Chapter 30- Late Night Chat

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(India's POV)

"What are you gonna do when you graduate?" I asked Zayn. Right now we were at this little restaurant having a date. It was really late at night, around 10:30. The place was going to close at 11. 

He licked his lips. "I guess I'm gonna have to start college at a University then". 

I nodded. "Which University?". He shrugged. 

"I'm not sure....I was thinking Manchester, but I can't. I'm not even sure what I want to study". He picked up his fork and stuck it threw the pasta. 

"Why not Manchester, I thought it was a good place". 

He shook his head. "It's too far from here. How am I supposed to spend time with you? My family?". I smiled a little. 

"You don't want to leave to Manchester because of me?'. He blushed. 

"Well yeah. I mean I just met you. And I love you. Wherever you go I go". He contunued eating, but still managed to keep his eyes locked on mine. 

"You don't need to do that Zayn, if you wanna go to Manchester then go. I'm not stopping you". 

"It's fine Indie, I don't care. I don't care where I am as long as I'm with you". 

I thought for a while, finally having an idea hit my head. "What if you and I move to Manchester. Together. I can have my own place there, you can have your own place too". 

"What about your teaching job?". 

"I'm sure I can get a job there". 

"No, it's fine. There's some good Universities here anyway. I don't want you to do all that for me". He gave me a sweet smile, before chugging down his drink. I realized I barely even touched my food. I took a small piece of my pasta. 

"The thing that's gonna suck is that I would be so busy studying there. I'd hardly get to visit you guys enough since I'll be in a cramped dorm". I nodded. 

"You can stay with me" I said, without even thinking. He looked up at me with a shocked expression. Oh god India, what did you just do? "I mean, if you don't-". 

"Are you sure?" he asked, seeming to like this idea. 

"Um....W-we can manage ourselves around each other, right?". 

"Yeah....And I'd get to see you everyday after classes. And it wouldn't even be innopropriate if I do stay with you since you on't be my teacher then". 

After a while of agreeing, I said "Then it's settled. We can live together after you graduate". 

"I'm looking foward to it" he winked. I rolled my eyes playfully, eating the last bit on my plate. "By the way, Can I ask you something?". I nodded. 

"Sure anything". He wiped his mouth with a napkin. 

"I found out Louis got a perfect grade. Isn't that funny?". I swollawed the tight grasp in my throat. 

"Why would it be funny?". 

"Because, he's a D student. How can he get a B? He didn't even study, he hardly ever does....". I chewed my lip hard. "Also, I don't know how I got an A. I froze up during the test and guessed on ALL of the answers. How can that be, Ms. Brooks?". I knew he was mocking me because of the tone in his voice. 

I exhaled deeply. "Okay...Well when I was grading your tests.....You didn't get such a good grade. And I felt bad since we did really well studying together so...I kind of changed your answers.....And I felt kind of bad for Louis too so I changed his without thinking...". 

He sighed, "India...". 

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it. Besides you deseved that grade". He took my hand into his bigger ones. 

"India, you didn't have to do that. I know I'm dating you and all, but I don't want to let that fact tease you into cheating for me. Your a good teacher, and I'm a bad student. I would've been fine with an F. And so would've Louis. Just treat me like you treated me before. Like a student". 

"I can't, it's not nice". 

"It doesn't matter. Just don't do that again, okay?". He waited patiently for my answer. 



Dorry if you didn't like. It was just a filler. Things are gonna heat up pretty quickly. Stay beautiful- Vic

My History Teacher (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now