Chapter 68

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UPS Naval One was flying east over the Pacific towards Mexico while the colony lounged about. Jarvison hadn't received any further injuries. "Who thought we'd be going to Monterrey, Mexico for a vacation?" Mele exuded.

"Not me," Kaholo grinned. "I was getting tired of being cooped up, just the two of us."

Aoloa glanced meaningfully at Hokulani before he said, "When we land, be ready to move."

Mele looked confused, "But we're still a ways out, aren't we?"

Aoloa knocked on the pilot's door. When it opened, he simply said, "Land in Chihuahua. Now." The pilot nervously nodded and started radioing in a request for an emergency landing. Turning to the colony, Aoloa simply said, "Suit up. We're out as soon as we touch down."

Everyone but Mele and Kaholo simply obeyed. The two rescued members soon took the cue and followed suit, encasing themselves in the protective armor. A couple minutes later, they heard the sound of the plane's wheels on tarmac. Before it could come to a stop, they popped the door open and were out, dashing across the airport tarmac before security could realize what was happening. By the time the police cars reached their location, they were over a fence and disappearing into the brush.


Two days later, they dove into the Rio Grande, leaving a pack staring at them in confusion as they swam towards the US border. Suddenly a shout went up. Looking back, Aoloa saw the pack diving in after them.

::Dive! We're finishing them off, then we're going to the land of the free.::

The pack wasn't prepared for amphibious jaguars. They were pulled under and slaughtered one by one. Once that was done, the colony slipped through the Texas border fence and proceeded to lose themselves in the middle of nowhere.


Aoloa looked over Yosemite Park and smiled. ::It's perfect,:: he said.

::It is,:: Hokulani agreed. ::Finally, we can rest.::

::Well, mostly. I have a few other things I want to get done.:: Hokulani raised an eyebrow at him. ::We're not just going to survive, we're going to breed. Also, I want to reach out to the locals. If we can offer them safety from larger wildlife and assistance in winters, in exchange for secrecy, then we might be able to operate a bit more freely. Sound good?::

::Who are you planning to breed with?::

::I've got at least one female that caught my eye. Smart, sexy, and tough as nails.::

::And when do you think you'll figure out how to let us breed?::

::About three months ago. It'll take a little bit for the nanites to correct the blocks, but we should all be fertile soon.::

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