Chapter 24- A Surprise

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Caitie's POV
When Freddy and Kora get back from whatever they're doing, I run up to hug Freddy. He lets me, but doesn't hug me back. I look at him, confused.
"Caitie, we need to talk," he says, glancing at Kora.
"Ok...?" I say, still confused.
We go to one of the far corners of the computer lab, where Louis and Autumn's camp is set up.
"Caitie, I can't exactly have you flirting with me every two seconds anymore," he says, I can tell that he's worried.
"Kora is my girlfriend now, I like her and she likes me and, well, we can't be together, we can be friends though, but please stop flirting with me now." he says.
I stop doing everything. Breathing, thinking, everything, it just stops. But not time. Freddy is still staring at me, serious.
Then I grow angry at Kora. She's sitting next to Freddy, and I lunge at her. But before I get there, Freddy pulls Kora onto his lap and shields her from me. And everything is still once again.
I start to cry, I cry running out of the lab, down the hallway, and our the front door. I run through the thorns, one snags my shirt and I hear a rip but I don't care. I keep running until I'm too tired to continue. Then time starts again and I fall unconscious.

Louis's POV
When I feel Autumn fall asleep, her body relax, her head fall against my shoulder, I know it's time to put my plan into action. I'm going to surprise her.
I have wanted to take her on a date for a while now but I didn't have the materials to set up a perfect one, it's the apocalypse! But now seems perfect, she's asleep and unaware of what I may do next. I assume that sunset will be within the next hour, so I glide through the air to a beautiful place that I found many years ago on a camping trip.
There's a big park near the school with hiking and a small stream that goes through the whole thing for miles and miles, and I went camping there one day with my family. It's a little meadow on the edge of a cliff, with flowers and a picnic table.
I knew it hadn't been used in a while since there were bird nests nearby, would a bird build a nest near a place where there would be human threats? I think not. So I carry Autumn there.
I set her down on a blanket I brought earlier when she was asleep. Then, I go to the raspberry bushes that are in the edge of the meadow. I know Autumn loves raspberries. I hope she loves this date.
When I bring them back, I take off my shirt and lay them on top of it. What! I needed something to put them on so they wouldn't roll away! And, it's hot outside.
I see Autumn starting to wake up. I hope this date goes well...

    Autumn's POV
I open my eyes to a shirtless Louis staring at me contentedly. A sweet smell drifts into my nose. I turn my head to find a pile of sweet, fresh raspberries on top of Louis's now-stained shirt.
"What's all this for?" I ask.
"Well, I've wanted to surprise you with a date for a while now and I though that since you had fallen asleep and we were nearby, well, yeah." he says, still looking at me. "This is my special place, I come up here when I need to think about something or relax. I've never shown this to anyone before, now I'm sharing it with you and I hope that this can become both of our special place together," he says.
I go over to him and throw my arms around his neck. He kisses me on the lips and I kiss him back. He falls back and I continue to kiss him. He rolls on top of me, still not breaking the kiss. We finally break the kiss when both of us are out of breath, but he just kisses down my neck. He works his way back up my neck and I capture his lips with mine again. It goes on and on until the sky starts to get brighter and more color filled. We sit up to watch.
"You know what?" I ask.
"Hmm?" he replies, happily.
"I've never actually seen a sunset before, I know it's surprising but now I'm happy that I get to see it with you in our secret little meadow."
He wraps his arm around me and I snuggle into his chest. We just stay like that, watching the sun until it completely disappears beyond the horizon. 'This date has gone perfectly well,' I hear from Louis. "Yes it has," I agree.
     "I'm going to have to get used to this mind reading stuff," he says. I don't tell him about the blocking thing because sometimes a girl really needs to hear a guy's thoughts, you know? If would make everything so much more complicated.
We decide that it's time to go back to the school since it's getting dark. But before we go I take the raspberries and wrap them up in his shirt. Just saving them for later.
     He picks me up bridal style and we fly back to the school, over the thorns- that's my new name for those demon plants- and back to the computer lab window. I knock on the window and May opens it. Louis slides me in first and follows shortly.
There's a debate going on in the middle of the lab, some people are happy, some are sad, and most are worried.
"What's going on here?" I ask.
"Well, we have some good and bad news, which do you want first?" asks Freddy.
"Well I always take bad first so I can get it over with." I respond.
"Okay, so um, how do I put this? Well, Caitie ran away because she was mad about the good news."
"And the good news?"
"Well, the good news is that Kora is now my girlfriend!"
"Oh, well congratulations on that, and I can see how Caitie got mad..." says Louis.
Well, there's nothing that we can do now, it's too dark outside for that. We can look tomorrow." I say.
Everyone says their good nights and goes off to their sleeping areas. I personally know that I can't get any sleep because I slept just over an hour ago, so Louis and I share the raspberries and cuddle late into the night, wondering how we're going to find Caitie.

Hello! Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

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