Chaptter 37- Late Night Saviour

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(Zayn's POV) 

 I laid on my bed, not being able to sleep. I looked at the clock, surprised to see it was only 2 AM. I swear, I thought it was 4. I sighed, shifting over to my right. This is going to be a long night. 

I couldn't stop thinking about India. I'm so mad at myself, I should've made things right that day. But no, I just left her like that. I wasn't surprised she believed the lies Perrie told. She just loves to control people's minds, and is really good at it. She hypnotized me, I start remembering. It made me want to go and punch her in the face. She's the one who used me, I didn't use her. All I just want now is India. I just want her to forgive me and we can be together again. It's just weird sitting in class, and know that she hates me. Personally. 

I fluffed my pillow,  groaning. I'm never going to sleep. This is just hopeless. I sat up, feeling really hot and sweaty. It was March now. A lot of time passes by. I wasn't happy it was March. Only 3 months of school left. Almost time for us to graduate and move on with our lives. I wasn't really ready for that. To leave somewhere, away from my parents and sisters. Me and Louis were going to the same University, but all the other guys were going to other places. Liam was going to Wolverhampton, Niall was going back to Ireland, and Harry was going to Canada. We'll be so apart from each other. 

I put on my slippers and slipped on my shirt. I decided to go out for a walk. Maybe it'll help me sleep. I tip toes outside, making sure I didn't make any noise. I opened the door slowly, making my way outside. The trees moved as the cool breeze hit the town. I liked it out, it was cooler than inside. It was really quiet, not many cars came out. You can hear a penny drop from a block away. 

I began walking around the town, away from my house. I passed by some stores and stuff. I wanted to go in one, so I didn't look like a freak walking around in my slippers at 2 AM, but all the stores were closed. I pulled out a cigarette from my pocket, lighting it up. I know I should stop smoking, but it just sort of relaxes me in a way. I brought it up to my mouth, inhaling the smoke.

I still had India on my mind. I wrote a note on the back of my test one time, but she didn't say anything about it. I did it 2 other times, but she still didn't say anything. In fact, she has been really hard on me lately. Usually if you get good grades, the teacher really likes you. I study day and night for her tests, to show her that I can do this myself, but still nothing. She puts her anger out on me, even for the littlest things like if I'm chewing my pencil. It's crazy, but I try not to get angry with her. After all, I love her. I just wish she'd stop ignoring me. 

My thoughts flew away once I saw a man talking to some girl. They were in front if some pharmacy. The girl looked scared for life, grasping onto her purse. The man put his hand over her, trying to kiss her. Even from here, I can smell alcohol reeking from his mouth. I was truly disgusted. He was bothering the poor girl. His hands were all over her, and the girl started to cry for help. I knew I should help her, but I was scared if he'll punch me in the face. How'd I explain the marks to my parents, school? I sighed, that's a stupid excuse. I finally grew some balls, and walked over there completely raged. 

"Hey!" I called out. The man let go if her, looking at me. "Leave her alone!". 

"And who....Who are you?". He was completely dizzy from all the alcohol he's been drinking. 

"None if your business, now go home" I said, getting more confident to step closer to him. 

"Your not the boss of me" he said with a stupid grin on his face. He grabbed the girls arm, pulling her up to us. "She's just some lousy girl, can't I just take her to my place just a little bit? Come on your a guy, you understand". He winked at me, and I rolled my eyes. As I did, my eyes stared at the girl. I recognized the brown eyes, the hair, her face. India. Only,she looked very terrified. I was really shocked to see her here, but she didn't. She just really wanted to be out of this situation. She looked at me, mouthing a help me. I sighed, looking back at the guy. 

"Your right. You can take her" I smiled. He smiled too. 

"What?!" She asked in a shaky breathe. I ignored her. 

"Do whatever you want" I said. The man smiled again, before taking off with her. She tried pulling away from him, but the man was too strong. I watched as they walked close to the end of the block. And then, I began running after them. What, did you think I'll let that idiot take her like that? It was part of my plan. 

I gained up to the guy and kicked his back, making him fall over and become unconscious. He lied on the ground, And I couldn't tell if he was unconscious or dead. But I wouldn't mind if he was dead. 

I forgot India was here. I looked up at her, seeing her covering her eyes with her hands. She started to make a soft sob. I wasn't sure what to do with her. Do I just leave her here, I felt like since she hates my guts I should. But I can't do that, what if someone comes and tries to get her again? 

After hesitating, I grabbed her arm roughly, pulling her with me to the direction I was walking. I decided to take her home. She stopped crying, but I could tell she was just trying to hold it in. 

I got up to her apartment, going inside. We walked up the stair, and before I knew it, we were In front of her door. I was surprised I could still remember it. Room 24B. I looked at her again, seeing now that she wasn't looking down at her shoes. She looked up at me, right into my eyes, her mouth partly open. She looked like she didn't know what to say. 

"I told you not to go out late at night in this town. Why didn't you listen to me?! What were you doing out there?!". I didn't mean to yell, since it made her flinch. I didn't care though. It just made me mad that she didn't listen to me. 

"I...I was just getting some T-Tynonal". She pointed to her bag, it had it in there. 

"At 2 in the morning?!". 

"I ran out....And I had this h-head ache and-". 

"Do you know what could've happened if I wasn't there?! You could've gotten raped, or even killed!". She swallowed down the knot in her throat. 

"I'm- I...I'm so-". 

"Just go inside" I said, walking away. I didn't want to hear her apologize. I didn't really want to hear anything that night. It was hard to face her. Now that I look back to this night, I regret walking away. I could've asked if she looked at my notes. If she forgave me. If she still loves me. But no, I ruined my damn chance. 


Hi! I'm sorry for not updating just how Zerrie got engaged got me messed up lol. Stay beautiful- Vicky

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