Chapter 56

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The ten figures slipped out of the military base shortly after nightfall at a low run. They were all black as the moonless night. They dodged spotlights as they ran to the electrified fence, then scaled it and dropped down on the other side. Once there, Aoloa made a flicking motion through the fence. At first, nothing happened. But then a pillar made of solid nanites slowly rose from the ground, eventually stopping as a three foot wide, eight foot tall pillar of the things.

"Deal completed, my good Colonel," he whispered.

They dashed off into the night, avoiding patrols that didn't even realize they'd left early.

::She's going to be upset when she realizes we're gone,:: Lopaka observed.

::Of course, but only because she doesn't get to screw me over this time. I think this will be my last dealing with Germany. I dislike the lack of honor they've exhibited. At least with the Caliphate, you know what you're dealing with,:: Aoloa replied.

Hokulani just smirked as she replied, ::Yet you keep dealing with them. I think you like the challenge.::

::I won this round. Think I'll quit while I'm ahead.::

There were chuckles over the comms as they charged to the Swiss border. An hour later, when they saw the cyborgs arrayed in front of them, the laughter stopped. ::Fight or flight?:: Hanale asked.

::Negotiate. I recognize a couple of them,:: Aoloa replied. With that, he opened a channel on their military signal and stated, "I'd appreciate it if you stand aside, Jost. It would be a shame if there were any unpleasantness like last time."

"That's not my call to make, and you know it, Aoloa. Stand down. You left without permission."

"I left before your Colonel could betray us again, but did leave her with the promised exchange material. Of course, the codes to deactivate its defense mechanisms have not been provided. Those come when we're across the border."

There was a pause on the connection, then a new voice came over. "Very clever, Aoloa. I underestimated you."

"I learn, Colonel. Have your soldiers stand aside, or we'll fight through them and leave the nanite pillar as a time bomb for you to try to defuse. I was honest when I said Johann was getting the hang of controlling them, but I'm not sure he can work out what I've done in time to stop it."

There was another pause before he heard the angry order, "Let them through!"

The colony slipped under the electrified fence one by one. When Aoloa was in the no-man's land, he flicked at Jost and said, "Run into the pillar Jost. You have two hours to get there." With that, he ducked fully onto Swiss soil and took off into the night.

::What if they hadn't been there to get the release?:: Hokulani asked.

::We'd have gotten to the checkpoint in plenty of time for them to get the release nanites within the next eight hours,:: Aoloa chuckled.

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