Chapter 35- Alright?

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Freddy's POV
I watch Kora sleep, knowing that she's back with me now and that she's alright. She rolls around in her sleep, coughing occasionally. The longer she sleeps on, the worse her cough gets.
After hours of rest, she opens her eyes again. Her cough turned from a small one to a louder one. I think she's sick.
I place my hand on her forehead. It's warm, but not hot enough to be feverish.
"Do you feel alright Kora? You were coughing a lot in your sleep." I ask, nervously.
"I'm fi-" she starts to reply but is interrupted by a coughing fit. She reaches toward a cup of water and it floats toward her but then stops in midair and crashes to the floor.
She lies back, looking exhausted even after hours of rest. Another coughing fit hits her, but worse this time.
     "I'm going to go get some medicine... Hang on, alright?" I say.
     Kora nods and I rush out the door. All the medical supplies we'd grabbed for Louis a few days ago are back at the school. Go to the school, go to the school. I think in my head. And then I'm there.
I grab the bags and zap back. I run to the bakery only to find Kora has stopped coughing. And started to writhe in pain.
I rummage through the bag, grabbing a bottle of pain killers. I dump two into my hand and grab a water bottle for Kora. She opens her mouth, and I drop the pills in. Then I pour some water into her mouth. She swallows, but continues to wiggle around. The medication won't kick in for a while.
All I can do is sit there, see her rolling around trying to get rid of all of the pain. Cosmos sits, howling in the corner. I take it that he doesn't want to see her like this either.
I start to cough a little bit but I keep it quiet so Kora won't get worried about me. She has enough to deal with right now.
After about 15 minutes, she finally stops, the pain either mostly gone or bearable enough to stay still. She looks up at me with watery eyes.
"What's happening? I think I'm sick, you should stay away." she says.
"Well, um... Too late." I say, starting to cough again. She looks at me worriedly.
"I guess we're sick together then," she sighs. "But we shouldn't allow anyone else to come in here in case they get sick too."
     Just then, May busts through the door. She walks over, looking a t both of us.
     "Is she ok?" May asks me.
     "Well, I think she's sick and well, whatever she has, I caught it too." I reply.
     May looks at me disappointedly.
     "Well, I guess everyone's gonna take care of you guys now. We'll have shifts of who takes care of you guys and when." says May.
     "Isn't that what your not supposed to do? We're gonna get everyone sick. Freddy's only been here a few hours and he's already caught what I have, making me believe that this... Sickness is highly contagious." says Kora.
     "Well, I'm out of ideas. Do you have any better ones?" May asks, hands on her hips.
"Not exactly, but give me some time to sleep on it and I'm sure I'll come up with something better..." Kora says.
She rolls over on the counter, her back now facing May. May huffs a frustrated sigh and storms out. I pull a chair up to the counter and sit down. I close my eyes, hoping that when I wake up Kora will be alive and healthy as can be. But not every story has a happy ending.
Sasha's POV
     Russ carries the picnic basket filled with some granola bars and cans of food.
     "Come on, you slowpoke!" I call back to him excitedly.
     Earlier, he had asked me on a date. My first date. And so now I was skipping excitedly through the forest. We were in a state park, nature everywhere around us. Birds chirping, chipmunks and squirrels skittering across the leafy ground.
     We find a huge meadow, big enough for a few football stadiums to fit in. I grab the blanket I packed from Russ, spreading it on the ground. Russ sits down with me, placing the picnic basket down beside him. He pulls out two granola bars. We don't exactly eat the healthiest things these days, but it's hard to when all the fresh fruits and veggies have rotted and no more are being harvested.
     We munch on our granola bars for a while. When we finish, there's an awkward silence between us.
     "Sooooo... Um, what's your favorite color?" I ask, trying to break the silence.
     "I thought you knew this! It's red. I've told you this so many times before!" he answered, sounding annoyed, yet playful.
"Well, you've never told me what your favorite type of tree is."
"Why would I have a favorite type of tree?"
"Why wouldn't you...?"
"A spruce tree I guess?"
I start to laugh, the conversation to funny to stand anymore. Russ laughs along with me. I feel his hand take mine. I stop laughing abruptly, turning to look at him. He stops laughing too and out eyes lock. Slowly, our heads come closer and closer until our lips are connecting.
     This is just a sweet, little kiss. Nothing big, crazy, too romantic. Just a sweet, little kiss.
     Our heads pull apart, our eyes locking again. I sit back on the blanket, staring up at the sky.
     "Hey Sash? I was wondering if you um... Wanted to dance with me?" Russ asks quietly.
     "Sure! But where are we going to get music?" I ask.
     Russ pulls his phone out of his back pocket, typing in his passcode and going straight to his music. He selects a playlist and turns up the volume. Then, he places the phone on the blanket.
     We come closer, I put my arms behind his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me considerably closer. And we dance until we get too tired to continue.

Hey everyone! Who's POVs would you like to see more of? Who will catch the sickness? Comment your ideas below! Thanks for reading!!

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