Chapter 4

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I sprinted down to the river and as soon as i got there i knew something was wrong.  It smelled like sulfer. "demons" i whispered to myself, trying to find that god damn knife where did i put it? i dropped my backpack and started looking frantically through it trying to find my knife, it could kill the demons.  then all of a sudden i hear a faint bubbling in the lake and see a small shoe, about the size of amys foot pop out of the water.  wait shit thatss amys shoe! I scream and dive into the water, panicing.  I felt the air leave my lungs as something grabbed my foot.  trying to hold onto the little amount of breath i have left i let whatever it is that has me pull me under. Damnit i should have known it would be a trap! Ive been a hunter since i was young and i didnt know it would be a fucking trap! I go to open my eyes to see whats going on but the overly salty waters make me quickly shut them.  it was too murky anyways.  i finally stop fighting it to conserve air and energy.  I feel my lun gs start to burn, how long have been under? it feels like hours, it must have been only minutes though.  Finally i try to open my eyes again and i start to see some light, i feel myself being pulled in the direction of the light.  finally, we surface, i start hyperventalating and choking trying to get air back into my lungs, finally i  manage to control my breathing.  Shit! my eyes spring open and i see a boy, probably about 25 by now with dark eyes and dark hair.  "Sky! oh my god thank god your alright!!" he practically yelled, ive heard that voice, why does it hurt so muc to hear.  He has a familiar aura to him, who is he? 

"damnit who are you?" i yell startled, "how do you know who i am!" 

Sky... its me.. shadow," he replies quietly, hurt.

"Sh..shadow? but you.. you died.. i saw you die, five years ago," i respond dumbfounded, "you arent shadow! you cant be! you, i mean shadow died! Who are you! its one thing to kidnap my family, but another to pretend your my dead brother! how could you?!" i screamed breaking down. He walks slowly over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder but i jerk away abruptly as if it burns.  

"sky.. sis, its me, but if you still dont believe me ill prove it to you" He went through all of the motions, all of the tests proving that he is in fact human and real, "see? its me." 

"shadow... how?" I say, still a little leery of him.  

"I honestly dont know, but does it really even matter? im here, now, and thats all that matters.  wait what did you mean kidnapped your family?!" 

"They took them shadow, they took my family... ive been trying to find them, thats how i got here" i reply frantic

"we will find them come on, lets go" he replied. 

"There is no way im swimming out there again" i say, in responve he points up.  theres a damn hole in the cealing "WHAT THE HELL?!" i yell

"ill explain later there isnt time lets just go save your family okay?" he said pulling a ladder towards the  whole and climbing out

"how long have you been alive?" i asked not sure if i wanted to know the answer

"a year" he responded quietly.

"A year? and you never thought to come and find me?" i practically yelled at him.

"I didnt want to endanger you and your family, you were finally happy, had kids, managed to get out of hunting. I didnt wanna bring anything your way, there have been demons, and things following me and i thought that, if i came to find you, theyd start following you too! and i couldnt do that too you. i thought i was keeping you safe" his voice dropped in volume "i guess i was wrong, im so sorry, i let you down." i looked at him and saw a tear running down his cheek and i walked over and brushed it off his face.

"oh shadow! its not your fault.. im the one that tried to go back, who left them at home, if anything, its my fault and im sorry to bring you into this.  I say quietly then wrap my arms around him. "shadow, im just so happy your alive" I look at my watch and let go immediately, "we have to go, now! sappy reunion needs to be cut short!" i yell adn start running towards my beautiful harley and tell him to get on the backa nd i start dricing. i drive to the only place that might have some answers for me, the place that holds so much pain and los for me. The place where Mr. hunter, and Blade, my brother died, the place where i was when my family was taken. we arrived at about 6:00 and i get off my bike and walk towards the door slowly, shit its already slightly cracked open "what the hell?" i whisper to myself.  I get my knife ready and open the door. 

Hunted  Sequel to the hunters, FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now