Chapter 34- Back or Gone Again?

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                     Autumn's POV
     Freddy collapses on top of Kora's unmoving body. He sobs, sobs of pure sorrow.
     I bury my head in Louis's shirt, while he wraps his arms around me, burying his head into my shoulder. I don't think anything will ever be the same.
     May is still holding onto Kora's hand, her eyes squeezed shut, deeply concentrating, like she could bring Kora back to life. And that was exactly what she did.
Kora's chest starts to move, only a little but it still means that she's still alive. Freddy stops sobbing when he feels her chest moving, jumping off of her so she could breathe. Her breathing starts to get steadier, her eyes start to flutter. I tug myself out of the embrace, turning around to see what was happening to Kora.
"Water..." she says weakly.
     Freddy rushes to get her a cup of water. I know that he's willing to do anything for her, as long as it means he gets to keep her.
     He hands her the glass and she gulps it down. Then she extends her arms to Freddy. He picks her up, swinging her around and hugging her tight with a strong grip.
     "I love you so much Kora. Please don't ever leave me again..." he mutters into her hair while planting kisses all over her face. She just giggles.
     "I don't plan on leaving any time soon. Now, what happened when I was out?" she replies.
     "Well, actually, you were only out for like 15 minutes tops, so not much at all... Autumn and Louis are back, but that's it." Freddy answers.
     "Really? The pa- I mean dreams felt like they lasted forever." she says nervously. I can tell she meant to say pain, but Freddy would've flipped out if she'd said anything like that.
     Louis wraps his arms around my waist, drawing me closer to him. I don't think he wants anything to do with me and pain ever.
     "Cosmos! Where's my baby? Is he ok?" asks Kora frantically all of the sudden.
     "I'll go get him, be back in less then 2 seconds." says Freddy. He zaps away and returns within 2 seconds with a little orange kitty cat in his arms.
     "My baby! Are you alright?" purrs Kora. Cosmos purrs back. Everyone else just laughs. Then her laugh turns into a cough.
"Time for you to get some rest now I think... Freddy will stay here with you, I'll find somewhere else to sleep." says May. Kora just nods, still too busy coughing to answer.
     Louis and I walk out of the building that was once a... bakery? Odd. Well, back to doing whatever we were gonna do now.
     What should we do now...? I hear in my head from Louis.
     I have no idea... I think back at him even though I know he'll never hear me.
     Me either... he responds.
     "Wait... did I just hear you in my head? 'Cuz I don't think that that's supposed to happen..." he says, bewildered.
     "Did you hear me when I tried to respond? I said 'I have no idea'" I reply to him. 
     "I did hear you... this is strange. Anyway, how about I fly you to a house and we get some food?" he says.
     "Why not? Flying is fun!" I say.
     I hop onto his back, piggy back style and slowly he starts to float up into the air, higher and higher and higher until we're just about 50 feet above the ground. Then we're soaring like a bullet through the sky. I didn't know he could go this fast... and then we stop.
     W-what just happened?? Is Autumn ok? What if she's hurt?! It's all my fault! I hear from Louis's mind. Not again...
     "Louis, I'm fine. A-OK. But I didn't know you could go that fast..." I say.
     "Neither did I," he mutters under his breath, thinking about the reasons why he's going so fast.
     "Our powers are getting stronger... aren't they?" I whisper, the realization hitting me like a truck. "They're evolving, we can do everything we could before and now new things, but maybe say... 2x better then before."
     "That's it! That's why I went faster, why I could hear you, why Kora came back to life... this is cool!" says Louis.
     "Yes, but it could also be very problematic. What if we don't know how to control our new powers? Some of them could be dangerous, someone could get hurt. Like Russ' powers. What if he accidentally hits someone with a bolt of lightening? We won't know how to control them... heck, we don't even know how to control our powers in the first place yet! We're all in danger now..." I say.
     "We need to start training with our powers, getting them under control and possibly ready for battle. That man who came for Kora, he tried to kill her. We need to be prepared in case that ever happens again." Louis says.
     He lowers me to the ground, hand in hand we walk to the nearest house and grab a few cans of food. I grab a can of chicken noodle soup because it's my favorite and Louis grabs 2 cans of mixed vegetables. Then, we go outside, sitting on the lawn to eat our food.
     There's a playground nearby so we walk to it and I sit down on the swings. Louis pushes me. Up, up, up I go, swinging higher and higher with each push of Louis's strong arms. Until we hear a growl coming from behind us.
     Louis stops the swings slowly, no sudden movements. Then we both turn around to face whatever made the noise. There's a big cat, the size of a tiger and with the same face, but different colored fur and pattern.
     Louis pulls me towards him, slowly and then we shoot into the air, just as the cat-tiger thing springs at us. It lets out a strangled cry below us as we blast away.
"Well, we should probably go tell the others about this..." I suggest to Louis.
"Yeah... let's go," he says.
We fly through the air towards camp. Everyone is acting casual except Kora and Freddy who are still inside the bakery.
"Guys! We just say some sort of mutated cat thingy. Be prepared for crazy things to happen..." I say. I sound like I'm a psychopath. And everyone else's minds agree with that. Except Sasha's.
I turn to face her.
"Have you seen a... cat-tiger thing before?" I ask.
"Yes, I was mad at Russ for being stupid so I ran away and I was in a house to get some food when it found me. That's how I found my new power!" she says.
Suddenly, Louis, Russ, Sasha, and I and also everything within a 10 foot radius was floating off the ground. It was like swimming in a pool, but in midair.
"Cool!" says Louis.
I start to roll around in the air. It's so much fun.
"Guys, I don't know how to control this... I'm going to try to drop the gravity now..."
My feet connect to the ground with a thud. Louis lands on his hands and knees. Russ... not so much. He hits his head.
"You ok Russ?" I ask.
"Yeah, I'm fine." he replies.
"Well, we're gonna go to sleep now," I yell to everyone. "Good night!"
Then Louis and I walk of into the darkness to find a place to rest for the night.

Hello everyone! I hope you liked this plot twist filled chapter. Thanks for reading!

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