Chapter 24- Nervous

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(A/N do u ever question Liam's existence) 

I didn't bare to eat my lunch. Sure, I was starving, but I couldn't eat. I sat in the Teacher's Lounge, flipping through classwork that had to be graded. I was zipping through it fast. When I'm really nervous, I tend to do work a lot. It just takes my mind off of it, but Perrie didn't seem to leave my mind. My stomach hurt like shit, and it felt like everyone looked at me. Like they knew. I just want June to come. Can't it come any faster?

I almost gasped once I felt someone sit next to me. It was Mrs. Brenda Hunter. She was an Advanced History Teacher, really smart yet friendly. She gave me a loving smile, like a mother, that she is. "What's wrong India? You look pale, and you haven't touched your lunch". 

I shook my head. "Nothing. Just not hungry...I was just getting some stuff done". 

"You know all that's not due until the end of the week, you don't have to work on that all day. Take a break". 

"No, no, it's fine. I'm fine". I gave her an assuring smile, which convinced her I was okay. Even though I wasn't. You know that feeling when you know your in trouble? That is how I feel plus infinity. Brenda opened her chicken salad and began eating. I hopped back on what I was working on, but could still feel her eyes on me. Once I looked up at her, she chuckled at me. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Is it about Zander? Are you nervous about that?". 

I wasn't sure what she was talking about. She continued. "You know, did anyone tell you that he's planning to ask you out?". 

I tightened my grasp on my pen. "Everyone knows?". 

"Yeah! Can't you tell. He's deeply in love with you. It's obvious. He loves you". Love. He loves me. That's such a strong emotion....

"No he doesn't" I denied. 

"Yes he does! He even dressed up for you. He's going to ask you out at 3". 

"But.....I don't love him back". I remember the last time Zander asked me out and how I said no. He said that we are great as friends......I guess Zayn was right. He'll never give up. 

"What? Why? What's not to love about him? He's handsome, sweet, charming, smart, funny. What's wrong with him?". 

"Nothing, it's just that I have a boyf-". I instantly stopped talking, looking down at my lap. I hope she didn't hear that. When I looked up, hoping she was eating, instead was looking at me with a smirk on her red lips. 

"You have a boyfriend?". 

"Um, y-yeah". 

"Oh that's wonderful! What's his name?". 

I licked my lips. "Oh you don't know him-"

"Still, what's his name?". 

"His name?" I asked "His name is...." I trailed off thinking of a name. Come on, a name. 

"What's his name?" she repeated. 


"Derek, nice name. Where is he?". 

"Oh he's.....from Miami. When I used to date him there....we um keep in touch now". 

"Oh long distance relationship" she nodded. I nodded as well. She fixed her blonde bun, and got up. The 6th period bell rang. God this day is going so slow. 

"Well I'll see you later. Be sure to be easy on Zander, yeah?". I nodded again. I took a deep breathe. This is going to be a long day.

(7th Period)

I was at the edge of my seat. Thinking about Perrie, Zander. I just couldn't take it. I was on my seat, staring at my lesson plans. I was at a meeting for how to prepare the kids for the midterms. I got huge head ache's, it was like someone was pulling my hair. My stomach hurt a lot more, and I bit all my finger nails off. I was sweating like crazy even though it was done snowing outside. I almost screamed once I felt a hand on top of my shoulder. I looked up nervously, seeing Zander with a soft expression.

" okay?". I just nodded, looking back at the meeting. They were talking about who should make the tests, but I didn't pay attention.

"You look a bit.....sick. Are you sure your alright?".

"Yeah I'm fine Zander" I spoke in a harsh tone. I looked back at the other teachers who were talking and instantly guilt came into me. I shouldn't raise my voice at Zander. I was surprised no one heard. I looked back at him, and he looked like he had a hurt expression.

"Sorry.....I just got a lot on my mind".

"That's understandable. look like your about to faint. You sure you don't want to call it a day? I can fill in for your class an you can go home and rest".


"I insist". I thought about it for a minute. I felt like I was going to faint. And if I do loose my job....let it be tomorrow.

"Okay. Sounds like a plan".

He smiled and got up along with me. We excused ourselves, walking to the parking lot.

"If you want, I can drive you home". I just smiled.

"That's okay. I already have you covering for my class, that's enough. Thank you".

"No problem.....Um Indie?". My heart stopped a little.


"I kind of wanted to ask you something". I cleared my throat. Here it goes.

""...But I'll save it for another day. Bye". He smiled again and walked inside.


Sorry there wasn't much of Zen in dere. You probably find Zander annoying, lol, I do. And I created him aha. WELL COMMENT PLZ TELL ME WAT U THINK WILL HAPPEN NEXT OR GIVE MEH SUGGESTIONS OK. btw u no how i ship ziam.....i think i ship lilo too. cuz omg. Stay beautiful- Vick 

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