Chapter 7- A Special Day (Part 2)

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I wake up all alone on the couch, with the end credits for Eclipse rolling. Wait... If I fell asleep during the second movie, but the third movie is playing...
"Louis!!!" I shout. He comes running back into the living room with a scared look on his face.
"What's wrong?!??" he says, panicky.
"Well, I fell asleep during the second twilight movie but now the third is playing... Did you watch Eclipse? Because I thought you hated twilight..."
Louis stares at me, angry and embarrassed at the same time.
"First of all, never shout like that again because it scared the living day lights out of me, and secondly, maybe I did watch another twilight just to know what happens because where they leave you at the end of the second is such a cliffhanger..."
       All of the sudden I hop up onto the couch and spring onto his back, causing him to stumble.
"Hey! What was that for?!" Louis practically yells, annoyance lacing his voice.
"Nothing really, I just want a piggy back ride. Now, onwards, too the kitchen where some sort of surprise is waiting for me yay!!" I shout, digging my heels into Louis's sides. He yelps and goes forward so I will stop but I just dig my heels in farther, because if I stop now he'll just stop moving and I'll never get to the kitchen.
       When we finally reach the kitchen, my friends are all huddled around the table, facing Louis and I. And of course they have made sure I can't see my surprise. Typical them. I sigh, dropping off of Louis's back, trying to get a better look at whatever my surprise is, but Freddy comes forward and covers my eyes.
  "Keep your eyes closed and I'll guide you to a chair. If you look now, it'll ruin the entire surprise and I know that you'll feel guilty later so don't do it..." he says and I sigh again, knowing that he's right, the guilt will eat away at me from the inside later if I ruin the surprise now.
"Fine," I say.
"Good girl," he replies with a smirk, knowing I hate it when he says that. I squeeze my eyes tightly as Freddy leads me to a chair and sits me down.
"Don't open them yet!!" squeals Kora, sounding super excited.
"Ok, ok! Sheesh..." I say. I hear them all mumbling things for the next minute or two when finally someone says "You can open your eyes on 3. 1.... 2.... 2 1/2..... 3!!"
I open my eyes and find an assortment of newspaper wrapped gifts and in the middle of it all, a dozen of lopsided cupcakes with blueish frosting.
"Thank you guys so much!!!" I squeal. This is the best birthday I think I've ever had.
We all eat the cupcakes and enjoy our time together as one big dysfunctional group of crazy friends.
A.N. Hey everyone!! I want to know if you guys like my book, so please leave some comments about what you do and don't like,

P.S. Sorry if you don't like this or it doesn't seem realistic in any way, this is my first book and I'm trying my best. Anyway, thank you!!

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