Chapter 8- Bradford Bad Boy

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( India's POV)

For some odd reason, Zayn hasn't been coming to class. I think he's cutting. His grades are low, and anytime he does come to class, he doesn't seem to talk to me, or anyone. I was getting stressed. What happened to him? He's just getting Senioritis. Or maybe he doesn't like History class anymore.

But why not? I thought he liked my class. I tought he liked me as a teacher. I didn't want to report it to the History office or even to the principal. I didn't want to get him in trouble. If I ever see him, I'll talk to him.

As my eighth period class walked in, I waited for Zayn. I sighed, no sign of him. Class was kind of boring without him to be honest. No one to talk to in the beginning and end of class, no more of his sweet talks, no more of seeing his smirk. I just wish he was here. I think Skylar was right. I am in love with him. No matter how wrong it is, It's the truth. He stands out. But what will people think if they hear this? And Zander. He was a perfect guy. But not good for me. Only Zayn was. I know that now. 

"Ms. Brooks, there's flowers on your desk!" One of my students Jessica said. I looked at the basket of flowers and chocolates. 

"That's it from any of you?" I asked. They all shook their heads. I shrugged and walked towards it. They started talking to each other, as I looked at the basket. There were pretty red roses in it. I smiled, it was weird how there were flowers in December. 

There was a note. I picked it up and read it. 

I love you. That's my secret. No hearts. No pretty drawings. No poems or songs. I love you. -Z 

I stared at the paper. 'I love you'. Those words sung in my head. I smiled a little. Someone loves me....but who? Z. Who is 'Z'? Zayn? Or Zander? Who is it?

I studied the handwriting. It looked like it could be Zanders, but it also looked like Zayn's. I sighed, I can't decide. I took a rose, and smelled its sweet smell. This is probably the sweetest thing I've ever had. 

Once school was over, I drove home. Once I got there, I changed into my PJ's, sitting near the fire place. I took a sip of my hot Coco. I started thinking aboout that basket. It would make sense if it was Zander. But if it was Zayn, then why do I feel so....happy? Oh yeah. Im in love with him. I wish I could tell him, but I don't even know where he is. And he probably doesn't even like me. He would be disgusted. 

-Next Day Bitch-

I walked into the school building. I was greeted by Zanders big smile. 

"Hello India. How'd you sleep love?". 


"Thats good. Hey, what are you thinking about?".

I snapped back "Huh?". He smirked 

"You seemed to drift to your thoughts. Is everything okay?". 

I nodded "Yeah. Just trying to figure something out". I should ask him. About those flowers. I opened my mouth, but the bell rang. Great.

"Well I should go. See you later Indie" he said, patting my head. I giggled at his nickname for me. I got my shit together, and walked to my first period class. I saw something I've been dying to see for weeks now. Zayn. 

I smiled, about to walk over to him. But I stopped my tracks. I saw him pound a girl onto one of the lockers, and kiss her. My heart cracked. I saw them smiling and gigling. I shook my head "No....". 

I knew it. I should've known. I can't fall in love with my student.

(Zayn's POV)

Well me and Perrie broke up today. She said that her parents won't let her date a 'bad boy'. Bad boy? Since when did I turn into that? Perrie said I wasn't the smae anymore. Sure I've started smoking, cut a few classes, but that isn't bad. That's what the youth are supposed to do.

The main reason why I did this was because of India. My History teacher. Just knowing she might be dating Mr. Martin. That she doesn't like me at all. That she barely even knows who I am. I couldn't handle it. How can she not know how I feel? I couldn't stand even looking at her.

She was so beautiful. So sweet. I died seeing her in the halls. I missed her giggle. But she only giggled and blushed when Mr. Martin made her do that. I missed the days that I was the reason for all that. It's just not the same.

So I stopped coming to class. I wasn't avoiding her. I just can't stand her anymore. Im sick of feeling one way, and knowing that she doesn't feel the same. It hurt. 

The lads tried not to mentio her, just for my sake. So it was good.

"Zaynie pooh" I heard Louis say. I snapped to his direction "What?".

"You aren't eating your lunch".

I sighed "Not hungry".

"Is someone on your mind?" Harry asked. I groaned "Is it that obvious?".


"I don't know what to do. I am trying to ignore her, but my feelings for her are still there".

Liam sighed "Well, you can't just hide from her for six months. you have to graduate. You need to go to class. And I think you should use your senses".

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He means you need to face reality. You can't date a teacher. It's....wrong. and she probably doesn't date her students. She wants to keep her job" Niall said. 

He was right. I need to get a reality check. I just nodded and played with my food. 

Eighth period came along. I wasn't read. But I had to. I got up, walking to my History class. As usual, I was the first one there. I wasn't in the mood for talking to Ind- I mean Ms. Brooks. I saw her, she looked pretty as ever. But she didn't look up at me, just wrote the Aim and Do Now. No wonder, Im her wrost student.

Once everyone came in, she turned around. Her eyes met mine. She looked a bit pissed at me, but carried on. 

"Alright Class. Open up your textbooks, we're starting the Civil War". 

-End of Period-

I got up from my seat as the bell rang. I faw Ms. Brooks hand me a piece of yellow paper, but didn't meet my eyes. She didn't even look at me. Once I got out, I read the paper. It was a Detention for the next three Fridays for 'cutting' class. 

She's got to be kidding me!

Stay beautiful. Superwoman out. 

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