Chapter 16- Outside

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I feel really disappointed when I look outside just to find nothing but over grown plants. No people. Everywhere was completely deserted.
     "AUTUMN!!!" I hear worriedly from behind me.
     "Calm down Louis sheesh!! There's nothing here!" I call to him.
     "Well there could've been, you'll be the death of me, I swear," he mutters, swooping me into his arms and burying his face into my neck. I sigh, wishing that this could go on forever, but it can't, it's the middle of the apocalypse and who knows what terrible things may want to pounce on us... I hear someone clear their throat. Well, looks like Nikki beat those monsters to it! I should stop. That was terrible.
     Louis lowers me to the ground, and I hop out of his arms.
     "Should we um, go back now I guess?" asks Louis awkwardly.
     "Uh... yeah..." I say.
     Suddenly we hear a scream from inside the building. Has someone found those invisible monsters? I rush into the dark building, turning down the main hallway where the screams are coming from. And then I end up in the room that we were in for the field trip. The tanks, the vending machine, and 6 dark silhouettes... Wait those weren't there before! I rush over to where everyone is standing, only to find Freddy, Kora, Russ, and May staring down at 2 super dirty humans.
      "Autumn...?" one of the shadows whispers weakly.
     "W-who is it, a-and h-how do y-you know m-my name?" I stutter out, so scared and surprised that it comes out barely a whisper.
     "It's me, Marie." her raspy voice whispers.
     "Where's Caitie...?" asks Freddy. Caitie and Freddy have known each other for a long time, and they are the best of friends even though she's constantly flirting with him. It's quite funny sometimes...
     "She was with me a minute ago, I think she should be here soon..." Marie says. And as if on que, here comes Caitie, around the corner.
     "Marie..? Where did you-" She completely stops in her tracks when she sees us.
     "B-but I thought you guys died..." she says in a very hushed whisper.
     "Well, if you were hoping to be rid of us, I guess you're out of luck," I say. She runs over to Freddy, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Then she backs away. Before he can react or say anything, she says
     "Marie broke her arm we think... We need someone to check it out. And we have some supplies... We have a taser and we found and a few flashlights."
     I love weapons. I know that sounds sort of psychotic, but it's true. I am a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and they taught me how to use a bo-staff and nunchucks. Then later I moved onto the scythe.
     It's very interesting, learning the techniques and patterns you have to repeat to get the nunchucks to swing at just the right angle, or the tip of the bo-staff to swing with just the right amount of momentum.
     Later, we had to job-shadow someone and who better to job-shadow then Carly, a family friend. She's a police officer (or was before all of this). She showed me how a taser and those cool police baton things worked.
     May had left in the middle of the conversation I think because she now has a first aid kit in one hand and something that resembles a bandana in the other. She's always wanted to be a doctor, that's who she job shadowed in 8th grade.
She gently takes Marie's arm and feels along it. She winces when she gets to the part that I am assuming is broken and Marie lets out a small whimper. She then opens the kit and takes out some bandages.
     She sets the bone straight and bandages it there so it doesn't move. Then she carefully slides the sling around Marie's neck and puts her arm in the slot.
     "Thanks..." mutters Marie.
     "No problemo!" chirps May.
     "SOO um how are you guys still alive?" asks Kora, seeming truly interested.
     "Well, I remember the countdown or whatever that was with the lady counting down to the apocalypse," says Caitie. "But then there were screams, and someone shoved a gas mask onto my face. They did the same with Marie. But there were only those two. So we were the only survivors we thought, until you guys showed up! And so for the past, what? Five days maybe? We've been out here, searching for stuff that may be useful. There's a closet that had some food in it, along with the taser and flashlights. So we've been exploring around here for a while. But then earlier this morning, Marie tripped on a wire and she broke her arm as you can see."
     We all stare at them. Their clothes are torn, hair is messy, and they have dirt all over them.
     "Have you guys been outside?" I ask.
     "Yeah, that's how we got all dirty, torn up. The plants out there, this apocalypse stuff must have triggered something inside the plants, they grew really tall and thick like the beanstalk from Jack and the Beanstalk except not that tall... Yet. And some of them have these thorns. They're razor sharp, could be used as a weapon. I hurt my arm by just lightly skimming it." says Caitie.
     "Well, this is all interesting, but we should probably get you guys cleaned up. You two, come with me, May, and Russ. We'll clean you guys up. Well, at least me and May. Russ is guarding the door. We were in a bunker so we have many supplies. The rest of you, go scavenge the area for more useful stuff." says Nikki, another brilliant plan although I hate to admit it after all we've been through in the last few days.
     Well, at least I get Louis to myself now. Kora and Freddy head off in the other directions, him once again dragging her, and her face beet red.

A.N.   PLOT TWIST!!! Did you guys like it? Comment me good ideas if you like. Thanks for reading!! Thank you all for staying with me this far!

This chapter is dedicated to kawaiipusheen

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