Chapter 27- Reunited

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                      Autumn's POV
     We decide to stay the night in the plaza, as long as Russ was happy the weather wouldn't be bad, so we all set up camp in the middle of the plaza. There was no power in Pondwood so it was no use to be inside a house, except for food and maybe some bottles of water.
I set out Louis and I's little blanket bed while he surveys the area. I wanted to go, but sometimes work just has to be done... Anyway, we need to find Victoria soon. I hope she's alright.
I spot Louis and start to wave, but he comes back down to earth and hugs me, pulling me away from the plaza. I give him a questioning look, but he doesn't answer.
I hear footsteps and I see 3 people walk into the plaza, 3 guys. And one of them seems to be vaguely familiar.
"Louis, I think I know one of them,"
I say.
"Well, I was eavesdropping on them and it turns out that they're not-so-nice people. Well, at least two of them... But they saw me and I guess followed me back here so now I have to hide I think." he says, hurriedly. "And I'd really appreciate if you'd either stay with me or avoid those people as much as possible."
"Why don't we go and find Victoria, if she's still alive she's at her house. I know that for a fact. I'm going to go warn the others first, then we can go," I say.
"Alright, but be quick and grab both our backpacks and the blankets please!"
I head out into the plaza, pretending like nothing had happened at all. May seems to be flirting with one of the strangers, typical her. I go over to where everyone else is.
"Hey guys, just a heads up, Louis was spying on those guys earlier, don't ask, and he heard them say some not-so-good things. So you should all be guarded around them. And Marie, please watch May, you know how she is with guys. Anyway, Louis and I are going to go look for Victoria. We should be back soon, maybe a day or two at most. If we're not back by then, come look for us. We'll be in Dockerton. Good luck and have fun!" I say, winking in the direction of Freddy who gets angry and Russ who blushes a shade of beet red. I love embarrassing them all...
I grab the packs and blankets, making my way to the alley when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I flinch, not feeling comfortable because it definitely isn't Louis or any of my friends. I turn around slowly to see a guy.
"Where you going with those backpacks, pretty lady?" he asks.
"I'm going to my aunt's apartment where I plan to stay the night. My friends all want to stay here, so if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way now..."
"Why are you walking all alone? You know it may be dangerous..."
"I'll be just fine, thank you very much. Now I really must go!"
I break away from this strange man. Well, not a man but possibly another senior in highschool... Still, he gives me the creeps. I walk down a few alleys, turning around every few seconds to see that I wasn't being followed which I wasn't.
"Louis? Come out now..." I say
Louis emerges from the shadows, picks me up and shoots straight into the sky as fast as a speeding bullet. I close my eyes, squeezing them tight.
     "I saw the whole thing. Now, which way to Dockerton?" he asks
     "That-a-way!!" I yell, pointing to the highway.
     We fly along the highway, cars smashed against trees, signs, railings, and other cars too. When we stop, it's only for Louis to rest a little bit. It's kind of tiring to use your power sometimes, depending on if it's physical or mental.
     When we finally get to Dockerton, it's dusk.
     "Come on Louis, Victoria's house is nearby!" I shout, already sprinting ahead of him.
     "Race you there!" he shouts, jumping up into the air and flying as fast as a jet.
     "Hey! No fair!" I shout, pouting and now out of breath. Let's just say that I barely ever run unless I'm forced.
     Louis sprints back to me on the ground, now we're both out of breath considering he just ran a 1/4 if a mile.
     "Is it fair now?" he asks
     "Yes, 3 2 1 go!" I yell, running ahead of him and making it a few yards already before he realized what had happened.
      When I turn down onto Main Street, I see her house. I have the advantage here because Louis has never been to her house. Well, he wouldn't have anyway because he wasn't my boyfriend until all of this chaos started.
     I start to run on the opposite side of the street, to throw Louis off. When I look behind me, I see that he is catching up. A few seconds later and he's next to me.
     "Bye!" I say as we reach her house and I turn towards her house at the last second before I passed it. I clamber up onto the porch.
     "I win, I win!" I shout.
     I open the front door when Louis gets to the porch and we walk inside the house, not knowing what to expect.
                    Victoria's POV
     I hear the door open downstairs and some voices talking. Is it my family? My friends? Or bad people? I decide not to go downstairs just in case.
     But the people will know that someone is living here. I just put my laundry into the washing machine, we still have power but I don't think that it will last for much longer.
     "Hello? Is anyone home? Victoria, are you here?" someone shouts.
     How do they know my name? And why would they be at my house?
     "Who are you and what do you want?!" I yell, scared that it's someone bad.
     "Victoria, it's me, Autumn!"
     Autumn. Autumn is safe. I run down the stairs to greet her. When I get there, she's waiting for me arms open wide. I run up to her and hug her. Finally.
Hello!! This is a happy chapter, I think. I hope you like it! Comment what you want to happen and/or who you want it to happen to! Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading it!!!

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