Chapter 21- Say WHAAAT?

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I wake up to the cold floor pressed against my cheek and no strong arms surrounding me. In fact, I couldn't feel anyone near me. I sit up, looking around for Louis and where he may have gone. He is nowhere in my sight. My eyes widen in fear. Everyone else is awake now, it seems like I was the last one to wake up. Wait, where's Nikki? Uh oh. What if Louis and Nikki are somewhere together, making out in a closed off area where no one can see them? But Louis shouldn't be anywhere, his arm...
That's when Louis walks back into the room. He's perfectly ok. His arm! It's healed! He doesn't have a bandage on and there's not even a scar there to prove that there ever was a gash. I look over to Freddy who had a scratch under his eye last night but it's not there either.
"L-louis? H-how are you ok?" I ask. He comes over to me, gleeful as ever.
"May healed me!" he says happily.
"W-what?" I ask.
Is this all a joke? Or perhaps a crazy dream?
"Last night she woke me up to check on my arm and she took the bandages off and when she touched it, it started to heal a little bit. The skin was starting to seal up. She was a bit shocked, scared to touch me for a while," he says. "But she undid the stitches in hopes that she could heal me herself, after I convinced her that she wasn't going insane because I had seen it too. So once the stitches were out, she put her hand against my skin near the gash. Her hands were a little bit colder then they should be, but it worked. Maybe that's a side effect of the healing or something. Anyway, she was eager to test it on someone else. So she went and woke up Freddy and told him that she was going to touch his face for a minute. He was surprised, but he agreed, so she put her hand next to the scratch and although he shivered a little bit, it worked." he finishes. I was astonished, that such a thing could happen.
So now May has... healing powers? Do we all have powers? I wonder. I look at Louis.
"Does anyone else have powers?" I ask.
"Well, I don't think so," he says.
"Let's both concentrate really hard to see if anything happens."
I squeeze my eyes shut, but nothing happens. I open them and gasp at what I see.
Louis is floating. He is suspended a few inches off the ground, like someone you'd see on a flying carpet, except without the carpet. Louis opens his eyes when I gasp. What is she gasping at? I hear.
"You're floating!" I say.
"Wait what?!" he asks, suddenly looking down.
When he sees himself floating, he topples out of the air and almost lands on me, but then ends up landing a few inches to my right.
     This can't be happening, it can't! I hear.
"Well it is happening, it's alright." I say, trying to be comforting.
"Um, I didn't say anything," says Louis, looking at me confused.
"Yeah you did, you said 'This can't be happening, it can't!'"
"No, that's what I thought... I don't think I said anything aloud. Wait! What am I thinking of now?"
Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows! Is what I hear this time.
"Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows?" I ask.
"Woah! One more time," he says.
Dora the Explorer! Is what I get.
"Seriously? Dora the Explorer? That's the best you can do?" I ask.
"So you can read my mind!" he says excitedly.
"And you can float... do you think you can fly?"
"I don't know, let's try!" he says.
     He picks me up bridal style and starts to concentrate. I feel us levitating ever so slightly.
"Open your eyes, maybe you can try to move around now!"
He slowly starts to move in a circle. By now, everyone is watching us, astonished at what they were seeing. Louis slowly starts to gain speed, moving around the classroom.
Don't fall, don't fall, you'll hurt Autumn. I hear in the back of my mind. I smile at the thought. He cares about me. He starts to slow down, finally planting his feet back onto the solid ground.
Everyone just stares at us.
"So, um, yeah guys me and Louis have powers kinda like May or something... yeah so he can fly and I can read minds I think." I say, awkwardly.
They all just stare at me. I hear a few different things like 'I wonder if I'll get powers of some sort!' And 'Wait, she can read minds? Hmm... let's see, I'm going to think of a whole bunch of annoying things.' I wonder if I can block thoughts... I try and concentrate on not hearing that person anymore. In my head, I make up a mute button and I press it. Suddenly, the talking from that person has stopped. Good.
Then I hear one particular voice talking that catches my attention. 'I miss Sasha, I hope she's alright. I can't believe that I never got to tell her how I feel... this sounds cheesy, hahaha. Oh well.' The voice stops there, instead an image of Sasha pops into my head. But I never remember seeing her like this before. I bet that voice was Russ and he is going back to memories of them being together.
In this particular image, there is a five year old Sasha, her blond hair falling halfway down her back, and she's missing one of her front teeth. I can tell because she's smiling, a big, beautiful smile, as if to show off that she had perhaps just lost a tooth.
Russ really liked Sasha. And she really liked him back. But they wouldn't get together because every time we told Russ that she liked him, he would claim that we were lying. Just like Freddy. It was very frustrating and tiring. So eventually we gave up, if they ever got together, great. If they didn't, well, they would have been adorable together.
I come back to reality when someone snaps their fingers in my face. I scream, and everyone laughs at me, except Russ who's sulking in a corner, probably missing Sasha. Well, I'd better go check to see if anyone else had developed powers.

Hello everyone! I have decided to give some of the characters powers because, well, it seemed like I was in need of a plot twist. Anyway, hope you liked this chapter, bye! And thanks for reading!

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