Chapter 42- idk wat to name this either sigh

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(India's POV) 

I starred at Zander, completely dumbfounded. Is he seriously trying to get himself into this? He can't do this, it doesn't involve him. I don't want him to get in trouble. You never know what could happen. Especially when he's lying to some inspectors. 

"This is your shirt?" Mrs. Rein asked, sounding like she didn't believe him. 

"Yes, it's mine", Zander said, trying to sound convincing. I just wanted to scream out that he was lying, but I was so selfish, I decided to stay quiet just so I won't go to jail. 

"Seems a bit small for you". He shook his head. 

"No it fits". He took the shirt out of her hand and pressed it over his body. It did look a bit small. Zayn was really skinny. But he seemed to really convince them. Except Dr. Smith. 

"How long have you two been dating?" Smith questioned. I felt a tight grasp inside of my throat. It hurt a lot. I was sure Zander had that too, but he seemed to play it off cool. His hands were shoved into his pockets, and he had a bored expression on his face. But on the inside, I knew he was sweating. Just like me. 

"Ever since India had came here". As he spoke about our 'fake' relationship, I started to wonder about his apperance here. Why is he here? Didn't he hate me? I know if I ever poured my heart out to somone I love, and they didn't feel the same....I'd be crushed. I feel as if Zander is stil hurt inside. He's hurt a lot, and it's my fault for not noticing it. Why is he even lying for me? I've been a terible person to him and here he is trying to save my life and my job. 

"Are you two happy together?" Smith asked. I nodded slowly. 

"Yes. Very much". I stepped up next to him, holding his hand into mine. It was weird, it fit nicely. And it wasn't as rough as I thought it would be. Sure, Zayn's was like this too, but there was something different about Zander's. 

"I don't know why they said that about India dating her student. I know Zayn very well, he wouldn't do that. And I also know that the person who told Principal Cruz was Zayn's ex- girlfriend. Don't know why she woulkd say that even though we are dating". It took a few minutes for the three people in the room to understand what was going on. They were all examining us as we stood, which felt kind of uncomfortable. I grasped Zander's hand tighter. 

"Alright" Mr. Hollenbeck sighed, "I guess they are telling the truth. Besides, we have that shirt as an evidence. This case is closed". A bight smile appeared on my face. The heavy weight of anxiety lifted from my chest, and I could finally breathe again. 

"Fine" Smith stated, not really looking satisfied. I felt like he still thought we were lying. I hope not. The three inspectors left the room without another word. They left the shirt nicely folded on my couch. I stared atit instead of Zander's eyes. I wasn't sure what to say, what to do. Thank You? That wasn't enough. 

"I'm sorry" I said. He stared at me with a confused look. 

"Why are you sorry?". 

"Everything....". I cleared my throat, not really wanting to bring everything up. "For denying you. I know you must've felt terrible-". 

"I don't. Don't worry, I'm fine" HE smiled. But I didn't believe it. I knew Zander's smile very well, and trust me, I could see him crying in the inside. 

"No.....Zander, you don't need to pretend. I feel horrible. And I feel bad about letting you ignore me. I should've said something. I should've explained". 

"Explained what? That 'Derek' is actually Zayn, and you were lying to me because you thought I'd send you to jail if I ever found out?". I didn't respond. There's nothing to respond with. I just stayed quiet, listening to whatever critisim was going to come out of his mouth. "I was so nice to you, I put you first before anything, I covered your class and everything, and now to find out that you haven't been appreciating it because your in love with a student? That's a new low, India. Even for you. That's just pathetic". 

I couldn't stand it. I fell onto my knees, overing my face with my small hands. I couldn't take it. I let all the pain from inside come out. If Zander thinks that dating Zayn was a big mistake, then that's just it. I'm sick. I'm sicker than sick. I'm disgusting. I should've just ignored my feelings, but I couldn't help it. There was just too much to love about him. And now I'm just torn into choosing my boyfriend or my best friend. I know Zander wouldn't like me choosing him along with himself. 

I felt him sit besie me. He enveloped me into a side hug. It's been months since the last time I'd ever hggged Zander. I missed it. 

"It's okay.......Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I know you really loved Zayn. I knew it from the start. You just seemed really happy whenever you were around him. I just wanted to come and clear this  whole thing out so you'll be happy again". I lifted my head up, clearing my vision. 

"Wait....You knew they were here?". He nodded. 

"I know how much he and your job means to you India. I couldn't stand and watch you loose it all". I couldn't stand loosing you. I wanted to say that, but the lump in my throat didn't let me. 

I knew that now it was okay for me to see Zayn. But I had to be extremely careful. And.....I just don't know If I can handle risking myself again. I lvoe Zayn, I love him so much. But I need to debate on my job and my love. 

"Come on. Why don't you go to bed?". 


Suky chapter haha. stay beautiful- Vicky

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