Chapter 21. SUPRISE!!

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The next day was everyones guys last day until the tour Haylee and Michael was spending the whole day at the park , Renae and Calum stayed in the guest bedroom and had pillow fights all day while having pizzas orders getting deleverd through the window of the room. Luke and Megan spent the whole day in the bedroom like Renae and Calum but watched Disney movies all day. Ashton and Summer actual no one knows where they went but yeah . Sammy and Nate are gonna stay in your house basicly house sitting untill tours over and Hunter and Brandon went home after begging Haylee to stay but she said no cause they had school. Oh and everyone went home.

Day of the tour

~Megans POV~
I woke up and stretched oh yeah today's the tour I litterly can not wait . I got out of bed and threw on a really cute outfit I had led out. I straightens my hair and threw a black beanie to match . I walked into Haylees room to see her crossed legged in her PJs and playing a video game on her phone "haylee!"
"What!"she say bending her toes and leaning to the side obviously playing some car game. "We have to leave at 12 to get on the plane " I groan "oh yeah sorry " she got up and threw her phone on the bed and went into her closet and came back out in a hoddie and jeans and a beanie "you would wear that though" she smiled and nods Since Renae and Summer was going with you guys haylee and I ran into the guest bedroom where they were sharing a room we ran in and jumped on them and told them to get up they got up got dressed and we all grabbed our suitcases and ran down the stairs to see everything was dark I turned on the light and we all fell over each other after "SURPRISE" everyone yells You looked to see . Sammy,Nate,Brandon,Hunter,Ashton,Nash,Johnson,Gilinsky, Lia,Jenn,Andrea,Kian,JC,Ricky,Michael,Luke and Calum oh and me and haylees parents. We all screamed I ran and gave everyone I wanted to a hug. Lastley of the hugging spree I ran up to luke and jumped on him and felt him grab my butt but want really phased and gave him a big long kiss. We pulled apart . "you can't do that baby" he whispers in your ear you looked. At him confused
"What do you mean?"
"Look down" you looked down to see a big bulge in likes pants you gasped and through your hand over your mouth. He laughed "luke! Get rid of it"
"How "
"I don't know I'm not a guy "I whispers
"There's only one way to do that" he said and kissed my neck then my eyes went wide I pulled him off "no luke I have to leave in an a half and hour !" He hugged you tighter and let go of you he out his hand in his pocket to cover up and i giggled .
~Haylee POV~
I ran up to Michael and gave him a big hug I jumped and he he hugged me tighter I leaned in for a kiss and he accepted it he pulled away and I looked at him confused "do you really want me to full on make out with you in front of your parents if that happens I'll end up like luke he said pointing I looked over and saw luke had a boner I laughed he smiled and kissed my cheek and put me down and gripped my waist while walking and talking to every one. then JJ (jack johnson) Gilinsky, and Nash "hey we better get going the plane leaves in 20 minutes and the airports not to far away from your house so we'll have 10 minutes to spare. " Nash smiled Michael clenched his jaw with caused me to roll my eyes . I nodded "I'll get Megan" Michael pulled me back "I'll see you to night babe" he said and pecked my lips then my cheek then my neck you pulled apart and kissed his cheek "see you tonight" you sighed you walked up to Nash and the guys and girls you all grabbed your suitcases and walked out to see a big van you smiled at the girls you guys squeaked we all ran to the door and opens it we put our luggage up and drove off to the airport . Everyone was on the plane now and you sat by Jj and Summer. You leaned your head on Jj and fell asleep . you woke up to summer pushing you saying that we needed to get off the plane you looked out the window and saw that you were now in Nevada you smiled and hopped up you got out of the plane to see the all magcon Mahgoney ran up to you guys and hugged you to death "Finally some girls for the the tour "
"Omg where so happy to tour with all of you "
They all said hi and introduces there selves. "Hi I'm Matt" the blonde one with a little quiff .
"I'm Cameron but you can call me can" the one with brown hair quifed that I'm not gonna lie he was pretty cute but I wouldn't date him I only want Mikey. "I'm Arron" the one with black hair I think that was cut like almost every guy in the world had there hair cut at least once pike his. " hey I'm Shawn"the one with brown curly hair . "Taylor "the one with a bandana in his hair he held out his hand for me to shake and so I did be was kinda cute to but like I said Mikey only. "I'm carter " the one with black hair quiffed for like the hundredth time like is this a trend or something .
"Well I'm Haylee "I said pointing to myself then to the wrest of the girls "thats Megan , and our guests are summer and Renae "they waved and I could've of sworn I saw Carter check Summer out. "Well let's get a move on kids our gig is this evening and we want to practice don't we now guys " Bart yelled we all nodded and headed to the van . (btw don't yell at me Nevada is not far from Cali so it didn't take long)


Hoped you guys liked this chapter finally getting a move on ,on this book bye lovelies ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ oh yeah I pit that video up there cause I thought it was cool so props to whoever made it.

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