Chapter 43- Midnight

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Louis's POV
At midnight, everyone gathers in the square. We're all dressed in black.
"Let's go guys." I say.
We all stand in a circle, hands joined together. Freddy closes his eyes, concentrating and the world disappears around us. When it reappears, we're standing about 20 feet away from the Eiffel Tower. There are people, living people standing under it.
     I jump into the air, soaring full speed toward one of the figures who was Autumn. But just before I could reach her, I crash head on into something.
The man standing next to Autumn giggles. She just squirms, hands and feet tied and a gag in her mouth. In my brain I hear a whisper of a message and watch her weaken before me.
     "Trap... leave me and save you and friends..." I simply shake my head.
     Our friends come up behind me, staring down the man who had taken Autumn. All the sudden, Autumn's binds and gags are untied by an invisible force and she's teleported to right next to me. Kora is panting from the effort of using her power from such a long distance away and Freddy is helping her out.
     The man growls in surprise, pulling out a crossbow and aiming it straight at me. Autumn gasps and the Mad Master pulls the trigger. She lunges at me, pushing me out of the way as the arrow pierces her calf, right in the spot where I was just standing. I fall and she falls on top of me, panting heavily and groaning in pain. I sit up, pulling her off of me. May comes over and starts mumbling under her breath.
"We're gonna have to pull the arrow out of your leg so I can heal it, ok? Daniel, check her and see if the arrow had something on it." May orders. Autumn nods and May's hands move to where the arrow is. I grip her hand and she looks into my eyes. We never even got to say hello to each other before this madness happened.
"Hi," I say. May's hands move towards the arrow. Autumn smiles at me and then closes her eyes, bracing herself for the arrow to come out. I kiss her on the lips to distract her and her eyes snap open. She looks at me and I know I have her full attention. May seems to realize it too and pulls the arrow out.
Autumn pulls back and shrieks, but May's hands are already healing the wound. After a few seconds, the wound is completely gone. Autumn is still surprised and alert from the arrow and she springs up instantly. I stand up with her. Both of our clothes are splattered with blood, but it doesn't matter.
"Ready to fight?" I ask her.
"Of course," she responds.

                   Autumn's POV
Louis grabs me around the waist and together we shoot into the air. The Mad Master looks at us, a perfect setup so that Sasha could lift the gravity around him. He floated up 10 feet into the air and then fell straight down when the gravity returned. I can see everything from up here and hear everyone's thoughts. Louis hovers in the same spot.
Russ is on his knees, shaking in rage. There is a thunderstorm coming straight at us and only at us. Thunder sounds loud and clear and a bolt of lightening strikes the ground 10 feet from our group. The next bolt strikes right where the Mad Master is.
A protective dome appears around him and reflects it straight at Russ. He's too busy keeping his rage burning to notice and Sasha shoves him away. The lightening bolt misses them, but only by a few inches. The storm immediately subsides, replaced by a fog. Russ is sprawled out on the ground, a shocked look on his face. Sasha landed on top of him and immediately got up and pulled him with her.
A wall of fog comes between the Mad Master and everyone else. Nobody knows what will happen, what the person/people on the other side are doing.
Suddenly, something on our side starts to glow. Louis sets me down on the ground and flies back up in order to see what the Mad Master is doing. I creep towards the light.
Victoria is floating, her arms out and eyes glowing a fiery orange. Around her, there is a fiery circle. She lets out a shriek before continuing on to say,
"You took Autumn from us. That I will never forgive you for."
The wall of fog starts to thin as Russ is trying to keep his emotions under control, thinking happier thoughts. How we were going to win this battle. How that man would be locked up or killed and we'd never be in danger from him again. How he and Sasha were going to get married and-
I stopped listening there and focused on Victoria. She seemed to be... controlling the fire. Louis immediately swooped down when the wall of fog completely subsided and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me back a few steps from Victoria, worried I would get hurt. I struggled until he released me, then reassuring him that she wouldn't. How I knew was a mystery to him.
I walked a bit closer to Victoria.
"Victoria, focus on him and then think about what we want to do. What I want you to do is encircle him in a circle of tall, scorching hot flames so that he can't escape. He won't hurt anyone we'll make sure of it." I say to her.
     The flames surrounding Victoria zipped across the ground, to the Mad Master. They encircled him and when he tried to escape, the flames he went close to burned hotter and taller. His hands went up in surrender.
     Freddy zapped away for a second and reappeared with a rope in his hands. He zapped into the circle of fire, tying the Mad Master's hands behind his back.
     Victoria slowly floated back down to the ground, her eyes once again normal. The fire dissipated and the ground looked as if it had never existed.
     Freddy zapped forward.
     "I'll take him back and lock him up. It won't take long. Then I'll come back for you guys." he says. We all agree and he zaps away.
     As soon as the danger is gone, Louis twirls me around and hugs me tight. I hug him back, tears streaming down my face.
     "Autumn, I was so worried about you!" he says.
     "I was kinda worried but I knew that you'd come and get me." I say.
     "I'm glad you're back."
     "I'm glad that I'm back with you."
     Somebody taps me on the shoulder. Louis let's go of me and I turn around to see all of my other friends. I hug them all tight, vowing that I won't let anything happen to them again.
     Freddy zaps back sometime during the group hug and when it's done, we all stand in a circle, holding hands and we're back.
     We appear in a prison, where the Mad Master is already attempting to escape, using a file to try to cut away the 10 inch thick steel bars.
     We all walk inside the cell. Louis and I approach him, Louis crossing his muscular arms over his chest, glaring at the man.
     "We want answers." I say.

A. N. Hello everyone, I'm sorry it took such a long time for this chapter and I know it's terrible but there were some issues so that I couldn't make it the way I wanted to because no one had powers to attack him! So I had to give Victoria an offensive power instead of the cool power and plot twist that came with it! Sorry. But anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and I promise the next chapter will be better! Thanks for reading!

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