Chapter 47- Good Times

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     A little while after Louis and I arrive at the lake, Freddy and Kora show up along with Cosmos. It's strange for a cat, but Cosmos enjoyed the water and swimming. They greet us and then Freddy barrels into the water with Cosmos who is mewing excitedly. Kora shielded herself from the water they were splashing and ran in after them.
I tugged Louis towards the water. We followed Kora and Freddy into the water and splash around with them. Gradually, everyone starts to show up. We all play in the sun and splash around until everyone needs a break. We eat lunch and sit around, chatting for a while. Then we get back into the water and play.
Later that day, we all walk together back to the big building. Freddy had gone and got Victoria a mattress for when it was time to sleep.
     We all hang out in a circle, talking about what we were going to do in the future. Everyone was so excited to start their lives again.
    "Hey Autumn," one of the girls says. "We should have your wedding soon."
     "Yeah..." I say.
     "Shopping trip!" a number of the girls squeal. I sigh. Not again...
     "Hey babe. What's going on?" Louis asks curiously.
     "They want us to get married soon. Also they're super excited about going shopping for a wedding dress." I say sighing.
     "Well, we should get married soon. How about this- after we finish our cabin we can get married and go on our honeymoon? The others can work on theirs and maybe stay in our cabin until we get back. But you get to decorate it..." he says with a wink. I had already established from the start that I was going to be the one to decorate our house.
     "Are we almost done finishing our cabin?" I ask.
     "We just need to put on the roof and we'll be fine." he says.
     "So it'll be done in a few days?" I ask.
     "Yes. So you might want to get your dress tomorrow. And I suppose that I should get my tux... tomorrow we take another day off. But then we work until our cabin is done, while everyone else is getting the meadow ready." he says.
      We had decided to have our wedding in the meadow, where we had our first date and loved it their. We were going to blind fold everyone and fly them over so they never found out how to get there since it was our secret meadow.
    "Alright. Everyone, listen up!" I say. All heads turned my way and listened. "We're all going to go shopping tomorrow, for the wedding things. I put Kora, May, Victoria, and Sasha in charge of wedding decorations. Guys, make sure that their setup is good, not just how they'd like it. Basically, you guys are all in charge of decorating. I want all of the girls to bake a wedding cake at some point though. Anyways, tomorrow is a day off to help us all find our outfits. After Louis and I's, cabin is finished, we're giving you guys all the time you need to complete the wedding set up. Thank you all and let's go to bed." I say. Everyone claps and cheers, the almost all of the girls bouncing up and down with excitement.
     Louis grabs my hand and we walk down the hallway to our bedroom. Although we played all day and tried to tire ourselves out, we still couldn't sleep. So we lay in bed, facing each other and talking.
     "So, are you excited?" asks Louis.
     "About what? The wedding or shopping. Cuz I really feel like I should go alone." I say.
     "Well, I had the idea that the guys could go dress shopping with you and the girls could come tux shopping with me, so you can choose whatever dress you want. The guys are not picky, trust me. And I hate to say this... you're my fiancé after all but they'll tell you when you look hot. Also I will give them permission to help you zip up your dress but nothing else." he says.
     Louis hasn't ever showed any signs of jealousy before now but I suppose that if I'm in a dress trying to look good...
     All the sudden, someone knocks on the door. I sit up, on top of the covers while Louis answers the door. Freddy steps inside.
     "Guys, I need your help..." he says.
     After Freddy had told us his plan, he left. I was so excited that I wanted to tell everyone, the entire world but I kept my lips shut. They can find out at the wedding.
     Louis and I just sit next to each other now. I rested my head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around my waist.
"What are we going to do now?" I ask him.
"I don't know." he says, starting into my steely blue eyes.
"How about we... go to sleep? The earlier we go to bed, the faster the next day will come." I say. To be honest, I was really excited about dress shopping. I knew the girls were going to be relentless on Louis but I needed a break from them. The boys were just what I needed, not over excited but would tell me what they actually thought.
I close my eyes and rest my head next to Louis's. He kisses the top of my head and I cuddle up to him. I let out a big yawn and he chuckles.
"Goodnight Autumn my love." he says.
"Goodnight Louis, I love you." I say. Then I let the world fade out.
