Chapter 61

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After careful thought about their history books, they'd realized they stood no chance of an aquatic invasion of the UPS. As a result, after hitch a ride underneath a ferry from Lazarev to Sakhalin Island. Now, having worked their way down to the southern tip, they were facing a twenty mile swim south to Japan.

::Any ideas about dangers we're facing with this?:: Aoloa asked. They'd gone over it before, but this was a "no going back" situation.

::Sharks,:: Kanuha observed.

::Japanese navy,:: Wikolia added.

::The UPS anticipating this,:: Hokulani chimed in.

::The UPS doesn't have military jurisdiction in these waters, outside of UN sanctioned missions. There are no hostilities currently between Japan and Russia that would warrant their presence. The most we're likely to get is increased Japanese efforts to locate us, with a solid chance of fan-girls thinking we're "kawaii!" if they see us.::

::And middle-aged pedophiles wanting to rape half of us,:: Keaka chimed in.

Akela nudged her playfully. ::You've been fantasizing about a human dick ever since I asked if they were different from theirs,:: she said, indicating Lopaka and Hanale.

::Yeah, but I was thinking about a college boy, not some fat, middle-aged salary-man,:: Keaka pouted.

::We can still go back and try for a giant Russian,:: Akela pointed out.

::Nah, too violent. I want Japanese reverence,:: Keaka teased before Aoloa had had enough.

::We'll deal with how to rape Japanese men later. Any reason not to go in?::

Everyone shook their heads, and then they dove in, prepared for a five hour jaunt in the water, assuming nothing interrupted them.

The first three hours were boring, but then they spotted a ship above them. Listening in on the radio chatter, they determined it was a Japanese vessel and hooked onto the hull. The size and nets it was dragging made it clear it was a small craft fishing vessel, probably doing daily fishing and bringing the catch in for sale.

With that in mind, they all agreed to attach to the boat and let it carry them through any security that might otherwise detect them. It extended their stay in the water by several hours, but got them into the Soyamisaki port without trouble from the aquatic devices they were able to pick up.

Once night fell, they were able to move inland through... farms. Lots of farms. It was several miles before they reached mountainous forest and could finally take a break. ::Who knew Japan had so little countryside?:: Wikolia muttered.

::I did,:: Keaka replied, ::But it still beats turning into whale food.::

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