Chapter 16

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"Shadowwww im getting marrieeeed!!" i said in a singsong voice on the phone with my brother. he laughed at me "thats great sis!" he said excitedly, I made a small screechy noise and Shadow laughed at me and i heard a small chuckling sound from the corner where Storme was apperently standing. 

"how long have you been here?" i laughed and gave him a quick kiss

"just long enough to hear you bein all jumpy and sqealy and fucking adorable" He smiled

"Hey shadow, imma get goin alright? i have some stuff to do anyway ill talk to ya later, love ya bro!" I said to Shadow and hung up.

"So, babe, i was thinking i could teach ya how to use my new semi-auto 12 guage, so basically mah fancy new gun, just in case, you might need it" Storme smiled and grabbed my hand and jogged down stairs pulling me along with him.  Hes so fucking cute when he's excited! Like seriously he needs to be excited more often because like i cant even! I smiled and tried not to trip as I ran after him. We got down to the training room and went into the gun section, you know, your typical gun training room with the lined up targets and walls in between targets, we put on our shooting gear type stuff that we use for training with guns.  He came up behind me and gaave me a kiss before showing me how to hold it and taking a couple shots showing me the basics of how to hold it and form and also showing me the kick of the gun.  "Okay so the gun have a pretty suprising kick so if ya can tryn hold it still but dont let it jack up your shoulder." I smiled and took the gun into my own hands and put the end in the little area between my collarbone and my shoulder and pulled the trigger, woah shit that does have quite the kick, i had to step back a couple times before i was finally balanced enough to take another shot. This time, i was ready, i took another shot and actually hit the target this time.  I smiled and took anoter shot, each time getting closer to the bullseye. I smiled and gave Storme a kiss before handing the gun back to him.  That was a damn big gun, holy shit.  

    Storme decided he was going to make fettechini alfredo for dinner and i decided i was going to help him.  He told me to stir the sauce and watch the noodles to make sure that everything went smoothly with that while he was chopping and sliciing, grating, and dicing all the things that go into it.  I love cooking with him its really fun, and i cant wait till the day we have little, super kids of our own and teach them how to be like totally rad hunters.   Maybe our kids will have color changing wings too, and can control the weather and the elements, maybe theyll have like all the strongness, or maybe theyl be the best fighters there are! Who knows! wow i need to calm down, we arent even married yet! oooo now i get to plan the wedding! summer wedding? winter wedding? I have no idea, i think summer, maybe on a beach? oh my god so many decisions! Ive always been afraid of decisions, ahhhhh. "Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabe?" i asked "Help me with the wedding planssssssssss?" i asked.  

"We dont have to plan everything right now, lets just first see who we will invite okay babe?" He responded laughing at my excitement. 

"Welllllll, Shadow, Judy, uhm, well, uhh, how bout that Jackson kid, i think he's still alive." I responded pondering Jacksons state of aliveness. "You got anyone you can invite?"

"well, just a couple friends maybe christian, and well yeah that sounds about right." He smiled as i wrote everyone down and dialed Jacksons number, I guess it would be a good idea to make sure he's still alive.  It rang a couple times then i heard a deep voice on the other line "JACKSON, IS THAT YOU? HOLY SHIT YOUR ALIVE!! WOOH!" i screamed into the other line.

"uhm... who even is this, yes i am jack, and yes i am alive," he replied really awkwardly.  

"This is Sky? I saved you years ago from, what was it, Dylan or something like that, when he took us, tortured us? I got you out! Dont you remember me?" I replied kind of hurt.

"Oh my god Sky? holy shit your alive? I thought they killed you when they killed Shadow!" 

"Speaking of Shadow he's alive too!" 

"are you serious?"

"Yes! im serious, hey wanna come over for coffee or something?" 

"Sure, hows tuesday at, four?" 

"sounds good" i gave him my adress and smiled as i hung up the phone. I saved his life andd he doesnt remember me, the lil shit. i ran upstairs and told storme about tuesday then decided to go to bed.

Hunted  Sequel to the hunters, FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now