Chapter 14- Epic Departure

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     I wake up to banging on the door. I wonder who it is... I think sarcastically. Great. I'm in one of those moods now. I moan, not feeling like moving.
"Autumn! Come on! Time to leave!" says a voice from behind the door. Leave? I think, Where are we going?
     "Nooooo I want more sleep!" I say to the person at the door.
"I'll come in and tickle you..." says the person, and I just figured out who it is.
"Go away Louis! I don't want to talk to you!" I shout at the door. Louis and Freddy are the only ones who know that I'm ticklish, but if it was Freddy he would've come in already and tickled me without notice.
"Ok then, bye," I hear for behind the door. Phew, that was close. I was about to snap. I probably would've gone into hysterics again, he would've tried to comfort me, and the situation would've gotten a lot worse.
      I change into a fresh pair of clothes, then I have a healthy breakfast of apples and peanut butter. Yum. I don't run into Louis while I'm in the kitchen, only Nikki, who I don't talk to because of... well what happened last night. She doesn't look like she regrets it even one bit though... the thought of Louis kissing her so passionately suddenly plays through my head and I cringe.
     It hurts me to know that he could kiss another person with that much passion even though he claimed that he loves me too much. But maybe I should move on... there are plenty of other guys out there, he'll probably be better off without me.
     I go into the Living Room, avoiding the Lounge because of last night's events, and find Russ, Kora, and Freddy there, already packed and ready. I sit down on the couch next to Freddy, and he puts an arm around my shoulder.
"Are you ok?" he asks in a hushed voice since some of the others still don't know. I shake my head, squeezing my eyes tight to fend off the tears. He hugs me, trying to assure me that everything will be alright soon, but I know it won't.
Back in 8th grade, there was a period of time when Louis had avoided me most of the time so he could go and hang out with other friends, so for about 3 months I sulked around the hallway, barely ever being noticed by him at all.
     I had almost given up then, but my friends told me not to, that I was completely loyal, that if he kept on avoiding me they'd avoid him as punishment, and that I deserved more than this. I always pushed their comments away though, believing that someday he'd stop avoiding me and we'd go back to normal. And it happened eventually. But this time he was taking a step too far.
Then, Nikki comes out and asks if we're all ready. We all answer yes. Louis is glumly staring at the ground, all the way in the back of the group. It's all his fault, if he would just do something to prove that he still loves me, I would gladly take him back...
Freddy leaves my side and Russ gets up off of the other couch to try and open the door since they're the strongest besides Louis, but he doesn't seem to be up to it. With a creak, the door swings open. A thought comes to my head that moment.
"Wait!!" I yell. I had just come up with one last thing that I wanted to do.
"I have to do one more thing before we leave." I say.
      I run to the bathroom to find the nail polish we were using earlier, grab it, and run to the Lounge. By this point everyone is watching me, darting from here to there, picking up random objects. I now have the nail polish, a pair of gloves, and some lipstick. I run to my old room, putting on the gloves. I then paint my hand with the nail polish and slap it on the wall. Lastly, I take the lipstick and write a message and sign my name. I tell everyone to leave so I can perfect my final touches, so they all leave the room.
     I draw a heart and put my name in it.
"Autumn... I'm really sorry!" says a voice from behind me.
"If you love me, then how could you kiss Nikki with that much passion right in front of my face!!" I yell, whirling around with tears already streaming down my cheeks.
"I don't know, ok?! All I know is that I love you more then anything in my life, I would die for you, honestly!!" Louis says, clearly mad, confused, and actually looking like he was truly sorry.
"If you love me, show me that you do," I say.
     Louis comes at me as fast as a speeding bullet, grabbing me up into his arms, and then he starts to kiss me with so much passion, I feel like I'm about to explode. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I run my fingers through his hair, and I kiss him back with the passion I've been keeping to myself since last night.
The door opens, and May says
"Hey Autumn have you seen Lou- oops, I'm just gonna leave you guys to it now ok bu-bye."
She then slowly starts to back out of the room. Louis chuckles, pulling away slowly,
"I love you so much Autumn, I don't know why I did that last night, do you forgive me?" he asks.
"Yes, I love you too Louis." I reply.
"Well, we should probably get going now." he says. I still have to finish one more thing.
Wait, come here!" I say, running to the wall. I grab his hand and drag him there and I uncap the lipstick. I write his name inside the heart I drew earlier. Then we leave the room hand in hand, never to come back.
Hey guys, what do you think about the new chapter? I was going to add more, but this seemed like enough drama for this chapter. Anyway, hope you liked it!!

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