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     "I miss you baby, good luck" Storme said on the other end of the phone. 

"I miss you too, thanks baby, its almost sunset i have to go, ill call you right after everything goes down, I love you baby" I said stepping out of the car and on to Ke'e beach I took a slow breath barely hearing Storme tell me he loved me too before i hung up.  I started walking to the most secluded part of the beach behind some big rock formations leading the way to the Napali coastline, it really was gorgeaus.  I felt a sharp pain and i could have sworn i heard a bell ringing in the distance.  The universe is funny sometimes.  I fell to my knees in sheer agony, my god it hurt. i saw the water splash around me as i fell to my knees into it.  Then as i saw the sun dipping into the water, I saw two figures coming towards me, walking slowly.  A man, his eyes normal except his iris was red,and a woman, her eyes full black. Her hair was a light blonde and his a brownish color, he smiled at me, she scowoled."Sky right? I am your father, your true father, and thats your mother" they walk to me and joined hands above me and they starte talking in latin as the pain grew worse i felt a tearing feeling in my back and saw wings curling around, wind was whipping everywhere and my wings were growing faster.  i could see them now, they were a grayish white, eveyother feather being black, they almost looked torn but they seemed to work fine.  I stood up slowly, my wings curling around me, my hair growing and now long blonde hair whipping in the rain, my eyes a mixture of my parents, the i stepped out of the circle and unfurled my wings.  Pushing them back and forth a few times and went up into the night air, i am flying, i cant fucking believe it.  I flew out over the ocean and decided i needed to stay the night at the beach that night so i went over, bought a fresh coconut for the milk and then went to my car finished the coconut and laid down.  Falling asleep i curled my wings around me for warmth.  

"Storme! Oh my god their beautiful! my wings are gorgeous! I cant wait to show you, like holy shit i cant even" I raved to him. 

"Thats great  baby i cant wait to see them, he giggled then we hung up the phone.I took a running start and went into the air,  it was still akward trying to work the right muscles to fly but i was getting the hang of it. It was time to go home, I drove to the airport and even though i could fly i toook the next flight home. 

The second i got home i ran in and gave Storme a huge attack hug and tackled him to the floor giving him all the kisses and giggling.  He laughed and smiled "Can i show you my wings?" i said excitedly jumping up and down.   

"Sure, id love to see them" He smiled and i took off my shirt and unfurled them, they reached the span of the room, they were so gorgeous. He smiled, "Their beautiful babe" I wrapped them around us and kissed him passionately cuddled up in the warmth of my wings.  I smiled at him and kissed him again before folding them back up. "Im going to practice my flying!!!" I run out side and unfrul my wings and jumped into the air it felt so free, everything looked so great from the air, i flew up to the roof and perched on the very edge, Storme looked up at me in awe and i laughed at his expression. i flew down and picked him up and flew us back up the roof laughing and kissing him, he picked me up and spun me around on the roof then i picked him up and flew him up into a tree. I kissed him as a childrens chant came into my head "Sky and Storme sittin in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G! " I smiled and the wind picked up a bit i looked over and saw Storme laughing at me singing it to myself. "I love you so much baby" I smiled at him and gave him anohter kiss smiling before grabbing him again and flying down back to the ground, my wings still out. Storme looked at me in awe for a moment and pointed at my wings, i looked over and they looked like a light blue with little specs of yellow, well that cool they were different before, do they change color? holy shit my wings change color!  i smiled and folded them back up, I dont know how this day could get any better!

But then it did.  Storme whispered in my ear to take us back to the top of one of the prettiest mountains in the city. I picked him up and flew us over there, looks like i got the hang of this wing thing, it took my aboout five minutes to fly to the mountain, and another five to get to the top, it was beautiful. I just love heights, i can see everything.  The cool mountain air chilled me a bit and the crisp fall wind stung my almost bare back, with only a tank top on it was cold. I folded in my wings as Storme handed me his jacket, I tried to refuse but i was so cold i had to take him up on the offer, he smied and took off his leather jacket and wrapped it around me smiling. "This view is almost as beautiful as you are" I smiled and giggled. "I just wish it was snowing: he said at which point it didnt get any colder but fluffy white snow started to fall, it was beautiful, The snow started to stick to the ground and to the trees, to the logs and rocks and to the bushes, though there were a few places where the snow wasnt sticking so i went over to look at it. It was strange but i didnt understand. "How bout u fly us into the air a ways" He smiled and said to me leaning against a tree. I picked him up and took of the jacket so i could get my wings out, handing the jacket back to him and he put it on.  I flew up about 30 feet and finally saw it, it read "To my angel and my demon, my princes and my hunter, to the the most beautiful girl in the world, who i am lucky to call mine, To my Sky, will you marry me?" I smiled and kissed him more lovingly and passionately then i ever had, "read my lips" Then i kissed him again a "of course baby i love you" I smiled again, i was the happiest girl in the world at that moment, my wings a vibrant shade of purple, a happy color to me.  I brought us down to the ground and he dropped to his knee and handed me a ring, It had a gorgeaus diamond and a little circle of black and red diamonds around the normal diamond, and the band was silver, it was beautiful. I kissed him again and smiled at my now fiance. Now this day couldnt get any better.  I flew us home and then we made fettechini alfredo together and ate it. This is the best day of my life. Time to plan the wedding.

Hunted  Sequel to the hunters, FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now