Chapter 22- Powers

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When Louis and I joined the rest of the group, they had pretty much gotten over the fact that we had powers. So we all sat down in a circle, and I explained how you have to concentrate hard and see is anything happens for the first time. They all squeeze their eyes shut. Louis, May, and I all just watched.
     Then something moved. Kora's book started to move around in circles on the floor.
"Everyone else keep concentrating, but Kora, open your eyes." I say.
She opens her eyes and sees the book. She reaches out to touch it but it flies into her hand instead. She steps back, shocked by her new power.
     "Telekinesis!" I say excitedly.
Everyone else opens their eyes. Kora slowly calms down enough to sit back down. She stares at her book with lots of concentration and it slowly drags itself towards her.
     "Everyone keep concentrating, you may have cool powers too!" says Kora.
"Oh wait, Marie come here, I forgot to heal your arm," says May.
Marie scoots over and May places her hand near the break. I can see Marie shiver, but then after a few minutes, she takes her arm out of the sling and starts to move it around.
"Thanks May!" she remarks happily.
Then the weather starts to change.
"That's odd, it was super sunny outside a minute ago." says Louis.
That's when I spot Russ, concentrating his hardest but with tears running down his face. 'Sasha, this is for Sasha, I'll find you Sash, I promise.' I realize that he's the only one still concentrating.
"Russ, stop!" I say. He opens his eyes, wiping his tears.
"Calm down, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts." I say soothingly.
He starts to calm down and the weather starts to turn back to normal.
"Russ, I think you have a power," I say.
"Huh? Really?" he says hopefully, thinking about rescuing Sasha.
"Yeah. I think that your emotions control the weather. So far, it's sunny outside when you're happy and rainy outside when you're sad. I don't know what will happen when you're feeling anything else though..."
"Do you think it could help me find Sasha, if, you know, she's... not dead?" he asks, practically spitting out the last word.
"Maybe, we'll have to experiment with all of our powers later."
"Guys what just happened?" says Caitie.
"Huh? Nothing happened at all," I say.
"Um, you guys all just stopped moving, everything did actually. And I was the only person/thing moving!"
"Can you freeze time?" asks Louis with amazement.
"Well, I guess that would be the only way to explain it, wouldn't it?" I say.
"I want to go to my house," says Freddy. And then he disappears.
"Woah, where did Freddy go?" asks Kora, nervously.
We all look around, worried. But he's nowhere in sight. Kora starts to cry, probably assuming the worst had happened. And then Freddy pops up out of thin air, holding a snow globe.
"WHERE WERE YOU?" Kora asks, embarrassed and frustrated.
"I think I was at my house..." he says. "I said that I wanted to go home, and poof, I was there," he says calmly, as if it explains everything.
"You disappeared!" cries Kora.
"Yeah I guess I can go places, what, teleporting? Yeah it's cool!" he says.
He grabs her hand and asks her where she wants to try and go.
"Um, well, I've never been to Cone Corner..." she says.
"I want to go to Cone Corner," Freddy says. He grabs her and then they disappear.
But they aren't the only ones to disappear. Marie is gone too.
"Guys, where's Marie?" I ask.
Everyone looks around, but from the thoughts I hear, no one has found her.
"Everyone, I'm right here," says a voice that sounds just like Marie's but there is no speaker in sight.
"Um, no, you're not here." says Caitie.
     There is complete silence. From Marie's thoughts, I can tell that she's shocked and scared, too scared to do anything.
"Marie, think about a rabbit appearing from a magician's hat. Maybe you'll appear..." I say.
     Marie appears before our very eyes, eyes squeezed shut as she thinks about a little white cartoon rabbit appearing from a cartoony hat.
"Marie, you can stop now, you're back to normal. Well, at least what we consider normal," I say. She lets out a laugh, but it's a nervous laugh that she forced out.
"This craziness is a little bit to much to handle for me right now, I'll be back soon..." says Louis.
"Yeah, I'm coming with you." I say. He stands up, but instead of walking, he floats.
He comes and picks me up, my arms locking around his neck and my legs around his waist. I close my eyes, breathing in the scent of him, it always calms me down.
I hear a clicking sound but ignore it until I feel warm air brushing across my face. I open my eyes but shut them instantly, regretting opening them in the first place.
We're soaring through the sky, so high that it's hard to breathe and the ground is so small that my head starts to spin.
"Can we please go lower?" I ask quietly, my stomach lurching at the thought of being so high up.
"Yeah, that's alright," Louis says, his arms tightening around me.
"But please don't go too-" I say but am cut off when we're speeding downwards.
My stomach does a cartwheel and I can feel the bile rising in my throat. Louis sees my face and slows down, lowering us to the soccer field outside the school, just outside the overgrowth.
I collapse to the ground, lying there with my cheek pressed against the ground, arms wide, as if I'm trying to embrace it. Louis kneels down beside me, patting my back.
"Are you going to be alright?" he asks wearily. 'This is all my fault,' I hear.
In my head, I know that it's not his fault, it's mine for not telling him sooner that I can't handle slopes like on rollercoasters. Well, there's no fixing it now, the damage has already been done.
I slowly nod my head, raising myself off the ground and brushing myself off.
"Here, let's take you back," he says. 'I don't want to hurt her anymore then I already have...' I hear.
"No, it's fine... but how about we go slower and not as high? And no slopes or crazy rollercoasterish things?" I suggest.
I really do want to go for a fly, just not with all that stuff from before.
"Ok..." he says with a sigh, but I can tell that he's secretly excited.
This time I only put my arms around his neck, seeing if it would work. He holds me in place, making sure that I don't fall.
Then he starts to rise slowly until we're almost level with the clouds. I kiss him on the cheek.
"This is amazing..." I say, really meaning it. He just smiles back.
"Yeah, I guess this is pretty cool." he replies.
And so we glide around and around, testing our new powers.

Yay!! Lots of powers! I hope you guys like it! What power should I give to Nikki? Comment! Thanks for reading!!

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