     When I wake up, Louis is still asleep beside me. He wakes up just a few minutes later, smiling at me and kissing me on the nose. We stand up and get ready to go shopping.
When I walk out of our room, the girls are waiting and practically jump on me.
"Ready to go SHOPPING!" screams May excitedly.
"Yeah!" says Sasha.
"Actually, I have a surprise that I'm sure you'll love. You guys get to take Louis! Also, find some fancy clothes to wear to the wedding." I say.
"YAY!" they scream and tackle Louis who just walked out of our room.
"I regret this already," he says with a sigh.
"Bye honey!" I say, racing to find the guys. They're all eating breakfast.
"Hey guys ready to go? They have food at the mall you know and I bet some of that stuff is still good..." I say. They perk up when I mention food and we stand in a circle. Freddy teleports us to a bridal store first.
"Alright, I need to find a white dress with a turquoise bottom." I say.
"What happened to 'bride all in white'" asks Daniel.
"Well, it's a new age. We are probably some of the last people on earth. I don't have any parents here to tell me what to do, wear, cry, everything. So with the dying of all the people goes the traditions... although I'm making you guys all wear suits." I say. Daniel shrugs but listens.
     The boys head off in different directions, looking for a dress that matched my description. I look around for one too.When there's no luck, we head to somewhere with more variety. Macy's.
Inside, we find some short dresses that almost match my description. I decide to take the one that I like the most and try it on. I go into a changing stall and put on my dress. I call the least perverted boy, Russ, into the changing room to help me zip up the dress. He zips it up and I head out of the changing room.
When the boys see me, they gasp. My dress goes down to my ankle, the white on the top fading into a blue on the bottom. It hugs my figure perfectly, and even though I'm not as skinny as a stick, I was still proud of how the dress looked on me. I was going to let the girls do my makeup, which was probably not a good decision, but I also had found and snagged a tiara from tag bridal store.
"You look great!" says Daniel.
"Yeah..."says Freddy, looking away. Good thing he was, otherwise he'd probably be making dirty jokes about me and I wasn't gonna let him do that if he was with my Kora.
"Ok... let me go back and get my old clothes on... do you guys want to go shopping while we're here? Last time I was with the girls and they were brutal." I say.
"Yeah, sure." they say.
"Alright be out in a minute!" I say, heading back into the changing rooms.
For the rest of the day, we walked around the mall we were in and loaded shopping carts with all the clothes we liked, food, and helpful items that we found. We then returned back to our camp and Freddy brought the girls and a tired looking Louis back. We ate, chatted, and hung out. We have everyone another day to put together the wedding set up and get a cake.
Louis and I went to bed and as soon as his head touched the pillow, he was out cold. I silently laughed at how ironic the situation was, since it was usually me who had to deal with the girls. I studied his features and realized that he had changed a lot since the start of this apocalypse, and it had only been about a month since we were in school and not even together. But I loved Louis and this was worth it. It wasn't one of those reckless decisions where a girl fell in love with a guy randomly and divorced a year later. I had been in love with Louis since 8th grade when he came back from those boys, realizing that they weren't his type of people. I was his and he was mine and although we hadn't realized it yet, we were deeply in love with each other.
I smoothed his hair back from his face, where it was getting long enough to just about cover his eyes.
"Goodnight Louis, my one and only love," I say, kissing him on the forehead and then cuddling up next to him and almost falling asleep, when he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him. His breath fans my neck as he whispers into my ear.
"Goodnight, Autumn, my love. I love you." and with that he kisses my cheek and we both fall asleep.

Hello everyone, I'm so sorry it took so long to write this chapter but it's getting kind of emotional for me since there's only one more chapter and then the epilogue after this! I've been writing this book for over a year and I know that it isn't even close to perfection, but I'm happy with the way everything happened. If you're still wondering about somethings, the epilogue will most likely explain it all.
Thank you, THANK YOU, to all of you great readers who have read my book this far. I know that the book's plot sometimes makes no sense and changes direction so many times, but I really am happy that some people have read it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, one of the last, and thank you for reading. Bye!

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