Chapter 5

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     As soon as i stepped in to the door i felt a pair of hand around me, one on my waist and the other on my mouth i felt, a wet cloth across my mouth, oh shit no, fuck no, i tried to fight but i was started to get weeker, he drugged me! He fucking druggeed me! FUCK where the hell is shadow when i need him. my vision started to blur and i could feel my limbs starting to go numb and limp, the last thing i heard befofe the darkness took over was shadow screaming my name, a loud bang, and a thud, then i saw nothing, i heard nothing, and i felt nothing. Once i came to and looked around i was in a room, it looked like a regular bedroom with doors, a bed, a dresser, pink walls, posters, like what the actual fuck is going on here! I looked across the room and into the window and i saw Wulf, fuck! then the door opened and i immediatly sat down and loooked at the man who had entered. He was about 6 ft tall, red hair, blue eyes,and buff, but not too buff, i could take him.  I screamed and jumped at him with a flying side kick and hit him square in the chest.  He stumbled back a few steps, regained his balance and laughed,

"well, someones feisty, but better be careful around here, wouldnt want me to hurt wulf would you?" He said, his voice was deep and raspy, like youd expect a movie criminals to be.  I looked up at him and laughted, i could take him, i lunged at his throat watching as my nails grew out and my teeth got sharper and lunged at his neck, right before i reached him he pressed a button on his watch then i got him.  I grab his throat and yank it out forcefully feeling the tearing of his lungs and hearing the satisfying sound of skin being split apart before being hit by a spray of his blood, blood is so pretty, a beautiful crimson red, so perfect. I stood and watched him fall to the white tile floor watching the blood make a perfect stain on it. I took his blood and wrote a message on the wall "Do not touch my family or his fate will be yours, although i might not be as nice" Just as i finished writing that i heard a door open and then click shut, i walked out of my room and into wulfs just as i saw a man slit his throat.

"NO!" i screamed and then lunged at the man, i will break him.  I started by throwing him to the floor and tying him up with the curtains.  then i took his knife and started drawing pretty little patterns all over his stomach, watching as the first drop of blood hit the floor and smiled to myself, then i decided to get creative and i broke his wrist and ripped of his hand, oh the satisfying crunch of bones breaking is like music to my ears.  Then i did the same thing to his other hand and both his feet.  His screams of pain were so beautiful. Then i slit his throat and left him there to bleed out and die, yet another permant stain, i took his blood and wrote another message "I warned you" 

I started  running tears stinging my eyes, but then i started laughing, wow did i just do that?! that was amazing! I ran down another corridor and found a man gaurding a cell, i looked inside and amy and rory were both in there, the man had his back to me so i quietly walked up to him, picked him up and snapped his spine in half,  I even saw some of the bone peaking out of his stomach it was such a pretty pure white colore until y ou looked closer and saw all the blood, but that just made it look ever more beautiful i think.  I ran in and grabbed amy and rory and we left. Once we got outside i got in the car and decided to call Judy and drive to the damned headquearters themselves, Amy and Rory would be safer there anyway. I made the call and we got there and Judy met us outsde.  I gave amy and rory both a quick kiss good bye and left before they could see the tears in my eyes as i walked away.  Leaving them, i left my old life, i will forever be a hunter, but now it will never be the same, and nnow i vow to forget them until they are old enough and to for get my old family.  Im going to start fresh. 

Hunted  Sequel to the hunters, FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now