Hunted Sequel to the hunters..

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***Sorry this took so long, also.  this is going to be written in first person point of view, switching views throughout. thanks for putting up with me and if you like my stary th\en thank you:)****


 Skys P.O.V.

"Amy! Rory! Dinner time" I called down the stairs to my two beautiful children.  Its been 15 years since Wulf and i got married and stopped hunting the paranormal.  Its also been 15 years since i lost everybody, everything thats important to me, that meas something to me. I lost the only father figure i had ever known, i never even met my parents, my brother died to save me, and my best friend, Shadow  was killed because i couldnt kill a demon in time to save him.  Now im left to spend the rest of my life dealing with that, I still have nightmares about those days when we hunted.  Luckily, now i have a beautiful family, and luckily, i was at least able to save one person, Wulf, the love of my life, the only one who can help me through this because he was there for all of it.  Not only are we husband and wife but we are best friends, we know everything about each other, we grew up together hunting the things that terrorized the world, the beings in the world.  Remember when you were little and always made your parents check for monsters? And they always reassured you that the monsters werent real? Well, they are real, most of them arent under your bed though, no, because they are outside torturing the world, killing innocent people. We finally got away from that. 

The kids finally made it downstairs, first Amy, then Rory. Amy is our strong, beautiful 13 year old girl,and Rory is our lovely 15 year old boy, who also happens to be gay, but thats okay its sweet really.  Just as i set the chicken down on the table i got this massive head ache, it felt like my head was going to split apart, I had no idea what was going on.  I started to see dots and then finally fell to the floor, it was too much, I couldnt take it.  The last thing i heard before i black out was Wulf screaming "Kids! Go to Amys room! Close the door and dont open it for anyone!" and our kids footsteps running to do what they were told. Then, everything went black.  

I woke up in wolves arms upstairs in our room surrounded by devils traps and blood.  I looked up at my husband scared, "cristo" I whispered, he didnt flinch.  "Thank god, oh thank god. Honey what happened?" I asked terrified, this hasnt happend in 15 years, why is it happening again now? He looked down at me with a terrified face, why was he so scared? I got up and walked to a mirror slowly, what i saw was terrifying. Standing in my place stood a shell of me it was me but it wasnt.  When i moved it moved but it wasnt me.  I looked into its hollow empty eyes, just two black holes.  I looked down at its hands, the fingernails were grown out about two inches longer than before and sharpened to a point at the end.  "What the hell happened?" I asked slowly hearing my voice, but it wasn't my voice, it was higher, more shrill.  

"You... You were possesed, they promised they wouldnt hurt you, but they also said they would change you, make you stronger but it was dark magic I exorsised it, but it was too late.  You're different now, and theirs nothing we can do about it.  I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry."  Wulf replied starting to cry but trying to hold back the tears threatening to take control.  

"Baby, its okay, we can figure this out together," I choked out holding back tears of my own.  

"Mom! Dad!" I heared Rory shout.  I sprinted to their room and kicked open the door, hmm where did that strength come froim? Both my kids stared at me horrified, eventually they stopped and motioned towards the closet, I walked over and motioned for the kids to get out.  I then slowly opened the closet door.  For a few seconds it was just silent, then i heard a scream and something jumped out of the closet, and i lunged for it.  I held it down as it started to scream, I motioned for Wulf to stab it with the shadow blade, little did we know, not only did it work on shadows, but it also worked on all paranormal beings, it could kill anything.  I looked in the mirror again and noticed that my teeth were also sharpened to a point, my hair had grown out and was about to the middle of my back.  I looked over at my kids and focused on Amy, I didn't mean to, I just happened to focus on her.  Then i heared in her voice, "What the hell happened to mom!" but her lips didn't move, and it was echo-y like it was in a dream. But this is real life, this is no dream.  I have demon magic inside me.  I am a creature of darkness now, maybe it takes the dark to fight the dark.  Time to start hunting them, before they start hunting us.  I want to be the hunter, not the hunted. 

Hunted  Sequel to the hunters, FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now