Chapter 36- The Back of the Test

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(India's POV)

Right now, my classroom was really quiet. They were taking a test today. I was glad I gave out a test, I was too beat down to speak for a lesson. I was beginning to feel nervous. You know, since I have Zayn 8th period. Not only then, what if I see him in the halls? I just need to forget about him, what we did, how I felt. But it won't be easy. Yet I can try. 

To my surprise, Louis and Harry were the first ones done. Well I wasn't surprised Harry was. I was surprised Louis was. 

"Your done already?" I asked him, ignoring Harry right next to him. He nodded. 

"Yeah....Listen we need to talk" he said in a hushed tone. 

"It's been 15 minutes, how'd you finish? Did you-". 

"No India, I didn't cheat. And stop changing the subject". He looked at me really seriously. 

"It's Ms. Brooks" I stated, a bit pissed he said my first name. 

"But you said we can call you that" Harry pointed out. I was going to argue, but he was right. I remember when we went to Liam's house, I told them they can call me that. Shit. I shook my head. 

"Listen, if this is about Zayn, I don't want to hear it. Now go back to your seats". They both sat down on my desk without another word. I looked around the classroom, gladly no one saw. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, still keeping my voice low. "I said to go back to your seats". 

"Zayn didn't do anything. Trust me India, he isn't that kind of guy. He really, really loves you. We can all see it" Harry whispered. 

"Harry, this isn't appropriate right now. And besides, he's my student. I shouldn't have dated my student". 

Louis spoke, "But you said you'd do anything for him?". I sighed, frustrated at these boys. 

"Forget what I said. I was wrong". 

"No you weren't. We know you still think about him like he thinks about you". 

"He thinks about me?" I asked, a tiny smile creeping on my face. They both nodded. 

"All the time. India, he'd never use you like that. He loves you so very much" Harry smiled. I dropped away my smile as more kids came up to hand in their tests. 

"I appreciate you coming here to talk, but I don't think there's a future for us anymore". They both looked at each other, hoplelessly. They soon gave up, and walked back to their desks. 

I bit my tounge, walking into 8th period. I quickly handed out the tests, putting it on everyone's desk. I hoped Zayn won't come into clas today. I mean, why wouold he? It would prevent all the weirdness. I was going to try not to show him pity today. Just in case my other students will get confused, I don't want that. 

I just need to forget about him. 

My whole class began filling in the room, starting their tests. I saw Zayn's seat was empty. I was sad yet happy. I was Happy because he's not here. But sad because, then it means he'll never come back. It'll be like old times again. He'll start doing bad stuff, and I feel like I'll be blamed again. 

My thoughts faded as I saw Zayn walk in. I quikcly put my head down, staring down my lap. He was a minute late, but I didn't do anything about it. I just need to give him space, and I hope he'll give me some too.  I didn't give any instructions out since I didn't feel like talking. It was Febuary, their seniors. They know what to do on a test. 

I pulled out my phone, and pretended to text someone. I didn't want to just sit here doing nothing. I knew he was watching me, I could feel his eyes on me. I heard foosteps approach to me,  guessing it was one of my students, Ty, asking for some help. He asks questions a lot, but I never really minded. When I looked up, I was met by those same set of brown eyes again. I thought I'd never have them so close to me. I was expecting Zayn to say something, but he didn't. He just stood in front of my desk, staring down at me. I wasn't really sure how to react. 

"Can I borrow a pencil?" he asked. I cleared my throat, nodding slowly. I went into my drower as Zayn stood patiently. I found a pencil, and gave it to him. Our hands touched, but I quickly pulled away from it. Like it was somethng hot. He smirked at me, that same smirk that always got me crazy over him. I rolled my eyes, looking down again at my phone. 

"I thought phones weren't allowed in class Ms. Brooks?" He whispered, his voice filled with a tint of playfullness. I looked up at his eyes again, getting a little mad. 

"Go back to your seat". He smiled a little innocent smile, beofre walking away. I knew what he was tring to do. He was trying to swoon me over, so I'd go back to him. Well, it's not working. 

I looked at the clock. 12:48 AM. This is one of the things I hated about being a teacher. Grading Unit Tests. They took me forever to finish. Usually I had Zanders help in grading this, but he hates my guts. I then realized something that made me feel really down. I'm all alone....

Zayn and I are threw. And since we're not dating, none of his friends would talk to me. Plus, Zander now hates me. I'm all alone. IT kind of bummed me out, realizing it. But that doesn't mean I'll go back to him. Once a cheater, always a cheater. I picked up my last test, and guess whose it was. Zayn's. A lot of things ran in my head. Fail him, just fail him! I thought. But that wasn't right. We may not have a good relationship right now, but that doesn't mean I should do this. 

I picked up my red ballpoint pen and began grading the test. I expected that he didn't study, and he'll probably get a bad grade. But once I was done grading, I stood corrected. Every answer he wrote was right. But how? He couldn't have studied, he must've cheated. I don't know. I marked A+ on the op of his paper, and put it in my folder. I stopped before I could. I saw some small writing on the back.  I looked at it closly, seeing what it said. 

I studied really hard for this. I thought my grade would show you that I didn't want to use you like that. That I can do this myself. I guess before I got carried away. I didn't know what I was doing was wrong. I know your angry and upset, but trust me, your not the only one. I'm mad at myself. I won something really special before. I won your heart. And now I realize that I lost it. It breaks me to know that. I know I should've said this before, but I'll say it now: I'm sorry. 


It's been a week since I last updated! I'm so sorry! Please comment and stuff! Stay beautiful- Vicky

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