Chapter 23- Awakening

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                       Victoria's POV
     I wake up to light all around me, my back and neck hurting for resting in an awkward position. I stand up, stretching to get the aches out of my back and I feel strange.
Then I remember that weird little voice and the ball, I was in the ball right now! But this time it had a little door opened. Was it safe to leave?
I carefully stand up and lightly make my way toward the door and opened it. There was no going back now. I pop my head out, looking around. There was nothing visibly dangerous. In fact, the house was just the way it had been.
Were my parents safe, my siblings too? Even though we didn't always get along all the time, I would be sad if they were all dead. Well, except for one or two of them but you get the picture. I had 8 siblings, 4 boys and 4 girls, not counting myself. I was the middle child. It's tough.
Anyway, I hope they made it. They were all going to my sister, Makayla's soccer game. She's 12 and also pretty good at soccer. It's her life. Me, I just like to read and run around sometimes in the meadow that is our backyard.
I step out of the ball. Nothing was moving. I look through the window and see everything is normal, just lots of thick, overgrown plants. I feel like Sleeping Beauty.
How long have I been asleep? The voice said it would only be a few days, 5 maybe 6? But all of this couldn't have happened overnight, could it?
I start heading towards my room, through the kitchen. You'd think having 8 other siblings that you'd have to share a bedroom with someone but well, everyone older then me has already moved out. Gone. So now we all get our own rooms.
On my way through the kitchen, I grab a snack. Mmm, a yummy granola bar. Then I walk down the hallway and enter the last room on the left. Inside is my bedroom, the walls all painted ruby red, the carpet black. There was my little vanity next to my closet on one wall and my bed on the opposite side.
Home sweet home. This is where I spend most of my time reading. And doing homework. And pretty much half the stuff I do.
I plop down on my bed, closing my eyes. This is what comforts me, just laying down on my bed. I just hope that everyone's ok.

                           Kora's POV
     Freddy grabs my hand and my friends disappear, being replaced by plastic coated red tables with little umbrellas over them in case it rains. A sign to my left says:
Cone Corner. Established 1997. Don't scream, we'll give you ice cream.
     Wow. That's a terrible motto. But I guess it works.
     "I used to work here during last summer." says Freddy.
     "Wow so you know how to operate those ice cream machine things?" I ask, surprised and truly intrigued by that.
     I had always wondered how those ice cream machines work. And how the people got the swirl right every time. Of course, I'd never been to Cone Corner before.
     The last time I'd had ice cream was before Grams died. We used to be close, really close. And we always went out for ice cream together on hot Saturday afternoons. But she lived downtown so we always went to an ice cream shop closer to her place.
     "Can you make me a sundae?" I ask. I've missed those hot fudge banana split sundaes. They we the best.
     "Sure, I'll make us one." he says. Wait, did he just say us and one? I feel my cheeks begin to redden but I answer still with a small and timid ok.
He jumps over the counter, throws on an apron and a hat. Then he finds a big tub of vanilla ice cream. The power will run out soon, the freezer has a back up generator but we can't just let all of this ice cream go to waste, now can we?
He scoops a few heaping scoops of ice cream into a large bowl and he drizzles chocolate fudge all over it. Then he adds the bananas, whipped cream, and finally a cherry. He grabs two spoons and hands me the sundae while hopping back over the counter.
I sit down and he hands me a spoon, I dig in. I close my eyes, savoring every bite and thinking about how good it tastes. He scoops some on his spoon too and shovels it into his mouth. I can't believe I'm sharing a sundae with the boy of my dreams. Maybe he does actually like me...

Freddy's POV
I sit down opposite of Kora, digging into the sundae. I mean, yeah, I could've made two sundaes, but that wouldn't have been fun, would it? I was probably really confusing Kora.
Girls usually went out of their way to be noticed by me. I am tall, strong, smart, and I have a somewhat funny sort of personality. Well, funny to some people. But I don't like any of those girls who only want me for my looks and smarts.
In truth, I like Kora. I met her because I had a crush on her in 6th grade and we became friends, but then I lost hope and tried to stop liking her, believing that my crush on her was hopeless.
She looks at me for just a second, but my thought was approved. She was really confused at what I was doing.
Well, through 7th grade and the first half of 8th I gave up. But then I realized that she did like me. And that I wasn't hopeless. So I went back to liking her but in secret.
I think I'm going to tell her now.
     "Um Kora, I have something I need to ask you," I say. I try my hardest to remain calm, even though I was really nervous. She just looks at me and nods.
"Well, you see, I like you, and um..." I say. This is harder then I thought it would be. She literally almost spits the ice cream out of surprise. Yeah I better finish.
"So I was wondering if, um maybe you'd like to be my... girlfriend?" I say finally. By now her eyes are wide, and I can tell she's super surprised. She runs around the table and runs into my arms as I stand up.
     "Yes!! Of course!" she says gleefully. I am so happy and relieved that she said yes. I hope that this turns out well. We stand there hugging for the next few minutes.
Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a few days I was having a bit of writers block. But I finally got the Victoria POV out of the way, it's really hard to write it. So anyway what do you think about Freddy and Kora? #Frora is my ship name for them!! Anyway, hope you enjoyed!!

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