Chapter 31- Mean Girls

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(Zayn's POV)

I grabbed the tray where my food was put, walking into the cafeteria. I spotted the table in which the gys were sitting at. I walked to their table, until someone stopped me. A blonde, she was shorter than me, with piercing blue yes and pale skin. I instantly identifed her. It was Perrie. She looked a bit different since she got this 'new make up routine; and a different haircut. It didn't really suit her as well, but everyone loved it. Why not, she's the Queen Bee. 

"Hi Zaynie!" she said in a happy tone. I smiled at her, too lazy to say hi back. "Why don't you sit with us?". 

"Um actually I-". She didn't let me have the chance to finish, and pulled me down to her table. She put my tray on the table. I looked around at the table. It was all her friends whom I seemed to realize. Jesy, Jade, and Leigh Anne. They all waved at me. I just continued smiling, peering over to my table. They guys were staring at us like hawks. 

"I missed you Zayn!" Perrie said, putting her arm on my shoulder. I didn't really. There was a reason why we broke up. 1. He parents didn't like me. 2. We never got time for each other. 3. She was dared to date me. And It's not my nature to hate women, but It just broke my heart what she did. And I don't think I'll ever forgive her for it. I don't even want to be here. 

"How've yoy been Zayn?" Jesy asked me. 

"Uh, fine" I answered. 

"That's great, so what you've been up to?" Jade asked me. I shrugged. 

"Not much really". 

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Leigh Anne asked. I felt a tight knot in my stomach. Why would they ask me that? 

"Nope" I lied, trying to act casual. I picked up my apple, and bit on it. The girls started talking about girly stuff that I didn't care about, and I felt a bit alone. Everyone forgot I was there. I wanted to get up and leave. I looked at the other table. Harry mouthed something to me, and I couldn't understand. I mouthed back 'what?'. He rolled his eyes, trying to repeat, but Perrie got in my face. 

"So Zayn, how was your report card? Any extra credit or anything?'. 

"Um in a few classes, yeah". 

"Oh that's nice. The highest grade I got in a subject was History". I nodded. 

"Same". Her eyes wided. 

"Oh wow, we got a lot in common, don't we? So, what do you think of Ms. Brooks?". I stopped eating, and looked up at her. Why would she ask me that? Out of all the teachers in the school, why does she have to bring her up?

"Um, she's a good teacher" I said. 

"I think she's annoying" Jade spoke up. "She failed me, even though I was doing really good". 

"Yeah, she's a total bitch. She looks like she never got any sleep" Leigh Anne added. 

"Probably because she's up all night doing her job as a prostitute" Perrie said, making everyone at the table laugh. All, except for me. 

"She should just go back to wherever she came from" Jesy said, getting up to throw her tray away. I made a fist, my knuckles turning white. I bit my lip, trying not to say anything I would rgret. I was so angry, I could punch any of these girls. But I can't. And that's what bothered me the most. Their talking shit about my girlfriend, and I can't even defend her. It sickened me about what they said. 

"She's not that bad" I said in a low voice. But they all heard. 

"Oh what do you know. Your her pet, am I right?" Perrie asked. Anger started rushing through me. Did she know?! Is she just trying to tease me? Will she tell?!

"I don't know" I exhaled, trying to calm down. "Listen I gotta go". I got up, ignoring all their byes. They had absolutely no right saying all these things about India. They think she's a bitch, a slut. They just don't know her as well as I do. They truly are the Mean Girls of the school. 


Hope you liked that. Stay beautiful-Vick

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