Chapter 30- Well, that was unexpected...

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Universal POV
Back at camp, trouble was brewing. When Victoria got back to camp, she recognized someone immediately. Caleb. He was with those scary people from earlier.
"Caleb...?" Victoria called.
"Who are you?" he replied.
"It's me, Victoria! We were friends before this apocalypse stuff happened!"
     "Um, I don't exactly remember, I don't have any memories from before a week ago."
     Victoria slumped in defeat. Loud sobs wracked her body. The person she cared about the most had forgotten her.
"We found him knocked out in the hospital. He had an IV and a breathing mask on. We think he had a head injury before all of this happened," says the woman-stranger.
"The first thing I remember is those two hovering over me, staring at me," Caleb says.
Well, I have to start all over again, don't I? Years and years of secrets and snuggles and good memories, all gone. This is what was going on inside of Victoria's head.
"Well, if you don't remember me, I guess we have to start over again... My name is Victoria!" she says.
"Hi, um, I guess my name is Caleb?" he says.
"Yes, it is. Is there anything that you'd like to know about yourself or me that you can't quite remember?"
"Hmm... We're we a couple? Because you are super cute..."
"Well, sort of. Not officially, but you asked me to prom. So I think you were gonna ask me to be your girlfriend then."
"Did we ever go to prom?"
"No, it was scheduled for the week after this apocalypse stuff happened. And you were busy every other year."
"Oh. Well, I think I'm going to go for a walk, would you like to join me?"
"Ok, sure!"

Meanwhile, where Freddy and Kora were...
     "Hey Kora! Guess what?" says Freddy.
"What?" she replies.
"Chicken butt! But seriously, I want to do something right now. You have any ideas?"
"Well, I would like to play laser tag but they're all closed down so we can't exactly play, now can we?"
"Right... hey, look over there!"
Right behind Kora was a small, orange kitten. It was very skinny and looked on the verge of death.
"Freddy! I want to keep him! But he needs some food. Zap to the pet store quick please?"
"Zap? Well, ok, be back in a few seconds."
Freddy disappeared with a small popping noise and Kora walked over to the kitten. She picked it up and cradled it in her lap.
The kitten had a white patch on top of his head that almost looked like a star.
"Cosmos. That's what I'll call you. And don't worry, I'll take good care of you," Kora cooed to her new kitten.
Freddy popped up behind her holding a bag of kitten food, two little bowls, a green collar, and a little bed.
He placed a bowl on the floor next to Kora and poured some of the kitten food into it.
Cosmos mewed softly and skittered over to the food. It was gone within a minute. Freddy poured more in and the process repeated.
After about 3 bowls of food, Cosmos walked back over to Kora and curled up in her lap.
"His name is Cosmos, for the little star he has on top of his head," says Kora.
"Clever, just like I know you are," Freddy says, sitting down next to her and kissing the top of her head. She blushes, leaning into him, her head resting on his shoulder.
The new little family falls asleep together, safe from all harm.

At the same time, not far away where Marie is...
"No one will miss me if I leave," she mutters under her breath. "No one cares, I need to find Caitie. She's the only one here who understands me,"
Marie pulls her worn backpack over her shoulder, imagining that she is disappearing. She checks her reflection on something shiny to be certain she is unable to be seen. The backpack is still visible, but she was planning on taking the back alleyways anyway... So it didn't matter.
"Caitie, I'm coming for you whether you want me to or not." she whispers under her breath, hoping that Caitie is still out there somewhere waiting for her.

And now to Russ and Sasha...
     "What should we do now?" asks Sasha, clearly bored of just sitting around and staring at a wall.
     "Well, we could make out for a very, very long time but that's boring too, isn't it?" says Russ, but before he can turn to look at her, she is kissing him like there's no tomorrow.
     After what was just minutes but must have seemed like just seconds to them, Sasha pulls away.
     "You were saying?" she says.
     "That that was amazing and maybe we should get together another time and do it again." he replies.
     "Let's go for a walk, it's very nice weather," she says, grabbing his hand.
     "Because I'm feeling very happy, keep that up and it will be too hot to be outside," he says.
     "Should I make you sad then? I like being outdoors!" she says, kicking his leg.
     "Don't you dare kick me!" he says, the sky instantly clouding and the temperature dropping a few degrees.
     Sasha whimpers, scared of what may happen next. Russ instantly calms down, sadness in his eyes. Rain starts to sprinkle around them as tears start to stream down Russ' cheeks.
"I could've hurt you. My powers are... Dangerous. I'm a monster." Russ says.
"No, you're not. And it was my fault anyway. I know you don't like being kicked, I'm the one to blame." Sasha replies.
She slowly approaches him, then giving him a soothing hug. He stands as still as a statue for a minute, afraid to move in fear of almost hurting her again. But at last, he gives in and gently hugs her back.
"Should we go back now?" asks Russ softly.
"Yeah, it's getting late..." Sasha says.
And with that, they walk hand in hand back to the camp where most of their friends remain.

Hello! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'm writing another book that will come out when this book comes to an end. But don't worry, there most likely will be a sequel to this book. Anyway, there's your look at most of the other characters that some people requested I should write. So anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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