aoloa's claws tensed against the palms of his hands.

"We're under orders to take you in, Aoloa." Instead of surrendering, he punctured the palms of his hands as he rushed forward, flicking blood at them. "What the hell kind of tactic is that shit?"

Ducking behind his guards again, Aoloa stopped and waited. The change took a few moments, but as one, the cyborgs among the guards suddenly turned and arrayed themselves against the human soldiers. "Secure them please. I'd like to eat without further disruption. Oh, and since I know you're watching, feel free to come visit me, Colonel. I'll treat you better than you treated me."

With that, he entered the cafeteria, went behind the counters, and snagged a raw steak for himself. In no time, he was eating the best meal he'd had in a while.


As Aoloa was finishing his second steak, a wall panel came to life. "Very nice. You got your meal. What now, Aoloa? You don't really believe we'll let you just walk out, do you?"

He glanced over at her image. "No, I don't. However, I do advise it. My attitude towards you will affect how I leave."

"Look, just because you've somehow compromised a number of our cyborgs doesn't mean we'll allow you to just leave."

Aoloa gazed at her steadily. "Yes, well, all I wanted was to be allowed to live in peace. Lots of people don't get to have things the way they want them." With that, he popped the last bit of steak into his mouth and stood up. "I wish I could say it's been a pleasure."

They left the soldiers, unarmed, in the cafeteria and headed for the exit to the main building. When the reached the exit, he called out, "Last chance to make this easy, Colonel Wolf." The door didn't unlock. "The hard way it is," he muttered.

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