Chapter 26- Meeting the guys

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(A/N if u hate liam payne that means u hate puppies and oxygen)

Me and Zayn were driving home after our little date. He took me out to a Indian Restaurant. It was really nice, I love spending time with him. Of course we had to go an hour before it closed, just in case someone we know doesn't see us. We were driving to Zayn's friend's house, since he and the guys had some sleep over planned. I smiled, remembering all the sleep overs me and Natalia used to have. 

"Can you just drop me off at my place?" I asked. I didn't really want to meet Zayn's friends. Wouldn't it be awkward. I teach some of them. Would they judge me? 

"No, I don't want you to be alone at this time at night. Who knows what can happen". 

"Don't worry Zayn, I can handle myself on my own". He shook his head. 

"No India. It's dangerous out, okay?". 

I sighed. "How is it dangerous?". 

"Look I lived here longer okay? I know what goes on here. And look, it'll be fun there, yeah?". 

I looked down at my lap. "But what if they don't like me". 

He put his left hand on the wheel and the right one on my hand. "They'll love you! Just because your our teacher doesn't make you any different. They don't judge people like that, their nice". 

"What if their parents are home? Wouldn't they recognize me from the parent teacher conferences?". 

"His parents aren't home. Don't worry about it. If they don't like you well, which I highly doubt, then their not my friends". 

I stayed silent after that. Maybe Zayn is right. I'm just going crazy. He pulled up to a drive way. The house was really old yet big. Kind of like a rich person's house. I'd rather live in that than my apartment. Or flat as they call it here. I opened my door, and stepped out. Before I knew it we both were on the doorstep. It had the words 'Welcome' written in a slanted script. I looked up, and the door was opened. 

The inside of the house looked pleasant. I could hear screaming and laughing inside. Before was a boy with a shaved head, but some hair was growing back. It was in a really small quiff. His eyes were a chocolate brown, kind of like a puppy's. He smiled brightly, and his smile I could tell was his best feature. 

"Hi Zayn. Hi...Ms. Brooks" he said in his accent. I could tell he wasn't from here since everyone here had more of a deeper accent. "Come in". We both walked inside to the living room. The sofas were covered with blankets, and there was pillows scattered all over the floors. The TV was tuned on to 'Friends' and 3 guys were fooling around, laughing really hard. I noticed two of them. Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. I had them both in a class. Only them and Zayn. The blonde one and the one with the nice smile I don't seem to recognize. Louis was wrestling Harry, and the blonde one laid on the couch laughing. 

"Guys, Zayn's here...and he brought his future wife" the boy winked, teasingly. Zayn playfully punched his shoulder. Harry and Louis stopped wrestling and got off of each other, straitening themselves up. The blonde one sat up. I blushed, feeling all eyes on me. It was like i ruined their fun. It was so quiet. 

"H-hi Ms. Brooks nice to  see you" Harry said awkwardly. Well who could blame him, it's awkward seeing a teacher outside of school. 

"Just call me India" I smiled. He smiled back as well, seeming to feel more comfortable now. 

"I'm Niall" the blonde one said with a bright smile "Zayn talks about you a lot". I could see Zayn blushing from the corner of my eye. 

"I'm Liam" the one with the nice smile said. "Nice to meet you". He seemed to be a really sweet guy with his manners. 

"I'm sure you remember me" Louis said with a huge grin. 

"Yes of course I remember you. You were the one who stole all my pens so I had nothing to grade with". He kept on grinning. Louis was the class clown. Some teachers found him annoying but I thought he was funny. 

Zayn wrapped his arm around my waist. "So, what were you guys doing?". 

"We were waiting for the Pizza guy, and got a bit bored, so we started wrestling and I won" Louis smiled. I giggled, sitting down on the couch. The guys started talking to each other about stuff I couldn't really understand. The all dropped their convo's once the Pizza got here. I didn't really feel hungry, and was feeling really sleepy. I was going to ask Zayn to drop me off home, but I heard my name being called. 

"Hm?" I asked. 

Niall said "How about we play 20 questions? You know to get to know India better?". 

"That's a good idea" Zayn said. 

I bit my lip as they all agreed. "Okay, I'll start. India, what's your favorite color?" Harry asked me. 


And from then on, for 4 hours, we played 20 questions. They learned a lot about me, more than they should've. But I also learned a lot about them. Liam is really sweet and responsible, Harry is nice but silly. Niall is adorable, and Louis is obviously the fun one of their little group. It was now 3 AM, and none of us really felt that tired anymore. 

"How long have you tow been dating?" Louis asked. 

"It's been 2 months now" Zayn said, laying on the couch. "But you guys cannot tell anyone we're dating. Indie can get fired and I could get suspended". 

"We promise we won't" Niall assured. 

Louis awed. "She seems to mean a lot to you". Zayn smacked his head.

"No shit she does". 

"You two are like Louis and Eleanor". 

"Who's Eleanor?" I asked. Louis smiled at me. 

"She's my girlfriend. We've been dating ever since the 9th grade. Eleanor Calder. She's in our 2nd period class". 

"That's really sweet. She beautiful". Louis smiled even wider. 

"I think I like her now" he said, earning some laughs from everyone. 


Sorry if you didn't like it. I was meaning to write this one a long time ago. More updates coming soon today! Btw i want to shout out Kaylaluvs1Direction and uhidkk for being the first few comments I get on my stories! I love ya both. Comment! Rate! STAY BEAUTIFUL LIKE THE DIMONS IN THE SKY- Vicky

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