Chapter 18

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I woke up to darkness. The kind of darkness where you cant even see your hand in front of your face.  Pure impenitrable blackness. I'm not used to not being unable to see. It really hieghtens your other senses though. I could hear breating in the room that wasnt mine, i could feel rope on my hands, and a metal pole on my back, which was really uncomfortable on imy wings. Its cold, so cold, I unfurled my wings and wrapped them aroung me for warmth, good thing i cut up my shirt so that they could come out the back. I heard the door open and saw a sliver of light and folded my wings back up as quickly as possible, noticing they were red, maybe for anxiety and anger? i dont know.  The light is so bright compared to the darkness i was just in. It literally burned my eyes a bit.  I saw a shadow of a figure walking in and he turned on another light, "GAHH" i covered my eyes. "Look, i know im in no position to negotiate but could you at least turn the lights down a bit?!" i asked irritated. 

"No, i want you to see where you are, look around Sky, i do believe you will recognize the place" Jackson responded.  I looked around, oh my god, i know where i am. im in hell, my own personal hell. My eyes widened as i realized where i was, im in the place where i was kidnapped, the place where i saved him, where i saved Jackson. 

"I SAVED YOU HERE! YOU FUCKING, I FUCKING SAVED YOU ASSHOLE! WHY ARE YOU HURTING ME! why... why are you doing this?" i sobbed, "I know i didnt pay much attention to you, but, i loved you like a brother, i cared about you, i cared... i fucking cared... please why?" i started crying. 

"Sky, this has nothing to do with love or hate, or caring, you are killing my kind and thats not okay with me." He smiled a cold hard smile, his eyes completely emotionless. he never cared. "ive been watching you Sky, for a long time and im not okay with it, now since you saved me i might be a little bit nicer about it then i should be, but i cant make any promises about them though" He laughed darkly, the sound peircing my ears. This is why i dont trust people outside the bureau. 

"and your kind, what is it?"

"Oh, sweetie like you dont already know, you have plenty of history with us, we are the one that killed that, Mr. Hunter guy, remember him, you know the closest thing you have to a father.  We killed Shadow too. We were the ones that killed your brother, Sky, we are the ones who killed blade, all to get to you. You know if you hadnt escaped and rescued me, well they'd all be alive sweetie, did you ever notice the mark on the arm of every one we killed? well that was our mark the mark of the knight." He changed into Shadow, "Did you really think he was back? Like honestly sweetie, whats dead, stays dead" He said in shadows voice. Holy shit i cant believe i didnt realize it before, how could i be so stupid! "So do you know what i am now Sky? DO YOU KNOW WHAT I AM?" he screamed in a demonic voice, like a deep growl but you could actually understand it"

"Your, your a shifter, but, your not just like a normal shifter,theres something different about you, what are you really? I can sense a darkness about you, something darker than just a shifter, what the hell are you really?" his eyes flashed black and he smiled, he's a demon, but hes a shifter? interesting. thats new...

"now do you know what i am?" he whispered, i nodded, then he left, shutting the door with a click

Hunted  Sequel to the hunters, FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now