Chapter 13- Miami

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It was almost Christmas. I was excited. I was going back to Miami tomorrow. Today, I spent all day packing.

Zayn was over too, helping me pack.

"How long are you going to be gone?" He asked upset.

"Just until the 1st of January".

"Today's the like 11 days?". I nodded.

"That's so long".

"No it's not just 11 days".

"Well it's way too long for me. I'm gonna miss you". I didn't say anything. He sat on my bed pouting. I got on his lap and hugged him.

"I know, I will too. But I'll be back in no time".

He hugged back "But I thought we could spend Holiday Break together".

I put on a thinking face. "How about you come with me?".

"To Miami?".

"Yeah! It'll be fun! And no one from Bradford will be there, so we can do whatever we want in public! This is perfect! And you can meet my sisters!".

He cleared his throat "But it's YOUR Christmas".

"No? It's OUR Christmas. Your part of my family now". He smiled

"But what do you do in Christmas? I've never had one".

I bit my lip. Zayn never had a Christmas since his religion doesn't celebrate it.

"That doesn't matter. We can do what we normally do on Christmas, but with you. It will be fun, you'll like it".

He sighed "Are you sure I can come?".

"I want you to come! Please?".

He thought for a while, then faced me "okay".


We were finally here. Home. It was really warm, around the 70s. I love it. I could see the pretty blue oceans on the beaches, surf board shops, and the tall buildings. Just perfect. My definition of home.

Zayn seemed to enjoy it too. He kept smiling through the trip to get here. I was glad he's here with me.

"What do you think?" I asked. We were in front of the house I lived in.

"It's beautiful. You think your sisters will like me?".

I put my hand on his shoulder "of course they will. Why wouldn't they? Your a charm''.

Once we walked in the living room, I was trampled by two girls strangling me in a hug. Skylar and Violet. I laughed hugging them back. I missed them.

"You guys have grown so much!" I yelled. They have, violet looks taller.

"Yeah, you have too! Awe were glad your back!'' Violet exclaimed. I smiled and kissed her cheek.

They both stopped laughing and looked at Zayn.

"Who's this?" Skylar asked.

I stood next to Zayn and he dropped his hand down my waist.

"This is Zayn. My boyfriend". I was proud to say that.

"Nice to meet you" Violet said, lending a hand out. Zayn shook it.

'' Did you bring me a guy?'' Skylar asked.

"No dummy".

She sighed "but british guys are cuter than American ones. I can see why you and Zayn are together". I caught Zayn blushing.

"How did you two meet?" Violet asked. I turned to Zayn. He shrugged.

He cleared his throat "I uh, I'm her student". I but my lip hard, waiting for their reaction. I was afraid they'll hair me. To my surprise the awed.

"That's so cute!" Skylar commented "just adorable!". I mouthed a thanks to her.

"We'll you can't stand here, lets get your stuff to your rooms". They both helped us into our rooms.

"I'm gonna sleep on the sofa and Zayn can sleep in my room" skylarks stated.

"No that's alright love, I can sleep on the sofa".

"Your our guest, I insist". He shook his head "it's okay".

"How about you two share a room?" Violet suggested "you two can sleep in India's room". I blushed a little, I never shared a bed with him.

"I'm sure they'll like it" Sky said and pushed us into our rooms.

I looked around at my old room and smiled. It brought back a lot of memories.

"It's a cute room" Zayn said, walking to my bed.

"I call this side".

"No that's my side".

"Ah ah ah, I'm the guest remember?" I groaned "fine. Anything for you".

-Next Day-

I felt comfy in my bed. I'm not sure if its because it was my old bed or because Zayn was next to me. His arms were around my waist, my face buried in his chest. I fell asleep from his steady heartbeat.

"Wake up" I told Zayn. He yawned, stretching.

"Five more minutes". I sighed and kissed his cheek.

He instantly got up, making me laugh.

"You missed my lips".

"I know". I got up heading to the bathroom.

"Are you gonna try again?".


I smirked, leaving him in the bed with a childish pout, arms crossed.

Did it suck? Tell me! Stay beautiful. Superwoman out.

My History Teacher (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now