Chapter 44- Answers

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Autumn's POV
"Alright, alright! Fine, I'll tell you what's been going on." says the Mad Master.
"My father was a very rich and powerful man... he died of an illness and I inherited our family fortune. I wanted to take over the world. I still do, but... back to the story. I hired one of the world's best scientists to create a virus that travels through the air, but is also possible not to catch if you've got a gas mask or some sort of air filtering device." he pauses. "Well, the scientist made me the virus, the same one that killed everyone and turned them to ashes! So, I sent out boxes of it all around the world and on my mark, they would infect the air and kill anyone who didn't have a filtering device. Before that though, I found a group of people loyal to me. They swore their lives to me if I kept them alive. I was going to lock them in a bunker... but somebody ruined that for me."
Everyone in the room looks around, enticed at the story being told.
"My father had a friend who came over often with his daughter, Kiera, when I was a child. We would play together and we were best friends up until her death. We were 13, playing outside in the rain. I challenged Kiera to a bike race down a mountain path and she accepted. So, we raced. But instead of beating me like she was so determined to, her tires slipped in the mud and fell off of the path and down the mountain. I called for help immediately and it arrived in time. We took her to the hospital where she remained for many weeks in critical condition. After weeks of work, the doctors gave up. They couldn't do anymore to save her and the only thing keeping her alive was life support. Kiera could still talk by some miracle, but her ability was decreasing day by day. She told me that she didn't blame me for anything and she begged her father to forgive me. But of course he didn't. When her father asked if she was alright with no more life support, she agreed. She died that night while she was sleeping."
He paused for a minute.
"Um, what does this have to do with you and taking over the world?" asks Victoria impatiently.
"I'm getting there!" he replies. "Her father still blamed me for her death, even after she pleaded him not to think I was guilty. So, when he found out my plan to take my people into a bunker, he ruined it. He told a group of highschool children about the bunker, saving their lives. You guys." he spit out. "My subjects died, my fantasy ruined. My Kiera's father died because he didn't have any sort of air filtering device to use, but it was about time that old man was gone from this world. But you kids... you lived. I vowed to get my revenge on you. So I asked the same scientist- who I kept alive- to give me powers. But the plan backfired, everyone who's alive in the world got a power. I was down to my last resort." he pauses for effect, but a glare from Victoria sent him back to talking.
     "One of the loyal people, my second in command, best friend, Darius survived with me. I decided to give both of us powers, him to be able to gain the power of anyone around him and I to have a shield from any powers controlled by the mind. You may have met Darius, he was the one I sent to assassinate you." he says, pointing at Kora at the end.
"We figured if we murdered someone off that wasn't your "leader" then everyone would split up and it would be easy to pick you all off one by one." he says.
"Leader? We don't have a leader..." says Sasha.
"Well, she seems a lot like your leader..." he says, pointing at me. "She's the one who's been making all of the decisions!"
"Um, because otherwise we all would've parted ways and died separately and some of us wouldn't even be here." I say.
"Regardless, we dipped knives in a deadly virus, one that kills fast and is a form of the one that killed everyone off in the first place, it just doesn't act as fast and doesn't spread by air." he continues. "Darius used one of those knives to attack you two in that apartment... that's when you got sick with that 'Red Cough'"
"Why did you want to kill us specifically though?" ponders Kora. "It's not like we went into the bunker on purpose to foil your entire plan and make sure all of your dreams were crushed and loyal friend peoples died."
"Yes, but you see, that's what Kiera's father intended to do, he just used you kids like pawns in a game of chess, where the board is the entire world and the future lies in the balance." the Mad Master said. "I failed in killing all of you kids with the virus, you figured out a cure. Although I did manage to take down one of your crew. So, my only choice left was to make Darius come and get leader girl here and hold her to make you twerps come to me. So I could set the ultimate trap and have the world free of you and ready for taking."
"But if Darius was the one who caught Autumn, where is he?" Freddy asks frowning, crossing his arms. I listen into the man's head to see if he was telling the real truth, but I couldn't here anything. His power to shield mind powers must be kicking in.
"Well, Darius brought back the girl and went for a walk to get some fresh air, but he never came back. I ventured outside to see if he was alright and his bloody body was lying on the ground, with mutant cat/monster things on top of him."
     The group shuddered and Sasha clung to Russ like she was in a nightmare and he was her last chance of staying alive.
     "There was nothing I could do to save him... he was already dead by the time I got outside. So I have nothing left to live for. Do what you will with me, I don't have anyone or anything left." the Mad Master finishes.
     I can hear everyone debating in their head. 'Even though he's done terrible things, he doesn't deserve death!' thought Kora. 'This man just wants our pity, we can't let him escape or else we will all die of the consequences.' thinks Louis.
     All of the sudden, everyone's ears are filled with the shrieks of the Mad Master. There was a snake biting him repeatedly and his shouts were getting weaker with each passing second. By the time anyone was able to recover from the shock and help the poor man, he was already dead. The snake immediately slithered away towards the door, slipping out just before the nearest hands were able to reach for it.
     Everyone was in shock from the events of what had just happened. May breaks down into tears, Daniel looking around in a panic, not knowing what to do. He just leans down and awkwardly pats her on the shoulder. Louis absentmindedly wraps an arm around me, staring off into space. Most of the rest of my friends were standing in shock.
"Well, I guess that's one less thing we have to worry about," Louis whispers under his breath.
A. N. Sorry for the wait everyone! I was trying to make this chapter perfect but I couldn't and I know most of it's totally lame sorry! But now we know about the mysterious man from the first chapter... Anyway guys I hope you enjoyed and I'll try to get another update out soon! Bye!

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