Chapter 15- Where's Zayn?

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I woke up, seeing Zayn wasn't in bed. I tilted my head confused. Where did he go? It was 10 AM. He never wakes up ealier than me. He probably went down for breakfast. I just got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. 

After I was done getting ready, I walked down. Zayn wasn't in the kitchen either. I frowned. where is he? On que, Skylar walked downstairs. "Hey Sky? Do you know where Zayn is?". 

"He said he had to get something done". 

"Really? Where? And when is he coming back?" I asked. she shrugged "I'm not sure. He didn't say. He just said he'll be back soon". I sighed. Where could he have gone? He doesn't know Miami well. Whats he doing? I shouldn't worry though........I trust him. 

Later on in the day, Skylar went to her friend's house and Violet went to the park. I was alone. I heard the doorbell ring. Thats probably Zayn. I got up from the couch and walked to the door. Opening, I found a girl smiling like an idiot. 

She had dark skin, sparkly brown eyes, black long straiht hair that flowed down, and dressed in a summer dress. I smiled realizing who it was. "Ntalia!". "India!". I ran in for a hug. I really missed her. I pulled away after, and let her in the house. 

"How are you? Hows Bradford?" she asked, sitting down. I sat next to her "I'm doing great! My job at Bradford is great! Teaching is fun!". 

"I'm glad your happy! Hey, Sky said you were dating one of your students......what was his name.....Zaid?". 

"Zayn" I smiled. I love saying his name. It's beautiful, I can't help but to smile when I say it. "Zayn Malik". 

"That's a cute name. Where is he?". 

"Um..." I bit my lip, biting the skin off "I'm not sure. He.....disappeared. I brought him with me". 

She smiled "That's tell me about this Zayn. How does he look? How is he as a person?". 

I cleared my throat "Well he has black hair that's up in a quiff. It makes him look really tall. His skin is like a tan color. And his eyes......they're this really pretty hazel. Sometimes they're brown. They look beautiful, it gived you a warm feeling when he looks at you". 

Natalia awed "You son of a bitch. Your in love". I smiled again "I guess I am". 

It was 8 PM, Zayn wasn't back yet. I sat up on my bed, using my laptop. I scrolled around Tumblr, gettting a bit worried of where Zayn might be. Where is he? Right at that moment, the door creaked open and Zayn walked in. 

"Hey" he smiled. "Hi" I said, barely audiblle "Where were you?". He shrugged "Nowhere....just walking around". I knew he was lying. He didn't look at me and say that. But I decided not to argue. I don't wanna be annoying, and its not like he was doing something wrong. He's Zayn, he wouldn't do that. 

"So how was your day?" he asked. I groaned "Terrible. My boyfriend wasn't here". He pouted, walking close to me "I'm sorry. I was just walking....". I nodded. The part when Natalia came was mostly the highlight of my day. Too bad she had to leave. I wanted her to meet Zayn. 

"Anyways, Skylar got reservations at a cool italian restaurant. I know how much you love Italian. Wanna go?". I closed my laptop, putting it aside. 

"No, I'm tired". I laid on my back. He stood there "Why? Aren't you hungry?". "No, I just wanna sleep". I closed my eyes a little, waiting for him to leave. Instead, I felt the bed sink. Zayn laid next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me close to his chest. 

"You sure you don't wanna go? You'll get hungry". "I'll be fine, I just wanna sleep". "Are you mad at me?". I turned around to him, seeing him with a sad puppy dog face. 

"Of course not. I'm just tired that's all". I lied. I was just bumbed that he won't tell me where he was. It was so boring without him here. All alone and stuff. "Then I'll stay with you" he said. I pecked his lips softly 

"If you wanna go you can". "No, I'd rather stay here with you". I smiled and snuggled close to him, drifting to sleep. 

It was around 3 AM I woke up. My stomach was making the rumbles. I decided to get a little 3 AM snack. I slipped out of Zayn's grasp, and made my way down to the kitchen. I decided to make a nutella on bread. I grabbed the two slices of white bread and spread nutella on it. I bit it, tasting a sweet sensation in my mouth. 

I felt two strong arms around my waist. I gasped, jumping. I saw Zayn laughing behind me. I placed my hand on my heart "You scared me!". He shrugged, seeing I was eating. 

"See. I told you you'd get hungry". I rolled my eyes playfully, and went back to eating. "So. Why are you up?". 

He sighed, sitting down next to me, "I had a bad dream". I frowned, putting my hand on his hand "What happened?". 

"It was my biggest nightmare yet". "Why? What happened?". "I lost you". 

There was a big pause after he said that. What did he mean he lost me?

"You fell in love with............with Mr. Martin. And then you left me forever. It was like I let you slip away from my hands easily.....and I couldn't protest". I looked at him, squeezing his hand.

"I won't leave. I'll stay with you forever". He nodded "I know......but it was just.................scary". "Don't worry, I won't fall in love with anyone else. You already stole my heart". He smiled a little, leaning in "And you stole mine". Soon I felt his lips upon mine. 

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