Chapter 22- Back To School

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So Holiday Break was over, and it was back to school. Midterms were coming up soon, and I had to prep all of my students. I got up, seeing I was almost late. I slipped on my clothing, smiling a little. It was Zayn's leather jacket I was wearing. I hope no one noticed. I sighed,  driving to school. It was cloudy. I hated cloudy days. The day seemed boring and long. Great way to start a Monday. 

I was going to miss going out in public with Zayn. Since we were far from home, we could go out like a real couple. But since we're back in Bradford, and if I want to keep my job, we have to stay in the shadows. Like ninjas. 

Surprisingly, the day went by fast. Soon it was 8th period. I loved this period, because, Zayn. Plus this class I felt was funner. I got my PowerPoint ready and handed out study guides. They all groaned. 

"Relax guys. I filled it in for you guys as a favor. Now do me a favor and study it". They sighed in relief. I mean I was their age once. I hated how we had to answer 25 questions to a study guide. Might as give them a break. 

As I passed them out, I walked to Zayn's row. I gave him a wink and he winked back. I made sure no one saw that though. Class went very well, I think I got everyone's attention. I was sure Zayn was paying attention too. I hope he'll do well on this test. He hasn't been doing good so far. Mostly a 63 average student. I'll have a talk with him tonight. 

The bel rang once I finished my lesson. I smiled. "Alright guys, I'll see you all tomorrow. Remember to study". They all nodded walking out. All except Zayn. He smirked at me as I picked up all my stuff. 

"Don't you have class?" I asked, smiling. 

"No, I have a free period". 

"Of course. What do you wanna do? It's the last period of the day anyway". He got up, walking towards me, still having that smirk on his face. 


"Zayn" I warned. He laughed. 

"What's wrong with one kiss?".

"Do you remember what happened last time?" I said in a low voice "Zander almost caught us". 

"Who's Zander?" he asked. 

"Mr. Martin". He thought for a second, realization hitting him. 

"Oh. I remember him". He had a cold voice. 

"What's wrong?". 

He sighed, sitting back down. "I don't know. I just feel like he'll steal you away from me". 

I shook my head, "No he won't. I told him I like being just friends". 

"That's not gonna stop him" he rolled his eyes. 

"What do you mean?". 

"Your a prize India. He's not going to give up on you".

"He will. I'm not a prize anyway". 

He laughed sarcastically. "Really? My own best friends think your hot. Course I beat them up after they said that...Saying that about my girlfriend". 

I laughed, blushing. "Who?". 

He was about to talk again, but he slowly closed my mouth. "H-hi Mr. Cruz". I wided my eyes, not wanting to turn around. Mr. Cruz was the principal. 

"Hi Zayn. Good afternoon Ms. Brooks". I turned around slowly, eyes meeting his green ones. I smiled slightly. 

"Hi Principal Cruz..". I was literally frightened. What if he heard what we were saying?

He smiled a cheerful smile. "Well I just heard talking from the hallway, wanted to see how our new teacher was doing". 

"Oh, she's a wonderful teacher Mr. Cruz, one of my favorites" Zayn smiled. I blushed again. "She was just helping me prepare for the midterms". 

"That's wonderful! A lot of the students and Mr. Martin have been saying nice tings about you". I gulped when he said Mr. Martin. I could already feel Zayn tensing up. 

"Yeah she's an amazing teacher. You should give her a raise" Zayn grinned. I snapped my head at him, giving him a glare. 


"You know what the young lad is right. Your one of our finest teachers, maybe I should boost up your paycheck. Well I should get going, I have stuff to do. Keep doing what your doing". Mr. Cruz walked away, letting me breathe again. 

"Zayn! I cannot believe you said that!". 

"What? He agreed. At least now your getting paid extra" he winked. I rolled my eyes. 

"Shouldn't I get a thank you kiss?". 

"You can get that later". 

"Why?" he whined like a little kid. I laughed in response. 

"So.......what do you think Mr. Martin has been saying about you?". 

"Zaynie, don't worry about it". 

"Probably saying 'Oh India is so hot I love her I want to marry her' " he mocked. He folded his hands with a serious expression. I leaned down and quickly kissed his lips. I ran my fingers through his spiked up hair, letting the kiss mezmorize me. He placed his hand on my cheek, kissing back. As we pulled away, he was in shock. 

"You kissed me".

"Yeah I did" I smiled. 

"But I thought you said it was dangerous to-"

"I know what I said. I just wanted to prove to you that I love you. That I'll take any chance for you. That I won't ever forget you or leave you. Ever. That's a promise". His serious expression became a happy one. I loved when he smiled. His eyes would get smaller and you would see crinkles by his eyes. His smile was bright. 

"Thanks. I appreciate it. I love you too you know". 

"I know you do" I pecked his lips. Soon the bell rang, and it was time to go home.


I think it sucked. Sorry. It took me 5 hours to write it. Stay beautiful- Victoria

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