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----------------2 years later---------------

Autumn's POV
I was sitting on the couch in Louis and I's cabin, hands on my rounded belly. The baby was due any day now, and I had a feeling it was going to be a girl. I was going to name her Charley, after a character from my favorite book. If by a slim chance it was a boy, I was going to name him Charlie also. I know it's a slight difference, but believe it or not, it would change who they were named after.
Kora was also pregnant, expecting around the same time as I was. May and Daniel had twins last year, one boy and one girl. The boy, Nathan, could control others emotions. The girl, Mara, could see the future. The only way I knew this was because I could read minds.
Speaking of reading minds, I was reading little Charley's right now. She was listening to my heartbeat. Kora's little boy, Adrian, had the cutest thoughts, mainly about how much he loved his parents already.
     Freddy and Kora had only gotten married about 10 months ago because of the winter. They wanted to wait until spring to have their wedding.
     Here's some more good news, we found Nikki, Marie, and Caitie. They were taking shelter in the school, along with some other survivors they found. They figured out that the overgrowth around the school was pretty harsh, but it had a weakness to salt. They had sprinkled lots of it to form a door, but decided to keep the rest, just like a wall.
     Anyways, when we found out that they were around, we went to visit. We discovered that they had found 5 guys and a girl, all friends from a different school. Victoria had her eyes immediately on one of them, Seth. He was a bad boy but he treated her very nicely. Soon after, they were together and Seth moved into the village.
     Onto Sasha and Russ. They decided not to have any kids until later in their life because although they loved each other so much, they thought it would be better to have some time as adults, free to do whatever. They had gotten engaged last month and were planning in having a wedding in the near future.
     There's a knock on the door and in come Louis, my lovely husband from working on the town. He comes and sits down beside me, kissing me on the cheek and resting one hand on my swollen belly.
     "Hello Autumn and my little Charley," he says cheerfully. Although he was bummed by the huge chance of the baby being a girl, he got over it quickly. I had made him promise not to be overprotective of her when it came to boys- I was routing for her and Adrian to get together when they grew up. He had promised.
     I feel the baby kick my belly. I moved Louis's hand over to where the baby was kicking and he smiled.
     "I love you, Autumn." says Louis. I start tearing up.
     "I love you too..." I say, tears of joy escaping down my face. He wipes them away and kisses me.
     "I can't wait for Charley to come." he says.
     "Me neither, it should be soon! Any day now!" I say.
"Well, Freddy was gone from the job because Kora is having little Adrian very soon. We should go and visit tomorrow... unless Charley comes before then." he suggests. I nod.
"Alright then..." say Louis.
The next day when we went and visited Kora, I went into labor. So ironic. Later that day, Charley had come into this world. She was a girl and had big, blue eyes. She had dark hair, a round face, and a tiny little nose. She was my pride and joy. Adrian was older by a day and I could tell that they were going to be best friends.
When we took her home, it was terrible. We did not sleep at nights and Louis and Freddy went out to find lots of coffee and some way to make coffee. Kora and I watched the kids together and although we barely slept, we enjoyed it.
     At the current moment, I was holding Charley in my arms, Louis cuddling up next to me. He took her sleeping form from me and cuddled her to his chest.
Charley had developed the gift to make people see illusions. For now, it was just what she wanted like food or a blanket but as she gets older, I'm sure her gift will progress.
Kora and Freddy's little boy Adrian had the power to manipulate water, just like Victoria could fire. It was a lot of fun watching Freddy relaxing and all the sudden end up soaking wet and spooked. The first time was the funniest. He hopped up to go after the culprit, but when there was none, they figured out little Adrian's power.
     Anyways, all of us were together, with or without families. We were once again in our happy group of friends, and no matter what happened, even if civilization were to fall again, nothing could change that. We were the survivors, the new generation. And we were going to rebuild the earth.

Hello everyone. I'm sad to say that this is the last update for rebuilding earth. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me this entire time. I would especially like to thank annabethgranger1403 meliketosmile4 and Cyborg280 for supporting me and my story the entire journey. Thank you for all your support and help with the story.
If you really do want me to write a sequel, I might write about the kids and their lives when they grow up. Tell me what you think.
     And now our book has come to an end. I hope you enjoyed reading this crazy story, written by a crazy 12 year old. Bye!

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