Chapter 20- Have Hope

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                      Autumn's POV
     I wake up with Louis' arms still wrapped around me. He is burning up, he has a really high fever. I take the now-dry t-shirt that was once wet and wet it again, putting it on his forehead. I hear him sigh of relief, at least I think relief, in his sleep.
I look around for anything that I may be able to use. Then I spot it. May left her first aid kit here. I quietly move across the room to where the kit is sitting.
I open it up and start to rummage around. There are band aids, manuals for what to do in case of emergency, wet wipes, and some pain medication. I grab the pain medication and read the bottle. I take two pills out of the container, grab a water bottle, and gently wake Louis up again.
He groggily wakes up after a few seconds, and I see his brown eyes staring at my own.
     "I have some pain medication for you if you want it..." I say, teasing him, even though I probably shouldn't.
     "Ooh give it to me my arm hurts!" he says, sounding like a two year old.
     "Manners!" I say in a strict, but playful voice.
     "Pretty please?" he asks, batting his eyelashes.
     "Ok fine."
I hand give the pills and the water bottle and he gladly takes them. When he's done, he hands me back the water bottle. I set it to the side. I feel him tap on my shoulder. I turn to look at him, about to ask what when he kisses me on the lips. I was so surprised that I almost hit him and pushed him away, but then I remembered that it was him and not anyone else.
He pulls me to his chest, although I see him wince when he uses his arm. He starts to play with my hair with his hand (from his good arm).
"What was that for?" I ask, still a bit shocked.
      "Can't a guy kiss his girlfriend every once in a while? To show that he appreciates her and what she's been doing for him very much?" he asks.
"Aww thank you so much, I love you Louis." I say, tears of joy springing to my eyes. He kisses the top of my head and replies,
     "You're welcome Winter, I love you too." he says with a smirk.
     I sigh at the use of one of my nicknames. I just shake my head instead of punching him like I usually would, to spare him the pain.
"Are you still tired?" he asks, yawning. As a matter of fact, I was.
     "Yes I am, I think I'm gonna take a little nap, and maybe when I wake up again, May and Freddy will be back." I say.
     He lies down and I lay down too, putting my head on his chest and snuggling up next to him.
"Goodnight." he whispers.
     "Good night Louis," I say yawning as I drift into my dream world where the unicorns live.

-------------A few hours later-------------

I wake up to loud footsteps thumping around outside the Computer Lab's door. The door then swings open and two figures rush towards me. And Louis, I almost forgot he was being my pillow. The two figures have a two big bags of things.
     "Who are you..." I ask, light streaming through the window making me squint. Then the light hits them. It's Freddy and May.
     "It's May. We have the medicine that can save Louis!!" she says, holding a syringe. I cringe, moving to the side. I hate needles.
     "Do we have to wake him up?" I ask, still fearing the syringe that may had in her hands.
     "Wake who up?" asks a yawning Louis who starts to stretch his aching limbs but stops when he feels a terrible pain in his arm. His face turns red, and I can tell he's holding in a scream.
     I take a pillow and put it over his face. He starts to scream, but it's muffled through the pillow and doesn't wake anyone up. Kora just stirs slightly.
      Freddy averts his gaze to her for a moment, probably checking if she was alright. He sighed in relief when he doesn't see anything wrong with her.
     After a minute, Louis finally stops screaming, but I can tell he's in pain and his face is covered in sweat and tears.
     "Let's give you the medicine now," May says to Louis.
     "Wait," he says weakly. "Autumn please stay with me...?"
     "I will, I promise, as long as you promise you'll try not to die on me, ok?" I say, tears rolling down my cheeks.
     "I will try my hardest to stay alive, I love you baby." he says. It's the first time he's ever called me something like that.
I hold onto his other hand and May comes forward with the syringe of medicine. She lowers herself to the ground and then positions herself so she can hit the right place with the syringe.
     Louis just turns his head to look at me, and I look at him back, fearing something bad will happen if I look at the syringe. I can tell that she has put it in because Louis squeezes his eyes shut, trying not to tense his muscles up.
Then, she takes the syringe out of his arm and moves away.
     "All done, I just hope we aren't too late," says May. "We also brought fever pills and other stuff that may be helpful in the future. And there are bandages so we can bandage your arm properly."
     She takes out a bottle of pills and a roll of clean, white bandages. She takes out a pill and hands it to me.
I pick up Louis's water bottle from earlier and unscrew the cap. I caress his face with my hand.
     "It's ok, it's over, it's all over, you're alright now," I say when I realize that he is still squeezing his eyes shut. He opens them to look at me, a hopeful look in his eyes.
     "Now, you need to take this pill for your fever, it will go down soon and you will feel much better." I say, hoping that that's the truth of the matter.
     He grabs the pill with his good arm because May is bandaging his other arm and takes it. Then he swallows it with his water bottle, finishing up the rest of the remaining water greedily.
When he's all finished, May is almost completely done wrapping up his arm. You can't see much blood through the bandage, but there's still some.
      Louis still seems a bit uncomfortable so I take his head and put it onto my lap. He just looks up at me while I start playing with his hair, running my fingers through it.
     "Get some sleep, I bet you'll start to feel better when you wake up," I say, soothingly.
He shuts his eyes with a smile on his face. I keep playing with his hair, and I start to hum a lullaby, because I'm terrible at singing. Louis is an amazing singer, although he won't admit it. Soon, his breathing slows and I know that he's asleep. I keep running my finger through his hair, acting comforting in a way to me.
     Freddy is just sitting there, staring at us. I bet that this is what he hopes him and Kora looked like. But no. He likes her and she likes him even though neither of them would admit it.
     Freddy won't because he thinks that we're lying to him about her liking him back. Kora just won't admit it. She doesn't want to be embarrassed if he were to say that he doesn't like her back. Sometimes it's best just not to say anything.
Freddy walks over and sits next to me.
     "What took you guys so long to get back?" I ask.
     They had left at about midnight and come back around what I estimated was 2 o'clock in the morning.
     "Well, we went to the office and found everything that we needed. We went there by car and on the way back, we made it maybe a mile in the car. The car was really low on gas and we had completely forgotten. The gas station that is near the doctors office had been torn down about a month ago apparently.
     So we had to walk 5 miles back here in the darkness carrying heavy, loaded bags, unprotected from anyone or anything." he replied. Woah.
     "That's a bit intense, maybe you should get some sleep." I say, pretty sure that he's exhausted.
     "Yeah..." he answers. He goes and brings his makeshift bed next to Kora's and then lays down.
     "Good night Freddy," I whisper across the room.
     "Goodnight Autumn," he says. And then all was silent.

Hello everyone! I'm trying my best to get this type of medicine stuff right, but I don't know much about it so I'm sorry if I messed something up, tell me if I did it wrong and I'll fix it. Anyway, hope you have enjoyed my book so far!

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