Chapter 51

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SherpaDerpa: Good to see you again. What kept you?

UPSOutsider98: The Internet had become unsafe.

KingKong34: Still, it's good to have you back. Everything sorted.

Char43_61_74: No. There are still some problems. However, a few issues are addressed already.

SherpaDerpa: If you need any help, just let us know.

UPSInsider98: We can't do that to you. Things have escalated. The stakes are higher.

SherpaDerpa: We're global.

Char43_61_74: You're also vulnerable.

UPSInsider98: There will be no more face-to-face meetings. For you to see us would be for things to have gone so bad the world is in trouble.

They dropped the connection and eyed the São Luis port. ::Ready?:: Aoloa asked.

::Ready!:: they all chorused back.

They charged the end of the dock and leaped, catching the hull of the cargo ship and rapidly scaling up the sides. Once on the deck, they slipped down into the cargo area and made entry into one of the crates next to a frozen beef crate.

::Viva la France!:: Hokulani muttered, sarcastically.


::After a week of frozen beef, I'm going to be SO ready for something fresh,:: Hanale muttered.

::Snails are overrated,:: Aoloa quipped back at him. ::Though the German food isn't bad. We'll have some good German sausage, if we're really unlucky.::

::If I didn't know you better, I'd say this plan is crazy,:: Hokulani added.

::But you do know me.::

::That's why she doesn't say it, she just prays she'll survive it,:: Lopaka chimed in. ::You're dangerous to be around, you know?::

::No casualties, yet. I think we need this to pull things off.::

::I know. That's why I agree to this insanity,:: Lopaka admitted, resignedly.

They clambered out of the ship at the port of La Rochelle and slipped out under cover of darkness. Despite the darkness of night, the minarets of the French Caliphate were still clearly visible, especially from the rooftops.

Suddenly, their HUDs lit up as helicopters swooped in. ::Fucking Caliphate paranoiacs!:: Wikolia griped. The females hopped on the nearest male's shoulders when the helicopters swooped in and were thrown at the choppers. The result was machine gun fire swung wild as the three choppers suddenly found themselves under attack. Hokulani ripped open the door on one of them, and soon had it crashing to the earth as she jumped off. It wasn't much after the other two lost their pilots, followed by their altitude.

They sprinted their way out of the city, eager to be away from the equipment. Unfortunately, their pursuers weren't inclined to cooperate. A barricade had been set up at the edge of the city. Veering sharply right didn't really help, as the vehicles were able to keep up with them.

::Any suggestions, Lopaka? I'm all ears.::

::They're manned vehicles, with radio communication. Unfortunately, none of us are any good at French.::

::No chance to jam the signal?::

::This isn't the fucking movies, Aoloa!::

::Weapons systems?::

::Depends on what they try to use against us. Missiles I could work with, but the reality is we're better targets for machine guns. ::

Aoloa frowned as they continued running. As they passed a camera, he suddenly smiled. ::Fall back into the city! Lopaka, Hokulani, they're following us with the cameras. Once we can breath, make us disappear.::

The retreated back into the city, then paused on a roof while their hackers did their magic. After a few moments, they could hear the vehicles moving away off to their left. ::Go!:: Lopaka ordered. They fled the city, happy to be well out of a Caliphate stronghold.

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