Chapter 38- A Cure

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                       Daniel's POV
     I take a look at the sick blood samples, taking drops of other things and testing the sick blood's reaction to the items.
     After hours I have finally used up all of the possible things I could've used. I take a closer look. The cells definitely look different then they normally should...
     I reach for a piece of paper to take notes but I end up getting a paper cut. I bring it closer to my face to blow on it, because, hey! Paper cuts sting like crazy. A drop of my blood falls into the sick blood.
     I instantly look under the microscope at what's happening. It looks like nothing has so far. I go over to our stash of medical supplies and grab a band aid.
     Suddenly I hear May shouting my name from where the microscope is. I dash over to the microscope is and take a look.
     Under, the cells of my healthy blood are battling and defeating the cells of sick blood. When a sick cell is beaten, the greenish tint it had seems to fade away and turn back to its normal color.
     "Why didn't I think of this before! After all, we knew we were immune to it, of course it had to be something about us that could heal them..." says May.
     "Quick! We need to take blood samples to save them... And if we don't go fast, they could die!" I say.
     May visibly gulps but gets the equipment to draw some of my blood.
     "Daniel... I'm not good at taking blood, it's kind of scary. But I'm sorry if I hurt you, I can always fix it." she admits.
     "It's alright, it will only take a little bit. But we need to do this now. This is a life or death situation." I say.
May nods. I look at her face as I feel the needle puncturing my skin. After about 30 seconds, she's drawn enough blood to create a cure.
She pulls the needle out, but instead of putting a band aid on the spot where my skin was punctured, she puts her hand on it.
Her touch is delicate, not pushing too hard and making it sore. A few seconds later, she pulls her hand away and when I look down at my skin, there's no sign of anything happening.
"That's... amazing." I say.
"Yeah," is all she says.
I quickly go over to where we were testing the blood samples. By now, all of the sick blood has been converted back to normal.
I take my blood, putting it into 3 syringes. Then I head out to where the 3 sick people lay.
Freddy and Kora are now coughing dangerously hard, Kora beginning to cough up blood. I race over to them.
"You two, stop moving for just a second please? I have a cure!" I say.
They try their hardest to freeze, but their coughs are so severe that they rack their bodies.
I move to Kora first, holding her arm down. She does her best to nod and I give her the injection. I release her arm and go over to Freddy. I give him the injection and then I move on.
I look over for Caleb, but he's got the worst cough of them all, the one that Amelia did when she died.
"T-take... this l... etter. For Vict... oria." he stammers out between coughs. Then he's gone. I shiver as all signs of life fade from his body.
     Freddy and Kora are still coughing, but less severe then before and not shaking with pain as much.
After about a half an hour, they recover.
"Well... um, since I don't know who Victoria is... May should go and give this letter to her." I say.
May sighs.
"Well, what must be done, must be done," she says. "I'll be back later."
I nod. She heads out through the door and into the dark streets.
     Kora and Freddy are now holding onto each other, now that they're better and they know that they'll never lose each other.
     As for me, I walk out into the streets and into a car. I then start the car. I get out and head back into the bakery.
     "I'm going to wait for May and then I will be leaving for a day or two. That's all you need to know, ok?" I tell the couple. They just stare at me before returning to hug each other.
     After a while, May comes back and I pull her aside.
     "We need to go to somewhere with power for a while, so we can rinse all of this disease off of us. And then we can get some sleep. But we'll only be gone for 1 or 2 days. Are you going to come with me?" I ask her.
     "Yes, it's been such a long time since I've used a shower... we were in the bunker last time." she replies.
     I pull her into the car and I hit the gas pedal. And we speed away to the nearest town with power.
Victoria's POV
     I was sitting alone in the square, waiting for Caleb to come back from taking care of Kora and Freddy, who were apparently sick. I spot May walking towards me, an uncomfortable look on her face.
"Hi May, what's up?" I ask.
She looks around kind of nervously.
"Well, um, here. I guess this will explain what happened." she replies, handing me a letter.
I open it up. It's written in Caleb's handwriting... Why couldn't he just tell me something instead of write me a letter...? The letter says:

Dear Victoria,
I have gotten very sick from taking care of Freddy and Kora, and I assume that I won't last much longer. But these past few hours, I've remembered my past. And I'm very sorry of what I have done to you.
I don't know if you knew this yet, but I was cheating on you. I regret it now, although I don't know why I did it, I haven't got every single memory back yet.
I hope you can find a better person, someone better then I am, or was, and live happily. I'm sorry for any pain I have or will cause you.
Goodbye forever,

I stare blankly at the letter, not knowing how to feel. Should I feel betrayed by a boy who forgot me? Should I feel hateful towards the boy who cheated on me? I don't know.
"Victoria... he's dead. He's dead now and I'm very sorr-" says May but I cut her off.
"Don't be." I say, my voice as cold as a winter breeze.
I walk off toward a gym to find the nearest punching bag to get all of this emotion out of me.
May stares at me as I go, turning around and leaving.
A single tear escapes my eye, but I wipe it away. Caleb was a traitor. And I don't think I can think about him anymore without possibly killing someone. Who knows, my power could be triggered by emotions like Russ'.
I go into the gym and punch the bag over and over until I'm too tired and my fists too bloodied to continue. Then I curl up on the ground and sleep, a nightmare haunting my dreams.
Hey guys, I hope you liked this big plot twist. Another death. Will Victoria ever be the same? Where's everyone else? What will happen next? Read on to find out! Anyway, leave comments of things I could do better, your favorite part, ideas, any corrections! Thanks!

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