Chapter 58

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Traveling across Russia during the spring thaw proved to be a rather chilly experience at times, especially since they were spending time in pine forests, as much as possible. Little direct light made for a chilly experience. Wearing their armor proved to increase the insulation effects of their fur considerably, however, and they found it wasn't a bad experience, overall.

What did prove rather troublesome was the combination of various primitive sensors. They were particularly fond of various motion sensor technology that tended to go off whenever they crossed roads. It seemed the Russian government had gotten more controlling in recent years, and liked to keep close tabs on their citizens. Irregular wildlife also caught their attention.

In the past, getting caught by the local military meant a minor skirmish. In Russia, things worked a little differently. ::This would be a good tiiiiiiiiiiimmmmee!!!!:: Aoloa screamed over the comms as he tried to get out of the way of a missile headed towards him.

Abruptly, it swerved up and to the right before crashing into the ground several hundred yards away. ::Sorry about that,:: Lopaka apologized. ::They seem to have figured out clustered missiles cause us more problems.::

::Maybe if we control the jets and helicopters instead?::

::Yeah, that's just a giant firewall for the cyborg who's controlling the fly-by-wire missiles. They still don't really trust machines.::

::No wonder we sank so many of their subs.::

::At least they're giving us lots of practice. Hokulani and I are handling them pretty well, but if they don't knock it off soon, I'm going to blow up a few of their planes to make a point.::

The sound of machinery approaching caught their ears. Diesel motors. Caterpillar treads. ::Fucking tanks?:: Aoloa whined.

::Let's show 'em what a few anti-tank personnel can do!:: Hanale shouted in eagerness, before charging towards the sound of the modified T-14 Aramatas.

Aoloa loped after him before leaping into the trees closer to the vehicles. His desire to remain hidden was dashed when machine gun fire started chewing up the trees around him. ::Focus on the machine guns. Without those, they're reduced to shells, which will be much less effective against us,:: he ordered.

Quickly, the ten felines descended on the four tanks that had approached. By the time they arrived, they were in full combat mode and began attacking the machine guns with titanium claws coated in monowire their nanites maintained. It took a little effort on such large objects, but the machine guns were fairly quickly inoperative.

Shouting from within the tanks warned them something was up. One of the tanks turned on another and unleashed a flamethrower. The felines on the toasted tank were forced to flee, but the ones on the flame thrower flicked some destructive nanites into its chamber, and they were soon rewarded with an explosion from inside the tank. The tank in question ceased moving after that.

For the remaining three tanks, they settled for disabling the treads before they retreaded back into the forest to resume their trek through Russia. ::Maybe we should have sailed out of India,:: Aoloa muttered.

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