Chapter 29

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I screamed "Get your fucking gun out of my baby's face got it ya little shit!' i backed up againsted a wall to make sure that none of them snuck up on me, i watch movies too, I swept my hand in a flicking motion and thew the gun to the side, i twist my hand and snap the guy thats holding Stormes neck. he fell and Storme took that as an opportunity to take his knife out and stab one of the guys in the chest, he doubled over and i ran into the fight. Before i could even get that much into it though two of the guys grabbed Storme and injected him with something and he fell, i screamed and ran toward him but two of the guys were holding onto me so i couldnt go after him, i felt a needle go into my neck and i brought my head back but they had already injected me by that time and i fell. No No no no no no no!! i started hyperventalating as i fell and passed out. They took him, my Storme, my baby! i didnt know what to do, I immediately called Judy and told her then i set out and flew around the city looking for my baby, i found a couple of sketchy guys and buildings but that just ended in me kicking their ass.

One time i found an abandonded warehouse and saw some men, i looked into the cameras, shifters, of course. One of them were pretending to be Storme, i went full demon at that point, my eyes turned pure black and i re-extended my wings, my hair turned a black with red streaks and my wings were pure black except for three red feathers on each side. I pulled out my knife and decided to have fun with these ones, i started by tying up the one who looked like Storme so i could interrogate him.  Then i walked over to the other two took one of them by the throat and slammed him into the ground so hard it not only broke his head but it also broke the ground too, then i ripped his arms off and tore a couple of his fingers off and shoved them down his throat to shut him up. I smiled with hatred in my eyes as his eyes widened as he realized that his own unattatched flesh was now in his throat and i laughed darkly. Then i turned my attention to the other guy, "so, are you really gonna mess you me?" i laughed again, i seemed insane, then again maybe i am.  He took a step towards me and i took that as an excuse to rip his liver out.  I reached into his abdomen and grabbed something squishy, he screamed in pain as i did this and then yet again i shoved it down his throat and smiled. Time to talk to the guy that looks like storme, good thing i brought my silver blade just in case.  I walked over to both the guys i just killed and stabbed both of them to make sure they were dead them i walked over to the shifter and slammed my hands down on the arms on the chair "Where is he?!" I screamed in his face, my voice almost sounding demonic. I could see a hint of fear in his eyes and thats when i knew for sure it wasnt Storme, Storme wouldnt be afraid of me because he knew i wouldnt kill him, and he knew he could just call the wind to pin me and stop my from hurting him if i somehow did go insane.  I slid the silver blade down his arm and saw that the skin around it sort of lit up and he hella flinched. "Do me a favor and find a different skin so itll be easier to kill you?" I asked him. He changed into none other than, me. "Much better" I smiled and reached down to feel his heartbeat "I'm gonna have some fun with you, ill get ya to talk, to tell me where Storme is" i smiled at him, now her, er me... We'll just call it Ground since its the opposite of me, Sky and thats where its gonna be in a couple minutes, in the ground. "Alright, you tell me where i can find Storme and ill let you go, only slightly injured, if you dont, have fun suffering a slow and brutally painful death" I smiled again, my eyes so full of hatred im surprised i didnt burn him from the inside out. 

"Im not talking" He responded, so i took out a tiny hammer and broke his pinky finger, he screamed and i smiled slowly breaking every finger.  "YOU GONNA FUCKING TALK NOW BITCH" i screamed at him. He grimaced "no, im not going to give up their location." So i snapped both of his wrists and his elbows, slowly so we could both hear and see the snap and he could feel as the bones slowly grinded together and finally came apart and snapped. "Tell me now you fucking asshole" He smiled through the pain, " Im not telling you where he is but i will tell you that he's suffering" He laughed and at that i ripped his heart out and shoved it down his throat still beating a little bit and his brain was still working for a couple seconds, long enough for him to taste and feel his own heart. I threw up and cried at the thought of my baby being hurt. I flew back home, got in the bath and cried, it had been two weeks and i still hadnt found him.. I hope they dont do the same things to him as they did to me.. I had already checked the warehouse i was put into, but no one was there eitehr, i had run out of ideas and hope. And with that, i sat in the bath scrubbing all of the blood and organ juice off of me and cried until no more tears could come out. I felt dead and empty inside without him. the thought of them hurting him... it killed me. 

Hunted  Sequel to the hunters, FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now